require 'browser_test_helper' class AdminChannelEmailTest < TestCase def test_account_add if !ENV['MAILBOX_INIT'] #raise "Need MAILBOX_INIT as ENV variable like export MAILBOX_INIT=''" puts "NOTICE: Need MAILBOX_INIT as ENV variable like export MAILBOX_INIT=''" return end mailbox_user = ENV['MAILBOX_INIT'].split(':')[0] mailbox_password = ENV['MAILBOX_INIT'].split(':')[1] @browser = browser_instance login( username: '', password: 'test', url: browser_url, ) tasks_close_all() click(css: 'a[href="#manage"]') click(css: ' a[href="#channels/email"]') # check if postmaster filter are shown click(css: ' a[href="#c-filter"]') match( css: ' #c-filter .overview', value: 'No Entries', ) # check if signatures are shown click(css: ' a[href="#c-signature"]') match( css: ' #c-signature .overview', value: 'default', ) click(css: ' a[href="#c-account"]') click(css: ' .js-channelNew') modal_ready() set( css: '.modal input[name="realname"]', value: 'My System', ) set( css: '.modal input[name="email"]', value: mailbox_user, ) set( css: '.modal input[name="password"]', value: mailbox_password, ) select( css: '.modal select[name="group_id"]', value: 'Users', ) click(css: '.modal button.js-submit') sleep 4 watch_for( css: '.modal', value: '(already exists|unknown mailbox)', ) click(css: '.modal .js-close') # delete all channels loop do break if !@browser.find_elements(css: ' .js-channelDelete')[0] click(css: ' .js-channelDelete') sleep 2 # flanky click(css: '.modal .js-submit') sleep 2 end # re-create click(css: ' .js-channelNew') modal_ready() set( css: '.modal input[name="realname"]', value: 'My System', ) set( css: '.modal input[name="email"]', value: mailbox_user, ) set( css: '.modal input[name="password"]', value: mailbox_password, ) select( css: '.modal select[name="group_id"]', value: 'Users', ) click(css: '.modal button.js-submit') modal_disappear(timeout: 20) watch_for( css: '', value: mailbox_user, ) # set invalid folder click(css: ' .js-editInbound') modal_ready() set( css: '.modal input[name="options::folder"]', value: 'not_existing_folder', ) click(css: '.modal .js-inbound button.js-submit') watch_for( css: '.modal', value: 'Mailbox doesn\'t exist', ) end # test the creation and cloning of Postmaster filters # confirm fix for issue #2170 - Cannot clone PostmasterFilter def test_filter_clone filter_name = "Test Filter #{rand(999_999)}" @browser = browser_instance login( username: '', password: 'test', url: browser_url, ) tasks_close_all() click(css: 'a[href="#manage"]') click(css: ' a[href="#channels/email"]') click(css: ' a[href="#c-filter"]') # create a new email filter click(css: ' a[data-type="new"]') modal_ready() set( css: '.modal input[name="name"]', value: filter_name, ) set( css: '.modal input[name="match::from::value"]', value: 'target', ) click(css: '.modal .js-submit') modal_disappear() watch_for( css: ' .table', value: filter_name, ) # now clone filter that we just created click(css: ' .table .dropdown .btn--table') click(css: ' .table .dropdown .js-clone') modal_ready() click(css: '.modal .js-submit') modal_disappear() # confirm the clone exists in the table watch_for( css: ' .table', value: "Clone: #{filter_name}", ) end end