require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe 'Api Auth On Behalf Of', type: :request do let(:admin) do create(:admin, groups: Group.all) end let(:agent) do create(:agent) end let(:customer) do create(:customer, firstname: 'Behalf of') end describe 'request handling' do it 'does X-On-Behalf-Of auth - ticket create admin for customer by id' do params = { title: 'a new ticket #3', group: 'Users', priority: '2 normal', state: 'new', customer_id:, article: { body: 'some test 123', }, } authenticated_as(admin, on_behalf_of: post '/api/v1/tickets', params: params, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:created) expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) expect( eq(json_response['created_by_id']) end it 'does X-On-Behalf-Of auth - ticket create admin for customer by login (upcase)' do params = { title: 'a new ticket #3', group: 'Users', priority: '2 normal', state: 'new', customer_id:, article: { body: 'some test 123', }, } authenticated_as(admin, on_behalf_of: customer.login.upcase) post '/api/v1/tickets', params: params, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:created) expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) expect( eq(json_response['created_by_id']) end it 'does X-On-Behalf-Of auth - ticket create admin for customer by login' do ActivityStream.cleanup(1.year) params = { title: 'a new ticket #3', group: 'Users', priority: '2 normal', state: 'new', customer_id:, article: { body: 'some test 123', }, } authenticated_as(admin, on_behalf_of: customer.login) post '/api/v1/tickets', params: params, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:created) json_response_ticket = json_response expect(json_response_ticket).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) expect( eq(json_response_ticket['created_by_id']) authenticated_as(admin) get '/api/v1/activity_stream?full=true', params: {}, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) json_response_activity = json_response expect(json_response_activity).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) ticket_created = nil json_response_activity['record_ids'].each do |record_id| activity_stream = ActivityStream.find(record_id) next if != 'Ticket' next if activity_stream.o_id != json_response_ticket['id'].to_i ticket_created = activity_stream end expect(ticket_created).to be_truthy expect( eq(ticket_created.created_by_id) get '/api/v1/activity_stream', params: {}, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) json_response_activity = json_response expect(json_response_activity).to be_a_kind_of(Array) ticket_created = nil json_response_activity.each do |record| activity_stream = ActivityStream.find(record['id']) next if != 'Ticket' next if activity_stream.o_id != json_response_ticket['id'] ticket_created = activity_stream end expect(ticket_created).to be_truthy expect( eq(ticket_created.created_by_id) end it 'does X-On-Behalf-Of auth - ticket create admin for customer by email' do params = { title: 'a new ticket #3', group: 'Users', priority: '2 normal', state: 'new', customer_id:, article: { body: 'some test 123', }, } authenticated_as(admin, on_behalf_of: post '/api/v1/tickets', params: params, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:created) expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) expect( eq(json_response['created_by_id']) end it 'does X-On-Behalf-Of auth - ticket create admin for unknown' do params = { title: 'a new ticket #3', group: 'Users', priority: '2 normal', state: 'new', customer_id:, article: { body: 'some test 123', }, } authenticated_as(admin, on_behalf_of: 99_449_494_949) post '/api/v1/tickets', params: params, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:forbidden) expect(@response.header).not_to be_key('Access-Control-Allow-Origin') expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) expect(json_response['error']).to eq("No such user '99449494949'") end it 'does X-On-Behalf-Of auth - ticket create customer for admin' do params = { title: 'a new ticket #3', group: 'Users', priority: '2 normal', state: 'new', customer_id:, article: { body: 'some test 123', }, } authenticated_as(customer, on_behalf_of: post '/api/v1/tickets', params: params, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:forbidden) expect(@response.header).not_to be_key('Access-Control-Allow-Origin') expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) expect(json_response['error']).to eq("Current user has no permission to use 'X-On-Behalf-Of'!") end it 'does X-On-Behalf-Of auth - ticket create admin for customer by email but no permitted action' do params = { title: 'a new ticket #3', group: 'secret1234', priority: '2 normal', state: 'new', customer_id:, article: { body: 'some test 123', }, } authenticated_as(admin, on_behalf_of: post '/api/v1/tickets', params: params, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:unprocessable_entity) expect(@response.header).not_to be_key('Access-Control-Allow-Origin') expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) expect(json_response['error']).to eq('No lookup value found for \'group\': "secret1234"') end context 'when Token Admin has no ticket.* permission' do let(:admin) { create(:user, firstname: 'Requester', roles: [admin_user_role]) } let(:token) { create(:token, user: admin, permissions: %w[admin.user]) } let(:admin_user_role) do create(:role).tap { |role| role.permission_grant('admin.user') } end it 'creates Ticket because of behalf of user permission' do params = { title: 'a new ticket #3', group: 'Users', priority: '2 normal', state: 'new', customer_id:, article: { body: 'some test 123', }, } authenticated_as(admin, on_behalf_of:, token: token) post '/api/v1/tickets', params: params, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:created) expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) expect( eq(json_response['created_by_id']) end end context 'when customer account has device user permission' do let(:customer_user_devices_role) do create(:role).tap { |role| role.permission_grant('user_preferences.device') } end let(:customer) do create(:customer, firstname: 'Behalf of', role_ids: Role.signup_role_ids.push( end it 'creates Ticket because of behalf of customer user, which should not trigger a new user device' do params = { title: 'a new ticket #3', group: 'Users', priority: '2 normal', state: 'new', customer_id:, article: { body: 'some test 123', }, } authenticated_as(admin, on_behalf_of: post '/api/v1/tickets', params: params, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:created) expect( eq(json_response['created_by_id']) expect { Scheduler.worker(true) }.to change(UserDevice, :count).by(0) end end end describe 'user lookup' do it 'does X-On-Behalf-Of auth - user lookup by ID' do authenticated_as(admin, on_behalf_of: get '/api/v1/users/me', as: :json expect(json_response.fetch('id')).to be end it 'does X-On-Behalf-Of auth - user lookup by login' do authenticated_as(admin, on_behalf_of: customer.login) get '/api/v1/users/me', as: :json expect(json_response.fetch('id')).to be end it 'does X-On-Behalf-Of auth - user lookup by email' do authenticated_as(admin, on_behalf_of: get '/api/v1/users/me', as: :json expect(json_response.fetch('id')).to be end # it 'does X-On-Behalf-Of auth - user lookup by email even if email starts with a digit' do customer.update! email: "#{}#{}" authenticated_as(admin, on_behalf_of: get '/api/v1/users/me', as: :json expect(json_response.fetch('id')).to be end end end