require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe 'LongPolling', type: :request do let(:agent) do create(:agent) end before do Sessions.sessions.each do |client_id| Sessions.destroy(client_id) end Sessions.spool_delete end describe 'request handling' do it 'receive without client_id - no user login' do get '/api/v1/message_receive', params: { data: {} }, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:unprocessable_entity) expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) expect(json_response['error']).to eq('Invalid client_id receive!') end it 'send without client_id - no user login' do get '/api/v1/message_send', params: { data: {} }, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) expect(json_response['client_id'].to_i).to be_between(1, 9_999_999_999) client_id = json_response['client_id'] get '/api/v1/message_send', params: { client_id: client_id, data: { event: 'spool' } }, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) expect(json_response['client_id'].to_i).to be_between(1, 9_999_999_999) get '/api/v1/message_receive', params: { client_id: client_id, data: {} }, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:unprocessable_entity) expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) expect(json_response['error']).to eq('Invalid client_id receive!') end it 'receive without client_id' do authenticated_as(agent) get '/api/v1/message_receive', params: { data: {} }, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:unprocessable_entity) expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) expect(json_response['error']).to eq('Invalid client_id receive!') end it 'receive without wrong client_id' do authenticated_as(agent) get '/api/v1/message_receive', params: { client_id: 'not existing', data: {} }, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:unprocessable_entity) expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) expect(json_response['error']).to eq('Invalid client_id receive!') end it 'send without client_id' do authenticated_as(agent) get '/api/v1/message_send', params: { data: {} }, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) expect(json_response['client_id'].to_i).to be_between(1, 9_999_999_999) end it 'send with client_id' do Sessions.create('123456', {}, { type: 'ajax' }) authenticated_as(agent) get '/api/v1/message_send', params: { client_id: '123456', data: {} }, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) expect(json_response).to eq({}) end it 'send event spool and receive data' do # here we use a token for the authentication because the basic auth way with username and password # will update the user by every request and return a different result for the test authenticated_as(agent, token: create(:token, action: 'api', user_id: ) get '/api/v1/message_send', params: { data: { event: 'login' } }, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response['client_id'].to_i).to be_between(1, 9_999_999_999) client_id = json_response['client_id'] get '/api/v1/message_receive', params: { client_id: client_id, data: {} }, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Array) expect(json_response).to eq([{ 'data' => { 'success' => true }, 'event' => 'ws:login' }]) get '/api/v1/message_send', params: { client_id: client_id, data: { event: 'spool' } }, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) expect(json_response).to eq({}) get '/api/v1/message_receive', params: { client_id: client_id, data: {} }, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Array) expect(json_response[0]['event']).to eq('spool:sent') expect(json_response[0]['event']).to eq('spool:sent') expect(json_response.count).to eq(1) spool_list = Sessions.spool_list(, expect(spool_list).to eq([]) get '/api/v1/message_send', params: { client_id: client_id, data: { event: 'broadcast', spool: true, recipient: { user_id: [] }, data: { taskbar_id: 9_391_633 } } }, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) expect(json_response).to eq({}) get '/api/v1/message_receive', params: { client_id: client_id, data: {} }, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) expect(json_response).to eq({ 'event' => 'pong' }) travel 2.seconds spool_list = Sessions.spool_list(, expect(spool_list).to eq([]) spool_list = Sessions.spool_list(nil, expect(spool_list).to eq([{ message: { 'taskbar_id' => 9_391_633 }, type: 'direct' }]) end end end