# Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ class NotificationFactory::Mailer =begin get notification settings for user and notification type result = NotificationFactory::Mailer.notification_settings(user, ticket, type) type: create | update | reminder_reached | escalation (escalation_warning) returns { user: user, channels: { online: true, email: true, }, } =end def self.notification_settings(user, ticket, type) # map types if needed map = { 'escalation_warning' => 'escalation' } type = type.split('.').first # pick parent type of a subtype. Eg. update vs update.merged_into if map[type] type = map[type] end # this cache will optimize the preference catch performance # because of the yaml deserialization its pretty slow # on many tickets you we cache it. user_preferences = Rails.cache.read("NotificationFactory::Mailer.notification_settings::#{user.id}") if user_preferences.blank? user_preferences = user.preferences Rails.cache.write("NotificationFactory::Mailer.notification_settings::#{user.id}", user_preferences, expires_in: 20.seconds) end return if !user_preferences return if !user_preferences['notification_config'] matrix = user_preferences['notification_config']['matrix'] return if !matrix owned_by_nobody = false owned_by_me = false subscribed = false case ticket.owner_id when 1 owned_by_nobody = true when user.id owned_by_me = true else # check the replacement chain of max 10 # if the current user is in it check_for = ticket.owner 10.times do replacement = check_for.out_of_office_agent break if !replacement check_for = replacement next if replacement.id != user.id owned_by_me = true break end end # always trigger notifications for user if he is subscribed if owned_by_me == false && ticket.mentions.exists?(user: user) subscribed = true end # check if group is in selected groups if !owned_by_me && !subscribed selected_group_ids = user_preferences['notification_config']['group_ids'] if selected_group_ids.is_a?(Array) hit = nil if selected_group_ids.blank? || (selected_group_ids[0] == '-' && selected_group_ids.count == 1) hit = true else hit = false selected_group_ids.each do |selected_group_id| if selected_group_id.to_s == ticket.group_id.to_s hit = true break end end end return if !hit # no group access end end return if !matrix[type] data = matrix[type] return if !data return if !data['criteria'] channels = data['channel'] return if !channels if data['criteria']['owned_by_me'] && owned_by_me return { user: user, channels: channels } end if data['criteria']['owned_by_nobody'] && owned_by_nobody return { user: user, channels: channels } end if data['criteria']['subscribed'] && subscribed return { user: user, channels: channels } end return if !data['criteria']['no'] { user: user, channels: channels } end =begin success = NotificationFactory::Mailer.send( recipient: User.find(123), subject: 'some subject', body: 'some body', content_type: '', # optional, e. g. 'text/html' message_id: '', # optional references: ['message-id123', 'message-id456'], # optional attachments: [attachments...], # optional ) =end def self.send(data) raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, "Unable to send mail to user with id #{data[:recipient][:id]} because there is no email available." if data[:recipient][:email].blank? sender = Setting.get('notification_sender') Rails.logger.debug { "Send notification to: #{data[:recipient][:email]} (from:#{sender}/subject:#{data[:subject]})" } content_type = 'text/plain' if data[:content_type] content_type = data[:content_type] end # get active Email::Outbound Channel and send channel = Channel.find_by(area: 'Email::Notification', active: true) if channel.blank? Rails.logger.info "Can't find an active 'Email::Notification' channel. Canceling notification sending." return false end channel.deliver( { # in_reply_to: in_reply_to, from: sender, to: data[:recipient][:email], subject: data[:subject], message_id: data[:message_id], references: data[:references], body: data[:body], content_type: content_type, attachments: data[:attachments], }, true ) end =begin NotificationFactory::Mailer.notification( template: 'password_reset', user: User.find(2), objects: { recipient: User.find(2), }, main_object: ticket.find(123), # optional message_id: '', # optional references: ['message-id123', 'message-id456'], # optional standalone: true, # default: false - will send header & footer attachments: [attachments...], # optional ) =end def self.notification(data) # get subject result = NotificationFactory::Mailer.template( template: data[:template], locale: data[:user][:preferences][:locale], objects: data[:objects], standalone: data[:standalone], ) # rebuild subject if data[:main_object].respond_to?(:subject_build) result[:subject] = data[:main_object].subject_build(result[:subject]) end # prepare scaling of images if result[:body] result[:body] = HtmlSanitizer.dynamic_image_size(result[:body]) end NotificationFactory::Mailer.send( recipient: data[:user], subject: result[:subject], body: result[:body], content_type: 'text/html', message_id: data[:message_id], references: data[:references], attachments: data[:attachments], ) end =begin get count of already sent notifications count = NotificationFactory::Mailer.already_sent?(ticket, recipient_user, type) retunes 8 =end def self.already_sent?(ticket, recipient, type) result = ticket.history_get count = 0 result.each do |item| next if item['type'] != 'notification' next if item['object'] != 'Ticket' next if !item['value_to'].match?(%r{#{recipient.email}}i) next if !item['value_to'].match?(%r{#{type}}i) count += 1 end count end =begin result = NotificationFactory::Mailer.template( template: 'password_reset', locale: 'en-us', timezone: 'America/Santiago', objects: { recipient: User.find(2), }, ) result = NotificationFactory::Mailer.template( templateInline: "Invitation to \#{config.product_name} at \#{config.fqdn}", locale: 'en-us', timezone: 'America/Santiago', objects: { recipient: User.find(2), }, quote: true, # html quoting ) only raw subject/body result = NotificationFactory::Mailer.template( template: 'password_reset', locale: 'en-us', timezone: 'America/Santiago', objects: { recipient: User.find(2), }, raw: true, # will not add application template standalone: true, # default: false - will send header & footer ) returns { subject: 'some subject', body: 'some body', } =end def self.template(data) if data[:templateInline] return NotificationFactory::Renderer.new( objects: data[:objects], locale: data[:locale], timezone: data[:timezone], template: data[:templateInline], escape: data[:quote] ).render end template = NotificationFactory.template_read( locale: data[:locale] || Locale.default, template: data[:template], format: data[:format] || 'html', type: 'mailer', ) message_subject = NotificationFactory::Renderer.new( objects: data[:objects], locale: data[:locale], timezone: data[:timezone], template: template[:subject], escape: false, trusted: true, ).render # strip off the extra newline at the end of the subject to avoid =0A suffixes (see #2726) message_subject.chomp! message_body = NotificationFactory::Renderer.new( objects: data[:objects], locale: data[:locale], timezone: data[:timezone], template: template[:body], trusted: true, ).render if !data[:raw] application_template = NotificationFactory.application_template_read( format: 'html', type: 'mailer', ) data[:objects][:message] = message_body data[:objects][:standalone] = data[:standalone] message_body = NotificationFactory::Renderer.new( objects: data[:objects], locale: data[:locale], timezone: data[:timezone], template: application_template, trusted: true, ).render end { subject: message_subject, body: message_body, } end end