require 'browser_test_helper' class SignupPasswordChangeAndResetTest < TestCase def test_signup signup_user_email = "signup-test-#{rand(999_999)}" @browser = browser_instance location(url: browser_url) click(css: 'a[href="#signup"]') exists(css: '.signup') # signup set( css: 'input[name="firstname"]', value: 'Signup Firstname', ) set( css: 'input[name="lastname"]', value: 'Signup Lastname', ) set( css: 'input[name="email"]', value: signup_user_email, ) set( css: 'input[name="password"]', value: 'SOme-pass1', ) set( css: 'input[name="password_confirm"]', value: 'SOme-pass1', ) click(css: 'button.js-submit') watch_for( css: '.signup', value: 'Registration successful!', ) # auto login via token trick in dev mode click(css: '.signup .js-submitResend') watch_for( css: '#login', ) login( username: signup_user_email, password: 'SOme-pass1', ) watch_for( css: '', value: 'Welcome!', ) # change password click(css: '.navbar-items-personal .user a') sleep 1 click(css: 'a[href="#profile"]') click(css: 'a[href="#profile/password"]') set( css: 'input[name="password_old"]', value: 'nonexisiting', ) set( css: 'input[name="password_new"]', value: 'some', ) set( css: 'input[name="password_new_confirm"]', value: 'some', ) click(css: '.content .btn--primary') watch_for( css: 'body', value: 'current password is wrong', ) set( css: 'input[name="password_old"]', value: 'SOme-pass1', ) set( css: 'input[name="password_new_confirm"]', value: 'some2', ) click(css: '.content .btn--primary') watch_for( css: 'body', value: 'passwords do not match', ) set( css: 'input[name="password_new"]', value: 'SOme-1', ) set( css: 'input[name="password_new_confirm"]', value: 'SOme-1', ) click(css: '.content .btn--primary') watch_for( css: 'body', value: 'it must be at least', ) set( css: 'input[name="password_new"]', value: 'SOme-pass-new', ) set( css: 'input[name="password_new_confirm"]', value: 'SOme-pass-new', ) click(css: '.content .btn--primary') watch_for( css: 'body', value: 'must contain at least 1 digit', ) set( css: 'input[name="password_new"]', value: 'SOme-pass-new2', ) set( css: 'input[name="password_new_confirm"]', value: 'SOme-pass-new2', ) click(css: '.content .btn--primary') watch_for( css: 'body', value: 'Password changed successfully', ) logout() # check login with new pw login( username: signup_user_email, password: 'SOme-pass-new2', ) logout() # reset password (not possible) location(url: "#{browser_url}/#password_reset_verify/not_existing_token") watch_for( css: 'body', value: 'Token is invalid', ) # reset password (with valid session - should not be possible) login( username: signup_user_email, password: 'SOme-pass-new2', url: browser_url, ) location(url: "#{browser_url}/#password_reset") sleep 1 match_not( css: 'body', value: 'password', ) logout() # reset password (correct way) click(css: 'a[href="#password_reset"]') set( css: 'input[name="username"]', value: 'nonexisiting', ) click(css: '.reset_password .btn--primary') watch_for( css: 'body', value: 'sent password reset instructions', ) click(css: '.reset_password .btn--primary') set( css: 'input[name="username"]', value: signup_user_email, ) click(css: '.reset_password .btn--primary') watch_for( css: 'body', value: 'sent password reset instructions', ) # redirect to "#password_reset_verify/#{token}" url by app, because of "developer_mode" watch_for( css: 'body', value: 'Choose your new password', ) # set new password set( css: 'input[name="password"]', value: 'some', ) set( css: 'input[name="password_confirm"]', value: 'some2', ) click(css: '.js-passwordForm .js-submit') watch_for( css: 'body', value: 'passwords do not match', ) set( css: 'input[name="password"]', value: 'SOme-1', ) set( css: 'input[name="password_confirm"]', value: 'SOme-1', ) click(css: '.js-passwordForm .js-submit') watch_for( css: 'body', value: 'it must be at least', ) set( css: 'input[name="password"]', value: 'SOme-pass-new', ) set( css: 'input[name="password_confirm"]', value: 'SOme-pass-new', ) click(css: '.js-passwordForm .js-submit') watch_for( css: 'body', value: 'must contain at least 1 digit', ) set( css: 'input[name="password"]', value: 'SOme-pass-new2', ) set( css: 'input[name="password_confirm"]', value: 'SOme-pass-new2', ) click(css: '.js-passwordForm .js-submit') watch_for( css: 'body', value: 'Your password has been changed', ) # check if user is logged in sleep 5 match( css: '.user-menu .user a', value: signup_user_email, attribute: 'title', ) end end