require 'browser_test_helper' class IntegrationIdoitTest < TestCase def test_idoit_objects_corrects_saves_on_ticket_creation # Read i-doit credentials from ENV if !ENV['IDOIT_API_TOKEN'] raise "ERROR: Need IDOIT_API_TOKEN - hint IDOIT_API_TOKEN='1234'" end api_token = ENV['IDOIT_API_TOKEN'] if !ENV['IDOIT_API_ENDPOINT'] raise "ERROR: Need IDOIT_API_ENDPOINT - hint IDOIT_API_ENDPOINT='1234'" end api_endpoint = ENV['IDOIT_API_ENDPOINT'] if !ENV['IDOIT_API_CATEGORY'] raise "ERROR: Need IDOIT_API_CATEGORY - hint IDOIT_API_CATEGORY='Building'" end api_category = ENV['IDOIT_API_CATEGORY'] @browser = browser_instance login( username: '', password: 'test', url: browser_url, auto_wizard: true, ) # turn on i-doit integration click(css: 'a[href="#manage"]') click(css: 'a[href="#system/integration"]') click(css: 'a[href="#system/integration/idoit"]') switch( css: ' .js-switch', type: 'on' ) # fill in i-doit login details set( css: ' .main input[name="api_token"]', value: api_token, ) set( css: ' .main input[name="endpoint"]', value: api_endpoint, ) click(css: ' .main .js-submit') watch_for( css: '#notify', value: 'update successful', ) # new create a new ticket with an i-doit object ticket_create( data: { customer: 'nico', group: 'Users', title: 'subject - i-doit integration #1', body: 'body - i-doit integration', }, do_not_submit: true, ) # open the i-doit selection modal click(css: ' .tabsSidebar svg.icon-printer') click(css: ' .sidebar[data-tab="idoit"] .js-headline') click(css: ' .sidebar[data-tab="idoit"] .dropdown-menu') # wait for the API call to populate the dropdown menu watch_for(css: ' .modal form input.js-input') # open the dropdown menu and choose the Building option click(css: ' .modal form input.js-input') click(css: " .modal form li.js-option[title='#{api_category}']") # wait for the building results to populate from the API watch_for(css: ' .modal form.js-result table.table') # click the check box from the first row and note its entry ID checkbox = @browser.find_elements(css: ' .modal form.js-result tbody :first-child input')[0] entry_id = checkbox.attribute('value') # submit the i-doit object selections click(css: ' .modal form button.js-submit') # confirm that the entry have been successfully recorded watch_for( css: " .sidebar[data-tab='idoit'] a[href='#{api_endpoint}/?objID=#{entry_id}']", ) # reselect the customer and verify if object is still shown in sidebar ticket_customer_select( css: ' .newTicket', customer: 'master', ) watch_for( css: " .sidebar[data-tab='idoit'] a[href='#{api_endpoint}/?objID=#{entry_id}']", ) # now submit the ticket click(css: ' .newTicket button.js-submit') watch_for( css: ' .ticketZoom-header .ticket-number', ) watch_for( css: " .sidebar[data-tab='idoit'] a[href='#{api_endpoint}/?objID=#{entry_id}']", ) tasks_close_all() # new create a new ticket with an i-doit object ticket_create( data: { customer: 'nico', group: 'Users', title: 'subject - i-doit integration #2', body: 'body - i-doit integration', }, do_not_submit: true, ) # open the i-doit selection modal click(css: ' .tabsSidebar svg.icon-printer') click(css: ' .sidebar[data-tab="idoit"] .js-headline') click(css: ' .sidebar[data-tab="idoit"] .dropdown-menu') # wait for the API call to populate the dropdown menu watch_for(css: ' .modal form input.js-input') # open the dropdown menu and choose the Building option click(css: ' .modal form input.js-input') click(css: " .modal form li.js-option[title='#{api_category}']") # wait for the building results to populate from the API watch_for(css: ' .modal form.js-result table.table') # click the check box from the first row and note its entry ID checkbox = @browser.find_elements(css: ' .modal form.js-result tbody :first-child input')[0] entry_id = checkbox.attribute('value') # submit the i-doit object selections click(css: ' .modal form button.js-submit') # confirm that the entry have been successfully recorded watch_for( css: " .sidebar[data-tab='idoit'] a[href='#{api_endpoint}/?objID=#{entry_id}']", ) # now submit the ticket click(css: ' .newTicket button.js-submit') watch_for( css: ' .ticketZoom-header .ticket-number', ) # open the i-doit sidebar again and verify that the entry is still there click(css: ' .tabsSidebar .tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab="idoit"]') watch_for( css: " .sidebar[data-tab='idoit'] a[href='#{api_endpoint}/?objID=#{entry_id}']", ) # remove i-doit object click(css: " .sidebar[data-tab='idoit'] .js-delete[data-object-id=\"#{entry_id}\"]") watch_for_disappear( css: " .sidebar[data-tab='idoit'] a[href='#{api_endpoint}/?objID=#{entry_id}']", ) # reload browser and check if it's still removed sleep 3 reload() watch_for( css: ' .ticketZoom-header .ticket-number', ) click(css: ' .tabsSidebar .tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab="idoit"]') watch_for( css: " .sidebar[data-tab='idoit'] .sidebar-content", ) match( css: " .sidebar[data-tab='idoit'] .sidebar-content", value: 'none', ) exists_not( css: " .sidebar[data-tab='idoit'] a[href='#{api_endpoint}/?objID=#{entry_id}']", ) # add item again click(css: ' .sidebar[data-tab="idoit"] .js-actions .dropdown-toggle') click(css: ' .sidebar[data-tab="idoit"] .js-actions [data-type="objects-change"]') modal_ready() # wait for the API call to populate the dropdown menu watch_for(css: ' .modal form input.js-input') # open the dropdown menu and choose the Building option click(css: ' .modal form input.js-input') click(css: " .modal form li.js-option[title='#{api_category}']") # wait for the building results to populate from the API watch_for(css: ' .modal form.js-result table.table') # click the check box from the first row and note its entry ID checkbox = @browser.find_elements(css: ' .modal form.js-result tbody :first-child input')[0] entry_id = checkbox.attribute('value') # submit the i-doit object selections click(css: ' .modal form button.js-submit') # confirm that the entry have been successfully recorded watch_for( css: " .sidebar[data-tab='idoit'] a[href='#{api_endpoint}/?objID=#{entry_id}']", ) # reload browser and check if it's still removed sleep 3 reload() watch_for( css: ' .ticketZoom-header .ticket-number', ) # open the i-doit sidebar again and verify that the entry is still there click(css: ' .tabsSidebar .tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab="idoit"]') watch_for( css: " .sidebar[data-tab='idoit'] a[href='#{api_endpoint}/?objID=#{entry_id}']", ) # finally turn off i-doit integration click(css: 'a[href="#manage"]') click(css: 'a[href="#system/integration"]') click(css: 'a[href="#system/integration/idoit"]') switch( css: ' .js-switch', type: 'off' ) end end