require 'rails_helper' require 'models/application_model_examples' require 'models/concerns/has_xss_sanitized_note_examples' RSpec.describe Job, type: :model do subject(:job) { create(:job) } it_behaves_like 'ApplicationModel', can_assets: { selectors: %i[condition perform] } it_behaves_like 'HasXssSanitizedNote', model_factory: :job describe 'Class methods:' do describe '.run' do let!(:executable_jobs) { } let!(:nonexecutable_jobs) { jobs - executable_jobs } let!(:jobs) do [ # executable create(:job, :always_on, updated_at: 2.minutes.ago), # not executable (updated too recently) create(:job), # not executable (inactive) create(:job, updated_at: 2.minutes.ago, active: false), # not executable (started too recently) create(:job, :always_on, updated_at: 2.minutes.ago, last_run_at: 5.minutes.ago), # executable create(:job, :always_on, updated_at: 2.minutes.ago, last_run_at: 15.minutes.ago), # not executable (still running, started too recently) create(:job, :always_on, updated_at: 2.minutes.ago, running: true, last_run_at: 23.hours.ago), # executable create(:job, :always_on, updated_at: 2.minutes.ago, running: true, last_run_at: 25.hours.ago), ] end it 'runs all executable jobs (and no others)' do expect { } .to change { }.to(false) .and not_change { } end end end describe 'Instance methods:' do describe '#run' do subject(:job) { create(:job, condition: condition, perform: perform) } let(:condition) do { 'ticket.state_id' => { 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => Ticket::State.where(name: %w[new open]).pluck(:id).map(&:to_s) }, 'ticket.created_at' => { 'operator' => 'before (relative)', 'value' => '2', 'range' => 'day' }, } end let(:perform) do { 'ticket.state_id' => { 'value' => Ticket::State.find_by(name: 'closed').id.to_s } } end let!(:matching_ticket) do create(:ticket, state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'new'), created_at: 3.days.ago) end let!(:nonmatching_ticket) do create(:ticket, state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'new'), created_at: end context 'when job is not #executable?' do before { allow(job).to receive(:executable?).and_return(false) } it 'does not perform changes on matching tickets' do expect { }.not_to change { matching_ticket.reload.state } end it 'does not update #last_run_at' do expect { }.to not_change { job.reload.last_run_at } end context 'but "force" flag is given' do it 'performs changes on matching tickets' do expect { } .to change { matching_ticket.reload.state } .and not_change { nonmatching_ticket.reload.state } end it 'updates #last_run_at' do expect { } .to change { job.reload.last_run_at } end end end context 'when job is #executable?' do before { allow(job).to receive(:executable?).and_return(true) } context 'and due (#in_timeplan?)' do before { allow(job).to receive(:in_timeplan?).and_return(true) } it 'updates #last_run_at' do expect { }.to change { job.reload.last_run_at } end it 'performs changes on matching tickets' do expect { } .to change { matching_ticket.reload.state } .and not_change { nonmatching_ticket.reload.state } end context 'and already marked #running' do before { job.update(running: true) } it 'resets #running to false' do expect { }.to change { job.reload.running }.to(false) end end context 'but condition doesn’t match any tickets' do before { job.update(condition: invalid_condition) } let(:invalid_condition) do { 'ticket.state_id' => { 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => '9999' } } end it 'performs no changes' do expect { } .not_to change { matching_ticket.reload.state } end end describe 'use case: deleting tickets based on tag' do let(:condition) { { 'ticket.tags' => { 'operator' => 'contains one', 'value' => 'spam' } } } let(:perform) { { 'ticket.action' => { 'value' => 'delete' } } } let!(:matching_ticket) { create(:ticket).tap { |t| t.tag_add('spam', 1) } } let!(:nonmatching_ticket) { create(:ticket) } it 'deletes tickets matching the specified tags' do expect { matching_ticket.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) expect { nonmatching_ticket.reload }.not_to raise_error end end describe 'use case: deleting tickets based on group' do let(:condition) { { 'ticket.group_id' => { 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => } } } let(:perform) { { 'ticket.action' => { 'value' => 'delete' } } } let!(:matching_ticket) { create(:ticket) } let!(:nonmatching_ticket) { create(:ticket) } it 'deletes tickets matching the specified groups' do expect { matching_ticket.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) expect { nonmatching_ticket.reload }.not_to raise_error end end end context 'and not due yet' do before { allow(job).to receive(:in_timeplan?).and_return(false) } it 'does not perform changes on matching tickets' do expect { }.not_to change { matching_ticket.reload.state } end it 'does not update #last_run_at' do expect { }.to not_change { job.reload.last_run_at } end it 'updates #next_run_at' do travel_to(Time.current.last_week) # force new value for #next_run_at expect { }.to change { job.reload.next_run_at } end context 'but "force" flag is given' do it 'performs changes on matching tickets' do expect { } .to change { matching_ticket.reload.state } .and not_change { nonmatching_ticket.reload.state } end it 'updates #last_run_at' do expect { }.to change { job.reload.last_run_at } end it 'updates #next_run_at' do travel_to(Time.current.last_week) # force new value for #next_run_at expect { }.to change { job.reload.next_run_at } end end end end context 'when job has in selector' do let!(:matching_ticket) { create(:ticket, owner_id: 1) } let!(:nonmatching_ticket) { create(:ticket, owner_id: create(:agent).id) } let(:condition) do { 'ticket.owner_id' => { 'operator' => 'is', 'pre_condition' => '', 'value' => '', 'value_completion' => '' }, } end before do UserInfo.current_user_id = create(:admin).id job UserInfo.current_user_id = nil end it 'performs changes on matching tickets' do expect { } .to change { matching_ticket.reload.state } .and not_change { nonmatching_ticket.reload.state } end end end describe '#executable?' do context 'for an inactive Job' do subject(:job) { create(:job, active: false) } it 'returns false' do expect(job.executable?).to be(false) end end context 'for an active job' do context 'updated in the last minute' do subject(:job) do create(:job, active: true, updated_at: 59.seconds.ago) end it 'returns false' do expect(job.executable?).to be(false) end end context 'updated over a minute ago' do context 'that has never run before' do subject(:job) do create(:job, active: true, updated_at: 60.seconds.ago) end it 'returns true' do expect(job.executable?).to be(true) end end context 'that was started in the last 10 minutes' do subject(:job) do create(:job, active: true, updated_at: 60.seconds.ago, last_run_at: 9.minutes.ago) end it 'returns false' do expect(job.executable?).to be(false) end context '(or, given an argument, up to 10 minutes before that)' do subject(:job) do create(:job, active: true, updated_at: 60.seconds.ago, last_run_at: 9.minutes.before(Time.current.yesterday)) end it 'returns false' do expect(job.executable?(Time.current.yesterday)).to be(false) end end end context 'that was started over 10 minutes ago' do subject(:job) do create(:job, active: true, updated_at: 60.seconds.ago, last_run_at: 10.minutes.ago) end it 'returns true' do expect(job.executable?).to be(true) end context '(or, given an argument, over 10 minutes before that)' do subject(:job) do create(:job, active: true, updated_at: 60.seconds.ago, last_run_at: 10.minutes.before(Time.current.yesterday)) end it 'returns true' do expect(job.executable?(Time.current.yesterday)).to be(true) end end context 'but is still running, up to 24 hours later' do subject(:job) do create(:job, active: true, updated_at: 60.seconds.ago, running: true, last_run_at: 23.hours.ago) end it 'returns false' do expect(job.executable?).to be(false) end end context 'but is still running, over 24 hours later' do subject(:job) do create(:job, active: true, updated_at: 60.seconds.ago, running: true, last_run_at: 24.hours.ago) end it 'returns true' do expect(job.executable?).to be(true) end end end end end end describe '#in_timeplan?' do subject(:job) { create(:job, :never_on) } context 'when the current day, hour, and minute all match true values in #timeplan' do context 'for Symbol/Integer keys' do before do job.update( timeplan: { days: job.timeplan[:days] .transform_keys(&:to_sym) .merge(Time.current.strftime('%a').to_sym => true), hours: job.timeplan[:hours] .transform_keys(&:to_i) .merge(Time.current.hour => true), minutes: job.timeplan[:minutes] .transform_keys(&:to_i) .merge(Time.current.min.floor(-1) => true), } ) end it 'returns true' do expect(job.in_timeplan?).to be(true) end end context 'for String keys' do before do job.update( timeplan: { days: job.timeplan[:days] .transform_keys(&:to_s) .merge(Time.current.strftime('%a') => true), hours: job.timeplan[:hours] .transform_keys(&:to_s) .merge(Time.current.hour.to_s => true), minutes: job.timeplan[:minutes] .transform_keys(&:to_s) .merge(Time.current.min.floor(-1).to_s => true), } ) end it 'returns true' do expect(job.in_timeplan?).to be(true) end end end context 'when the current day does not match a true value in #timeplan' do context 'for Symbol/Integer keys' do before do job.update( timeplan: { days: job.timeplan[:days] .transform_keys(&:to_sym) .transform_values { true } .merge(Time.current.strftime('%a').to_sym => false), hours: job.timeplan[:hours] .transform_keys(&:to_i) .merge(Time.current.hour => true), minutes: job.timeplan[:minutes] .transform_keys(&:to_i) .merge(Time.current.min.floor(-1) => true), } ) end it 'returns false' do expect(job.in_timeplan?).to be(false) end end context 'for String keys' do before do job.update( timeplan: { days: job.timeplan[:days] .transform_keys(&:to_s) .transform_values { true } .merge(Time.current.strftime('%a') => false), hours: job.timeplan[:hours] .transform_keys(&:to_s) .merge(Time.current.hour.to_s => true), minutes: job.timeplan[:minutes] .transform_keys(&:to_s) .merge(Time.current.min.floor(-1).to_s => true), } ) end it 'returns false' do expect(job.in_timeplan?).to be(false) end end end context 'when the current hour does not match a true value in #timeplan' do context 'for Symbol/Integer keys' do before do job.update( timeplan: { days: job.timeplan[:days] .transform_keys(&:to_sym) .merge(Time.current.strftime('%a').to_sym => true), hours: job.timeplan[:hours] .transform_keys(&:to_i) .transform_values { true } .merge(Time.current.hour => false), minutes: job.timeplan[:minutes] .transform_keys(&:to_i) .merge(Time.current.min.floor(-1) => true), } ) end it 'returns false' do expect(job.in_timeplan?).to be(false) end end context 'for String keys' do before do job.update( timeplan: { days: job.timeplan[:days] .transform_keys(&:to_s) .merge(Time.current.strftime('%a') => true), hours: job.timeplan[:hours] .transform_keys(&:to_s) .transform_values { true } .merge(Time.current.hour.to_s => false), minutes: job.timeplan[:minutes] .transform_keys(&:to_s) .merge(Time.current.min.floor(-1).to_s => true), } ) end it 'returns false' do expect(job.in_timeplan?).to be(false) end end end context 'when the current minute does not match a true value in #timeplan' do context 'for Symbol/Integer keys' do before do job.update( timeplan: { days: job.timeplan[:days] .transform_keys(&:to_sym) .merge(Time.current.strftime('%a').to_sym => true), hours: job.timeplan[:hours] .transform_keys(&:to_i) .merge(Time.current.hour => true), minutes: job.timeplan[:minutes] .transform_keys(&:to_i) .transform_values { true } .merge(Time.current.min.floor(-1) => false), } ) end it 'returns false' do expect(job.in_timeplan?).to be(false) end end context 'for String keys' do before do job.update( timeplan: { days: job.timeplan[:days] .transform_keys(&:to_s) .merge(Time.current.strftime('%a') => true), hours: job.timeplan[:hours] .transform_keys(&:to_s) .merge(Time.current.hour.to_s => true), minutes: job.timeplan[:minutes] .transform_keys(&:to_s) .transform_values { true } .merge(Time.current.min.floor(-1).to_s => false), } ) end it 'returns false' do expect(job.in_timeplan?).to be(false) end end end end end describe 'Attributes:' do describe '#next_run_at' do subject(:job) { build(:job) } it 'is set automatically on save (cannot be set manually)' do job.next_run_at = expect { }.to change(job, :next_run_at) end context 'for an inactive Job' do subject(:job) { build(:job, active: false) } it 'is nil' do expect { } .not_to change(job, :next_run_at).from(nil) end end context 'for a never-on Job (all #timeplan values are false)' do subject(:job) { build(:job, :never_on) } it 'is nil' do expect { } .not_to change(job, :next_run_at).from(nil) end end context 'when #timeplan contains at least one true value for :day, :hour, and :minute' do subject(:job) { build(:job, :never_on) } let(:base_time) { Time.current.beginning_of_week } # Tuesday & Thursday @ 12:00a, 12:30a, 6:00p, and 6:30p before do job.assign_attributes( timeplan: { days: job.timeplan[:days].merge(Tue: true, Thu: true), hours: job.timeplan[:hours].merge(0 => true, 18 => true), minutes: job.timeplan[:minutes].merge(0 => true, 30 => true), } ) end let(:valid_timeslots) do [ base_time +, # Tue 12:00a base_time + + 30.minutes, # Tue 12:30a base_time + + 18.hours, # Tue 6:00p base_time + + 18.hours + 30.minutes, # Tue 6:30p base_time + 3.days, # Thu 12:00a base_time + 3.days + 30.minutes, # Thu 12:30a base_time + 3.days + 18.hours, # Thu 6:00p base_time + 3.days + 18.hours + 30.minutes, # Thu 6:30p ] end context 'for a Job that has never been run before' do context 'when record is saved at the start of the week' do before { travel_to(base_time) } it 'is set to the first valid timeslot of the week' do expect { } .to change { job.next_run_at.to_i } # comparing times is hard; .to(valid_timeslots.first.to_i) # integers are less precise end end context 'when record is saved between two valid timeslots' do before { travel_to(valid_timeslots.third - 1.second) } it 'is set to the latter timeslot' do expect { } .to change { job.next_run_at.to_i } # comparing times is hard; .to(valid_timeslots.third.to_i) # integers are less precise end end context 'when record is saved during a valid timeslot' do before { travel_to(valid_timeslots.fifth + 9.minutes + 59.seconds) } it 'is set to that timeslot' do expect { } .to change { job.next_run_at.to_i } # comparing times is hard; .to(valid_timeslots.fifth.to_i) # integers are less precise end end end context 'for a Job that been run before' do context 'when record is saved in the same timeslot as #last_run_at' do before do job.assign_attributes(last_run_at: valid_timeslots.fourth + 5.minutes) travel_to(valid_timeslots.fourth + 7.minutes) end it 'is set to the next valid timeslot' do expect { } .to change { job.next_run_at.to_i } # comparing times is hard; .to(valid_timeslots.fifth.to_i) # integers are less precise end end end end end describe '#perform' do describe 'Validations:' do describe '"article.note" key' do let(:perform) do { 'article.note' => { 'subject' => 'foo', 'internal' => 'true', 'body' => '' } } end it 'fails if an empty "body" is given' do expect { create(:job, perform: perform) }.to raise_error(Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity) end end describe '"" key' do let(:perform) do { '' => { 'body' => 'foo', 'recipient' => '', 'subject' => 'bar' } } end it 'fails if an empty "recipient" is given' do expect { create(:job, perform: perform) }.to raise_error(Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity) end end describe '"notification.sms" key' do let(:perform) do { 'notification.sms' => { 'body' => 'foo', 'recipient' => '' } } end it 'fails if an empty "recipient" is given' do expect { create(:job, perform: perform) }.to raise_error(Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity) end end end end end describe 'Scheduler ignores "disable notifications == no" #3684', sends_notification_emails: true do let!(:group) { create(:group) } let!(:agent) { create(:agent, groups: [group]) } let!(:ticket) { create(:ticket, group: group, owner: agent) } let(:perform) do { 'article.note' => { 'body' => 'ccc', 'internal' => 'true', 'subject' => 'ccc' }, 'ticket.state_id' => { 'value' => 4 } } end context 'with disable_notification true' do let!(:notify_job) { create(:job, :always_on) } it 'does modify the ticket' do expect { }.to change { ticket.reload.state } end it 'does not send a notification to the owner of the ticket' do # rubocop:disable RSpec/ExampleLength check_notification do Scheduler.worker(true) not_sent( template: 'ticket_update', user: agent, objects: hash_including({ article: nil }) ) end end end context 'with disable_notification false' do let!(:notify_job) { create(:job, :always_on, disable_notification: false, perform: perform) } it 'does modify the ticket' do expect { }.to change { ticket.reload.state } end it 'does send a notification to the owner of the ticket with trigger note in notification body' do # rubocop:disable RSpec/ExampleLength check_notification do Scheduler.worker(true) sent( template: 'ticket_update', user: agent, objects: hash_including({ article: ticket.reload.articles.first }) ) end end end end end