require 'browser_test_helper' class AgentTicketOverviewLevel0Test < TestCase def test_bulk_close @browser = browser_instance login( username: '', password: 'test', url: browser_url, ) tasks_close_all() # test bulk action # create new ticket ticket1 = ticket_create( data: { customer: 'nico', group: 'Users', title: 'overview count test #1', body: 'overview count test #1', } ) ticket2 = ticket_create( data: { customer: 'nico', group: 'Users', title: 'overview count test #2', body: 'overview count test #2', } ) click(text: 'Overviews') # enable full overviews execute( js: '$(" .sidebar").css("display", "block")', ) click(text: 'Unassigned & Open') watch_for( css: '', value: 'overview count test #2', ) # select both via bulk action click( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket1[:id]}"]), fast: true, ) # scroll to reply - needed for chrome scroll_to( position: 'top', css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket2[:id]}"]), ) click( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket2[:id]}"]), fast: true, ) exists( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket1[:id]}"][type="checkbox"]:checked), ) exists( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket2[:id]}"][type="checkbox"]:checked), ) # select close state & submit select( css: ' .bulkAction [name="state_id"]', value: 'closed', ) click( css: ' .bulkAction .js-confirm', ) click( css: ' .bulkAction .js-submit', ) watch_for_disappear( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket2[:id]}"]), timeout: 6, ) exists_not( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket1[:id]}"]), ) exists_not( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket2[:id]}"]), ) # remember current overview count overview_counter_before = overview_counter() # click options and enable number and article count click(css: ' [data-type="settings"]') modal_ready() check( css: '.modal input[value="number"]', ) check( css: '.modal input[value="title"]', ) check( css: '.modal input[value="customer"]', ) check( css: '.modal input[value="group"]', ) check( css: '.modal input[value="created_at"]', ) check( css: '.modal input[value="article_count"]', ) click(css: '.modal .js-submit') modal_disappear # check if number and article count is shown match( css: ' table th:nth-child(3)', value: '#', ) match( css: ' table th:nth-child(4)', value: 'Title', ) match( css: ' table th:nth-child(7)', value: 'Article#', ) # reload browser reload() sleep 4 # check if number and article count is shown match( css: ' table th:nth-child(3)', value: '#', ) match( css: ' table th:nth-child(4)', value: 'Title', ) match( css: ' table th:nth-child(7)', value: 'Article#', ) # disable number and article count click(css: ' [data-type="settings"]') modal_ready() uncheck( css: '.modal input[value="number"]', ) uncheck( css: '.modal input[value="article_count"]', ) click(css: '.modal .js-submit') modal_disappear # check if number and article count is gone match_not( css: ' table th:nth-child(3)', value: '#', ) match( css: ' table th:nth-child(3)', value: 'Title', ) exists_not( css: ' table th:nth-child(8)', ) # create new ticket ticket3 = ticket_create( data: { customer: 'nico', group: 'Users', title: 'overview count test #3', body: 'overview count test #3', } ) sleep 6 # get new overview count overview_counter_new = overview_counter() assert_equal(overview_counter_before['#ticket/view/all_unassigned'] + 1, overview_counter_new['#ticket/view/all_unassigned']) # open ticket by search ticket_open_by_search( number: ticket3[:number], ) sleep 1 # close ticket ticket_update( data: { state: 'closed', } ) sleep 6 # get current overview count overview_counter_after = overview_counter() assert_equal(overview_counter_before['#ticket/view/all_unassigned'], overview_counter_after['#ticket/view/all_unassigned']) # cleanup tasks_close_all() end def test_bulk_pending @browser = browser_instance login( username: '', password: 'test', url: browser_url, ) tasks_close_all() # test bulk action # create new ticket ticket1 = ticket_create( data: { customer: 'nico', group: 'Users', title: 'overview count test #3', body: 'overview count test #3', } ) ticket2 = ticket_create( data: { customer: 'nico', group: 'Users', title: 'overview count test #4', body: 'overview count test #4', } ) click(text: 'Overviews') # enable full overviews execute( js: '$(" .sidebar").css("display", "block")', ) click(text: 'Unassigned & Open') watch_for( css: '', value: 'overview count test #4', timeout: 8, ) # remember current overview count overview_counter_before = overview_counter() # select both via bulk action click( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket1[:id]}"]), fast: true, ) # scroll to reply - needed for chrome scroll_to( position: 'top', css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket2[:id]}"]), ) click( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket2[:id]}"]), fast: true, ) exists( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket1[:id]}"][type="checkbox"]:checked), ) exists( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket2[:id]}"][type="checkbox"]:checked), ) exists( displayed: false, css: ' .bulkAction [data-name="pending_time"]', ) select( css: ' .bulkAction [name="state_id"]', value: 'pending close', ) exists( displayed: true, css: ' .bulkAction [data-name="pending_time"]', ) set( css: ' .bulkAction [data-item="date"]', value: '05/23/2037', ) select( css: ' .bulkAction [name="group_id"]', value: 'Users', ) select( css: ' .bulkAction [name="owner_id"]', value: 'Test Master Agent', ) click( css: ' .bulkAction .js-confirm', ) click( css: ' .bulkAction .js-submit', ) watch_for_disappear( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket2[:id]}"]), timeout: 12, ) exists_not( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket1[:id]}"]), ) exists_not( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket2[:id]}"]), ) # get new overview count overview_counter_new = overview_counter() assert_equal(overview_counter_before['#ticket/view/all_unassigned'] - 2, overview_counter_new['#ticket/view/all_unassigned']) # open ticket by search ticket_open_by_search( number: ticket1[:number], ) sleep 1 # close ticket ticket_update( data: { state: 'closed', } ) # open ticket by search ticket_open_by_search( number: ticket2[:number], ) sleep 1 # close ticket ticket_update( data: { state: 'closed', } ) # cleanup tasks_close_all() end # verify correct behaviour for issue #1864 - Bulk-Action: Not possible to change owner def test_bulk_owner_change @browser = browser_instance login( username: '', password: 'test', url: browser_url, ) tasks_close_all() # test bulk action # create new ticket ticket1 = ticket_create( data: { customer: 'nico', group: 'Users', title: 'overview owner change test #1', body: 'overview owner change #1', } ) ticket2 = ticket_create( data: { customer: 'nico', group: 'Users', title: 'overview owner change #2', body: 'overview owner change #2', } ) overview_open( link: '#ticket/view/all_unassigned', ) watch_for( css: '', value: 'overview owner change #2', timeout: 8, ) # remember current overview count overview_counter_before = overview_counter() # select both via bulk action click( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket1[:id]}"]), fast: true, ) # scroll to reply - needed for chrome scroll_to( position: 'top', css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket2[:id]}"]), ) click( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket2[:id]}"]), fast: true, ) exists( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket1[:id]}"][type="checkbox"]:checked), ) exists( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket2[:id]}"][type="checkbox"]:checked), ) select( css: ' .bulkAction [name="owner_id"]', value: 'Test Master Agent', ) select( css: ' .bulkAction [name="state_id"]', value: 'closed', ) click( css: ' .bulkAction .js-confirm', ) click( css: ' .bulkAction .js-submit', ) watch_for_disappear( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket2[:id]}"]), timeout: 12, ) exists_not( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket1[:id]}"]), ) exists_not( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{ticket2[:id]}"]), ) # get new overview count overview_counter_new = overview_counter() assert_equal(overview_counter_before['#ticket/view/all_unassigned'] - 2, overview_counter_new['#ticket/view/all_unassigned']) # cleanup tasks_close_all() end # verify fix for issue #2026 - Bulk action should not be shown if user has no change permissions def test_no_bulk_action_when_missing_change_permission @browser = browser_instance login( username: '', password: 'test', url: browser_url, ) tasks_close_all() # create new group group_create( data: { name: 'some group2', }, ) role_edit( data: { name: 'Agent', group_permissions: { 2 => ['full'], 3 => ['full'], } }, ) user_edit( data: { login: '', permissions: { 1 => ['full'], 2 => ['full'], 3 => ['full'], } }, ) user_create( data: { firstname: 'Tester', lastname: 'Agent 2', email: '', password: 'test', role: 'Agent', permissions: { 1 => %w[read create overview] } }, ) # create new tickets can_change_ticket = ticket_create( data: { customer: 'nico', group: 'some group2', title: 'overview test #5', body: 'overview test #5', } ) cannot_change_ticket = ticket_create( data: { customer: 'nico', group: 'Users', title: 'overview test #6', body: 'overview test #6', } ) logout() # logout as then login as login( username: '', password: 'test', url: browser_url, ) tasks_close_all() # open Overview menu tab click( css: '.js-menu .js-overviewsMenuItem', ) # enable full overviews execute( js: '$(" .sidebar").css("display", "block")', ) # click Unassigned & Open tab click( css: ' [href="#ticket/view/all_unassigned"]', ) watch_for( css: '', value: 'overview test #6', timeout: 8, ) # first select the ticket that we have change rights to check( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{can_change_ticket[:id]}"]), ) # check that the bulk action form appears exists( displayed: true, css: ' .bulkAction', ) # then select the ticket that we do not have change rights to scroll_to( position: 'top', css: %( table tr td input[value="#{cannot_change_ticket[:id]}"]), ) check( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{cannot_change_ticket[:id]}"]), ) # check that the bulk action form disappears exists( displayed: false, css: ' .bulkAction', ) # de-select the ticket that we do not have change rights to uncheck( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{cannot_change_ticket[:id]}"]), fast: true, ) # check that the bulk action form appears again exists( displayed: true, css: ' .bulkAction', ) # de-select the ticket that we have change rights to uncheck( css: %( table tr td input[value="#{can_change_ticket[:id]}"]), fast: true, ) # check that the bulk action form disappears again exists( displayed: false, css: ' .bulkAction', ) # cleanup tasks_close_all() logout() # logout as and then login as to clean up tickets login( username: '', password: 'test', url: browser_url, ) tasks_close_all() # open ticket by search ticket_open_by_search( number: cannot_change_ticket[:number], ) sleep 1 # close ticket ticket_update( data: { state: 'closed', } ) # open ticket by search ticket_open_by_search( number: can_change_ticket[:number], ) sleep 1 # close ticket ticket_update( data: { state: 'closed', } ) end end