require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe 'Ticket > Update > Full Quote Header', type: :system, time_zone: 'Europe/London' do let(:group) { Group.find_by(name: 'Users') } let(:ticket) { create(:ticket, group: group) } let(:ticket_article) { create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, from: 'Example Name ') } let(:customer) { create(:customer) } prepend_before do Setting.set 'ui_ticket_zoom_article_email_full_quote_header', full_quote_header_setting end before do UserInfo.current_user_id = visit "ticket/zoom/#{}" end context 'when "ui_ticket_zoom_article_email_full_quote_header" is enabled' do let(:full_quote_header_setting) { true } it 'includes OP when forwarding' do within(:active_content) do click_forward within(:richtext) do expect(page).to contain_full_quote(ticket_article).formatted_for(:forward) end end end it 'includes OP when replying' do within(:active_content) do highlight_and_click_reply within(:richtext) do expect(page).to contain_full_quote(ticket_article).formatted_for(:reply) end end end context 'when customer is agent' do let(:customer) { create(:agent) } it 'includes OP without email when forwarding' do within(:active_content) do click_forward within(:richtext) do expect(page).to contain_full_quote(ticket_article).formatted_for(:forward).ensuring_privacy(true) end end end end end context 'when "ui_ticket_zoom_article_email_full_quote_header" is disabled' do let(:full_quote_header_setting) { false } it 'does not include OP when forwarding' do within(:active_content) do click_forward within(:richtext) do expect(page).not_to contain_full_quote(ticket_article).formatted_for(:forward) end end end it 'does not include OP when replying' do within(:active_content) do highlight_and_click_reply within(:richtext) do expect(page).not_to contain_full_quote(ticket_article).formatted_for(:reply) end end end end def click_forward click '.js-ArticleAction[data-type=emailForward]' end def highlight_and_click_reply find('.ticket-article-item .textBubble') .execute_script <<~JAVASCRIPT window.getSelection().removeAllRanges() var range = window.document.createRange() range.setStart(this, 0) range.setEnd(this.nextSibling, 0) window.getSelection().addRange(range) JAVASCRIPT click '.js-ArticleAction[data-type=emailReply]' end define :contain_full_quote do match do confirm_content && confirm_style end match_when_negated do confirm_no_content end # sets expected quote format # @param [Symbol] :forward or :reply, defaults to :reply if not set chain :formatted_for do |style| @style = style end def style @style || :reply # rubocop:disable RSpec/InstanceVariable end # sets expected privacy level # @param [Boolean] defaults to false if not set chain :ensuring_privacy do |flag| @ensuring_privacy = flag end def ensure_privacy? @ensuring_privacy || false # rubocop:disable RSpec/InstanceVariable end def confirm_content case style when :reply confirm_content_reply when :forward confirm_content_forward end end def confirm_content_reply citation.has_text?(name) && citation.has_no_text?(email) && citation.has_text?(timestamp_reply) end def confirm_content_forward if ensure_privacy? citation.has_text?(name) && citation.has_no_text?(email) && citation.has_text?(timestamp_forward) else citation.has_text?(name) && citation.has_text?(email) && citation.has_text?(timestamp_forward) end end def confirm_no_content citation.has_no_text?(name) && citation.has_no_text?(email) && citation.has_no_text?(timestamp_reply) && citation.has_no_text?(timestamp_forward) end def confirm_style case style when :forward citation.text.match?(/Subject(.+)\nDate(.+)/) when :reply citation.text.match?(/^On(.+)wrote:$/) end end def citation actual.first('blockquote[type=cite]') end def name expected.created_by.fullname end def email end def timestamp_reply expected .created_at .in_time_zone('Europe/London') .strftime('%A, %B %1d, %Y, %1I:%M:%S %p') end def timestamp_forward expected .created_at .in_time_zone('Europe/London') .strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M') end end end