require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe 'System setup process', type: :system, set_up: false, authenticated_as: false do def fqdn match_data = %r{://(.+?)(:.+?|/.+?|)$}.match(app_host) return match_data.captures.first if match_data.present? raise "Unable to get fqdn based on #{app_host}" end it 'Setting up a new system' do if !ENV['MAILBOX_INIT'] skip("NOTICE: Need MAILBOX_INIT as ENV variable like export MAILBOX_INIT=''") end mailbox_user = ENV['MAILBOX_INIT'].split(':')[0] mailbox_password = ENV['MAILBOX_INIT'].split(':')[1] visit '/' expect(page).to have_css('.setup.wizard', text: 'Setup new System') # choose setup (over migration) click_on('Setup new System') # admin user form expect(page).to have_css('.js-admin h2', text: 'Administrator Account') within('.js-admin') do fill_in 'firstname', with: 'Test Master' fill_in 'lastname', with: 'Agent' fill_in 'email', with: '' fill_in 'password', with: 'TEst1234äöüß' fill_in 'password_confirm', with: 'TEst1234äöüß' click_on('Create') end # configure Organization expect(page).to have_css('.js-base h2', text: 'Organization') within('.js-base') do fill_in 'organization', with: 'Some Organization' # fill in wrong URL fill_in 'url', with: 'some host' click_on('Next') expect(page).to have_css('.alert', text: 'An URL looks like') # fill in valild/current URL fill_in 'url', with: app_host click_on('Next') end # configure Email Notification expect(page).to have_css('.js-outbound h2', text: 'Email Notification') expect_current_route 'getting_started/email_notification' click_on('Continue') # create email account expect(page).to have_css('.js-channel h2', text: 'Connect Channels') expect_current_route 'getting_started/channel' click('.js-channel') within('.js-intro') do fill_in 'realname', with: 'Some Realname' fill_in 'email', with: mailbox_user fill_in 'password', with: mailbox_password click_on('Connect') end # wait for verification process to start expect(page).to have_css('body', text: 'Verify sending and receiving', wait: 20) # wait for verification process to finish expect(page).to have_css('.js-agent h2', text: 'Invite Colleagues', wait: 2.minutes) expect_current_route 'getting_started/agents' # invite agent1 within('.js-agent') do fill_in 'firstname', with: 'Agent 1' fill_in 'lastname', with: 'Test' fill_in 'email', with: '' click_on('Invite') end expect(page).to have_css('body', text: 'Invitation sent!') # expect to still be on the same page expect_current_route 'getting_started/agents' within('.js-agent') do click_on('Continue') end # expect Dashboard of a fresh system expect(page).to have_css('body', text: 'My Stats') expect_current_route 'clues' find(:clues_close, wait: 4) # verify organization and fqdn click(:manage) within(:active_content) do click(:href, '#settings/branding') expect(page).to have_field('organization', with: 'Some Organization') click(:href, '#settings/system') expect(page).to have_field('fqdn', with: fqdn) end end # it 'Shows an error message if too weak password is filled in' do visit '/' click_on('Setup new System') within('.js-admin') do fill_in 'firstname', with: 'Test Master' fill_in 'lastname', with: 'Agent' fill_in 'email', with: '' fill_in 'password', with: 'asd' fill_in 'password_confirm', with: 'asd' click_on('Create') expect(page).to have_text 'Invalid password' end end end