require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe 'Dashboard', type: :system, authenticated_as: true do it 'shows default widgets' do visit 'dashboard' expect(page).to have_css('.stat-widgets') expect(page).to have_css('.ticket_waiting_time > div > div.stat-title', text: %r{∅ Waiting time today}i) expect(page).to have_css('.ticket_escalation > div > div.stat-title', text: %r{Mood}i) expect(page).to have_css('.ticket_channel_distribution > div > div.stat-title', text: %r{Channel Distribution}i) expect(page).to have_css('.ticket_load_measure > div > div.stat-title', text: %r{Assigned}i) expect(page).to have_css('.ticket_in_process > div > div.stat-title', text: %r{Your tickets in process}i) expect(page).to have_css('.ticket_reopen > div > div.stat-title', text: %r{Reopening rate}i) end context 'when customer role is named different', authenticated_as: :authenticate do def authenticate Role.find_by(name: 'Customer').update(name: 'Public') true end it 'invites a customer user' do visit 'dashboard' find('[data-area=first-steps-widgets]').click find('.js-inviteCustomer').click fill_in 'Firstname', with: 'Nick' fill_in 'Lastname', with: 'Braun' fill_in 'Email', with: '' click_on 'Invite' await_empty_ajax_queue expect(User.find_by(firstname: 'Nick').roles).to eq([Role.find_by(name: 'Public')]) end end context 'Session Timeout' do let(:admin) { create(:admin) } let(:agent) { create(:agent) } let(:customer) { create(:customer) } before do ensure_websocket(check_if_pinged: false) end context 'Logout by frontend plugin - Default', authenticated_as: :authenticate do def authenticate Setting.set('session_timeout', { default: '1' }) admin end it 'does logout user' do expect(page).to have_text('Due to inactivity are automatically logged out within the next 30 seconds.', wait: 20) expect(page).to have_text('Due to inactivity you are automatically logged out.', wait: 20) end it 'does not logout user', authenticated_as: :admin do sleep 1.5 expect(page).to have_no_text('Due to inactivity you are automatically logged out.', wait: 0) end end context 'Logout by frontend plugin - Setting change', authenticated_as: :admin do it 'does logout user' do expect(page).to have_no_text('Due to inactivity you are automatically logged out.') Setting.set('session_timeout', { default: '1' }) expect(page).to have_text('Due to inactivity you are automatically logged out.', wait: 20) end end context 'Logout by frontend plugin - Admin', authenticated_as: :authenticate do def authenticate Setting.set('session_timeout', { admin: '1', default: '1000' }) admin end it 'does logout user' do expect(page).to have_text('Due to inactivity you are automatically logged out.', wait: 20) end end context 'Logout by frontend plugin - Agent', authenticated_as: :authenticate do def authenticate Setting.set('session_timeout', { 'ticket.agent': '1', default: '1000' }) agent end it 'does logout user' do expect(page).to have_text('Due to inactivity you are automatically logged out.', wait: 20) end end context 'Logout by frontend plugin - Customer', authenticated_as: :authenticate do def authenticate Setting.set('session_timeout', { 'ticket.customer': '1', default: '1000' }) customer end it 'does logout user' do expect(page).to have_text('Due to inactivity you are automatically logged out.', wait: 20) end end context 'Logout by SessionTimeoutJob - frontend_timeout' do it 'does logout user', authenticated_as: :admin do # because of the websocket server running in the same # process and the checks in the frontend it is really # hard test the SessionTimeoutJob.perform_now here # so we only check the session killing code and use # backend tests for the reset session = ActiveRecord::SessionStore::Session.all.detect { |s|['user_id'] == } expect(page).to have_text('Due to inactivity you are automatically logged out.', wait: 20) end end context 'Logout by frontend plugin - Fallback from admin to default', authenticated_as: :authenticate do def authenticate Setting.set('session_timeout', { admin: '0', default: '1000' }) admin end it 'does not logout user', authenticated_as: :admin do sleep 1.5 expect(page).to have_no_text('Due to inactivity you are automatically logged out.', wait: 0) end end context 'Logout by frontend plugin - No logout because timeouts are disabled', authenticated_as: :authenticate do def authenticate Setting.set('session_timeout', { admin: '0', default: '0' }) admin end it 'does not logout user', authenticated_as: :admin do sleep 1.5 expect(page).to have_no_text('Due to inactivity you are automatically logged out.', wait: 0) end end end end