require 'integration_test_helper' class PackageTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test 'packages' do tests = [ # test 1 - normal install { zpm: '{ "name": "UnitTestSample", "version": "1.0.1", "vendor": "Znuny GmbH", "license": "ABC", "url": "", "description": [ { "language": "en", "text": "some description" } ], "files": [ { "permission": "644", "location": "test.txt", "content": "YWJjw6TDtsO8w58=" }, { "permission": "644", "location": "some/dir/test.txt", "content": "YWJjw6TDtsO8w58=" }, { "permission": "644", "location": "db/addon/unit_test_sample/20121212000001_create_base.rb", "content": "Y2xhc3MgQ3JlYXRlQmFzZSA8IEFjdGl2ZVJlY29yZDo6TWlncmF0aW9uWzQuMl0NCiAgZGVmIHNlbGYudXANCiAgIGNyZWF0ZV90YWJsZSA6c2FtcGxlX3RhYmxlcyBkbyB8dHwNCiAgICAgIHQuY29sdW1uIDpuYW1lLCAgICAgICAgICAgOnN0cmluZywgOmxpbWl0ID0+IDE1MCwgIDpudWxsID0+IHRydWUNCiAgICAgIHQuY29sdW1uIDpkYXRhLCAgICAgICAgICAgOnN0cmluZywgOmxpbWl0ID0+IDUwMDAsIDpudWxsID0+IHRydWUNCiAgICBlbmQNCiAgZW5kDQoNCiAgZGVmIHNlbGYuZG93bg0KICAgIGRyb3BfdGFibGUgOnNhbXBsZV90YWJsZXMNCiAgZW5kDQplbmQ=" } ] }', action: 'install', result: true, verify: { package: { name: 'UnitTestSample', version: '1.0.1', }, check_files: [ { location: 'test.txt', result: true, }, { location: 'test2.txt', result: false, }, { location: 'some/dir/test.txt', result: true, }, ], }, }, # test 2 - renstall { action: 'reinstall', name: 'UnitTestSample', result: true, verify: { package: { name: 'UnitTestSample', version: '1.0.1', }, check_files: [ { location: 'test.txt', result: true, }, { location: 'test2.txt', result: false, }, { location: 'some/dir/test.txt', result: true, }, ], }, }, # test 3 - try to install same package again / should not work { zpm: '{ "name": "UnitTestSample", "version": "1.0.1", "vendor": "Znuny GmbH", "license": "ABC", "url": "", "description": [ { "language": "en", "text": "some description" } ], "files": [ { "permission": "644", "location": "test.txt", "content": "YWJjw6TDtsO8w58=" } ] }', action: 'install', result: false, }, # test 4 - try to install lower version / should not work { zpm: '{ "name": "UnitTestSample", "version": "1.0.0", "vendor": "Znuny GmbH", "license": "ABC", "url": "", "description": [ { "language": "en", "text": "some description" } ], "files": [ { "permission": "644", "location": "test.txt", "content": "YWJjw6TDtsO8w58=" } ] }', action: 'install', result: false, }, # test 5 - upgrade 7 should work { zpm: '{ "name": "UnitTestSample", "version": "1.0.2", "vendor": "Znuny GmbH", "license": "ABC", "url": "", "description": [ { "language": "en", "text": "some description" } ], "files": [ { "permission": "644", "location": "test.txt2", "content": "YWJjw6TDtsO8w58=" }, { "permission": "644", "location": "some/dir/test.txt2", "content": "YWJjw6TDtsO8w58=" }, { "permission": "644", "location": "db/addon/unit_test_sample/20121212000001_create_base.rb", "content": "Y2xhc3MgQ3JlYXRlQmFzZSA8IEFjdGl2ZVJlY29yZDo6TWlncmF0aW9uWzQuMl0NCiAgZGVmIHNlbGYudXANCiAgIGNyZWF0ZV90YWJsZSA6c2FtcGxlX3RhYmxlcyBkbyB8dHwNCiAgICAgIHQuY29sdW1uIDpuYW1lLCAgICAgICAgICAgOnN0cmluZywgOmxpbWl0ID0+IDE1MCwgIDpudWxsID0+IHRydWUNCiAgICAgIHQuY29sdW1uIDpkYXRhLCAgICAgICAgICAgOnN0cmluZywgOmxpbWl0ID0+IDUwMDAsIDpudWxsID0+IHRydWUNCiAgICBlbmQNCiAgZW5kDQoNCiAgZGVmIHNlbGYuZG93bg0KICAgIGRyb3BfdGFibGUgOnNhbXBsZV90YWJsZXMNCiAgZW5kDQplbmQ=" } ] }', action: 'install', result: true, verify: { package: { name: 'UnitTestSample', version: '1.0.2', }, check_files: [ { location: 'test.txt2', result: true, }, { location: 'test.txt', result: false, }, { location: 'test2.txt', result: false, }, { location: 'some/dir/test.txt2', result: true, }, ], }, }, # test 6 - uninstall package / should work { name: 'UnitTestSample', version: '1.0.2', action: 'uninstall', result: true, verify: { check_files: [ { location: 'test.txt', result: false, }, { location: 'test2.txt', result: false, }, ], }, }, # test 7 - check auto_install mechanism { zpm: '{ "name": "UnitTestSample", "version": "1.0.2", "vendor": "Znuny GmbH", "license": "ABC", "url": "", "description": [ { "language": "en", "text": "some description" } ], "files": [ { "permission": "644", "location": "test.txt2", "content": "YWJjw6TDtsO8w58=" }, { "permission": "644", "location": "some/dir/test.txt2", "content": "YWJjw6TDtsO8w58=" }, { "permission": "644", "location": "db/addon/unit_test_sample/20121212000001_create_base.rb", "content": "Y2xhc3MgQ3JlYXRlQmFzZSA8IEFjdGl2ZVJlY29yZDo6TWlncmF0aW9uWzQuMl0NCiAgZGVmIHNlbGYudXANCiAgIGNyZWF0ZV90YWJsZSA6c2FtcGxlX3RhYmxlcyBkbyB8dHwNCiAgICAgIHQuY29sdW1uIDpuYW1lLCAgICAgICAgICAgOnN0cmluZywgOmxpbWl0ID0+IDE1MCwgIDpudWxsID0+IHRydWUNCiAgICAgIHQuY29sdW1uIDpkYXRhLCAgICAgICAgICAgOnN0cmluZywgOmxpbWl0ID0+IDUwMDAsIDpudWxsID0+IHRydWUNCiAgICBlbmQNCiAgZW5kDQoNCiAgZGVmIHNlbGYuZG93bg0KICAgIGRyb3BfdGFibGUgOnNhbXBsZV90YWJsZXMNCiAgZW5kDQplbmQ=" } ] }', action: 'auto_install', result: true, verify: { package: { name: 'UnitTestSample', version: '1.0.2', }, check_files: [ { location: 'test.txt2', result: true, }, { location: 'test.txt', result: false, }, { location: 'test2.txt', result: false, }, { location: 'some/dir/test.txt2', result: true, }, ], }, }, # test 8 - check uninstall / should work { name: 'UnitTestSample', version: '1.0.2', action: 'uninstall', result: true, verify: { check_files: [ { location: 'test.txt', result: false, }, { location: 'test2.txt', result: false, }, ], }, }, ] tests.each do |test| case test[:action] when 'install' begin package = Package.install(string: test[:zpm]) rescue => e puts "ERROR: #{e.inspect}" end if test[:result] assert(package, 'install package not successful') issues = package.verify assert_not(issues, 'package verify not successful') else assert_not(package, 'install package successful but should not') end when 'reinstall' begin package = Package.reinstall(test[:name]) rescue package = false end if test[:result] assert(package, 'reinstall package not successful') issues = package.verify assert_not(issues, 'package verify not successful') else assert_not(package, 'reinstall package successful but should not') end when 'uninstall' if test[:zpm] begin package = Package.uninstall(string: test[:zpm]) rescue package = false end else begin package = Package.uninstall(name: test[:name], version: test[:version]) rescue package = false end end if test[:result] assert(package, 'uninstall package not successful') else assert_not(package, 'uninstall package successful but should not') end when 'auto_install' if test[:zpm] if !File.exist?(Rails.root.join('auto_install')) Dir.mkdir(Rails.root.join('auto_install'), 0o755) end location = Rails.root.join('auto_install/unittest.zpm') file =, 'wb') file.write(test[:zpm]) file.close end begin Package.auto_install() rescue false end if test[:zpm] File.delete(location ) end end if test[:verify] && test[:verify][:package] exists = Package.where(name: test[:verify][:package][:name], version: test[:verify][:package][:version]).first assert(exists, "package '#{test[:verify][:package][:name]}' is not installed" ) end next if !test[:verify] next if !test[:verify][:check_files] test[:verify][:check_files].each do |item| exists = File.exist?(item[:location]) if item[:result] assert(exists, "'#{item[:location]}' exists" ) else assert_not(exists, "'#{item[:location]}' doesn't exists" ) end end end end end