require 'rails_helper' require 'models/application_model_examples' RSpec.describe Trigger, type: :model do subject(:trigger) { create(:trigger, condition: condition, perform: perform) } it_behaves_like 'ApplicationModel', can_assets: { selectors: %i[condition perform] } describe 'validation' do let(:condition) do { 'ticket.action' => { 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => 'create' } } end let(:perform) do { 'ticket.title' => { 'value'=>'triggered' } } end context '' do context 'missing recipient' do let(:perform) do { '' => { 'subject' => 'Hello', 'body' => 'World!' } } end it 'raises an error' do expect {! }.to raise_error(Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, 'Invalid perform, recipient is missing!') end end end end describe 'Send-email triggers' do before do described_class.destroy_all # Default DB state includes three sample triggers trigger # create subject trigger end let(:perform) do { '' => { 'recipient' => 'ticket_customer', 'subject' => 'foo', 'body' => 'some body with >snip<#{article.body_as_html}>/snip<', # rubocop:disable Lint/InterpolationCheck } } end context 'for condition "ticket created"' do let(:condition) do { 'ticket.action' => { 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => 'create' } } end context 'when ticket is created directly' do let!(:ticket) { create(:ticket) } it 'fires (without altering ticket state)' do expect { Observer::Transaction.commit } .to change(Ticket::Article, :count).by(1) .and not_change { }.from('new') end end context 'when ticket is created via Channel::EmailParser.process' do before { create(:email_address, groups: [Group.first]) } let(:raw_email) {'test/data/mail/')) } it 'fires (without altering ticket state)' do expect {{}, raw_email) } .to change(Ticket, :count).by(1) .and change { Ticket::Article.count }.by(2) expect( eq('new') end end context 'when ticket is created via Channel::EmailParser.process with inline image' do before { create(:email_address, groups: [Group.first]) } let(:raw_email) {'test/data/mail/')) } it 'fires (without altering ticket state)' do expect {{}, raw_email) } .to change(Ticket, :count).by(1) .and change { Ticket::Article.count }.by(2) expect( eq('new') article = Ticket::Article.last expect( eq('email') expect( eq('System') expect(article.attachments.count).to eq(1) expect(article.attachments[0].filename).to eq('image001.jpg') expect(article.attachments[0].preferences['Content-ID']).to eq('image001.jpg@01CDB132.D8A510F0') expect(article.body).to eq(<<~RAW.chomp some body with >snip<

Herzliche Grüße aus Oberalteich sendet Herrn Smith


Sepp Smith - Dipl.Ing. agr. (FH)

Geschäftsführer der example Straubing-Bogen

Klosterhof 1 | 94327 Bogen-Oberalteich

Tel: 09422-505601 | Fax: 09422-505620



Beschreibung: Beschreibung: efqmLogo - European Foundation für Quality Management


>/snip< RAW ) end end context ' recipient' do let!(:ticket) { create(:ticket) } let!(:recipient1) { create(:user, email: '') } let!(:recipient2) { create(:user, email: '') } let!(:recipient3) { create(:user, email: '') } let(:perform) do { '' => { 'recipient' => recipient, 'subject' => 'Hello', 'body' => 'World!' } } end before { Observer::Transaction.commit } context 'mix of recipient group keyword and single recipient users' do let(:recipient) { [ 'ticket_customer', "userid_#{}", "userid_#{}", "userid_#{}" ] } it 'contains all recipients' do expect( eq("#{}, #{}, #{}, #{}") end context 'duplicate recipient' do let(:recipient) { [ 'ticket_customer', "userid_#{}" ] } it 'contains only one recipient' do expect( eq( end end end context 'list of single users only' do let(:recipient) { [ "userid_#{}", "userid_#{}", "userid_#{}" ] } it 'contains all recipients' do expect( eq("#{}, #{}, #{}") end context 'assets' do it 'resolves Users from recipient list' do expect(trigger.assets({})[:User].keys).to include(,, end context 'single entry' do let(:recipient) { "userid_#{}" } it 'resolves User from recipient list' do expect(trigger.assets({})[:User].keys).to include( end end end end context 'recipient group keyword only' do let(:recipient) { 'ticket_customer' } it 'contains matching recipient' do expect( eq( end end end context 'active S/MIME integration' do before do Setting.set('smime_integration', true) create(:smime_certificate, :with_private, fixture: system_email_address) create(:smime_certificate, fixture: customer_email_address) end let(:system_email_address) { '' } let(:customer_email_address) { '' } let(:email_address) { create(:email_address, email: system_email_address) } let(:group) { create(:group, email_address: email_address) } let(:customer) { create(:customer_user, email: customer_email_address) } let(:security_preferences) { Ticket::Article.last.preferences[:security] } let(:perform) do { '' => { 'recipient' => 'ticket_customer', 'subject' => 'Subject dummy.', 'body' => 'Body dummy.', }.merge(security_configuration) } end let!(:ticket) { create(:ticket, group: group, customer: customer) } context 'sending articles' do before do Observer::Transaction.commit end context 'expired certificate' do let(:system_email_address) { '' } let(:security_configuration) do { 'sign' => 'always', 'encryption' => 'always', } end it 'creates unsigned article' do expect(security_preferences[:sign][:success]).to be false expect(security_preferences[:encryption][:success]).to be true end end context 'sign and encryption not set' do let(:security_configuration) { {} } it 'does not sign or encrypt' do expect(security_preferences[:sign][:success]).to be false expect(security_preferences[:encryption][:success]).to be false end end context 'sign and encryption disabled' do let(:security_configuration) do { 'sign' => 'no', 'encryption' => 'no', } end it 'does not sign or encrypt' do expect(security_preferences[:sign][:success]).to be false expect(security_preferences[:encryption][:success]).to be false end end context 'sign is enabled' do let(:security_configuration) do { 'sign' => 'always', 'encryption' => 'no', } end it 'signs' do expect(security_preferences[:sign][:success]).to be true expect(security_preferences[:encryption][:success]).to be false end end context 'encryption enabled' do let(:security_configuration) do { 'sign' => 'no', 'encryption' => 'always', } end it 'encrypts' do expect(security_preferences[:sign][:success]).to be false expect(security_preferences[:encryption][:success]).to be true end end context 'sign and encryption enabled' do let(:security_configuration) do { 'sign' => 'always', 'encryption' => 'always', } end it 'signs and encrypts' do expect(security_preferences[:sign][:success]).to be true expect(security_preferences[:encryption][:success]).to be true end end end context 'discard' do context 'sign' do let(:security_configuration) do { 'sign' => 'discard', } end context 'group without certificate' do let(:group) { create(:group) } it 'does not fire' do expect { Observer::Transaction.commit } .to change(Ticket::Article, :count).by(0) end end end context 'encryption' do let(:security_configuration) do { 'encryption' => 'discard', } end context 'customer without certificate' do let(:customer) { create(:customer) } it 'does not fire' do expect { Observer::Transaction.commit } .to change(Ticket::Article, :count).by(0) end end end context 'mixed' do context 'sign' do let(:security_configuration) do { 'encryption' => 'always', 'sign' => 'discard', } end context 'group without certificate' do let(:group) { create(:group) } it 'does not fire' do expect { Observer::Transaction.commit } .to change(Ticket::Article, :count).by(0) end end end context 'encryption' do let(:security_configuration) do { 'encryption' => 'discard', 'sign' => 'always', } end context 'customer without certificate' do let(:customer) { create(:customer) } it 'does not fire' do expect { Observer::Transaction.commit } .to change(Ticket::Article, :count).by(0) end end end end end end end context 'for condition "ticket updated"' do let(:condition) do { 'ticket.action' => { 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => 'update' } } end let!(:ticket) { create(:ticket).tap { Observer::Transaction.commit } } context 'when new article is created directly' do context 'with empty #preferences hash' do let!(:article) { create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket) } it 'fires (without altering ticket state)' do expect { Observer::Transaction.commit } .to change { ticket.reload.articles.count }.by(1) .and not_change { }.from('new') end end context 'with #preferences { "send-auto-response" => false }' do let!(:article) do create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, preferences: { 'send-auto-response' => false }) end it 'does not fire' do expect { Observer::Transaction.commit } .not_to change { ticket.reload.articles.count } end end end context 'when new article is created via Channel::EmailParser.process' do context 'with a regular message' do let!(:article) do create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, message_id: raw_email[/(?<=^References: )\S*/], subject: raw_email[/(?<=^Subject: Re: ).*$/]) end let(:raw_email) {'test/data/mail/')) } it 'fires (without altering ticket state)' do expect {{}, raw_email) } .to not_change { Ticket.count } .and change { ticket.reload.articles.count }.by(2) .and not_change { }.from('new') end end context 'with delivery-failed "bounce message"' do let!(:article) do create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, message_id: raw_email[/(?<=^Message-ID: )\S*/]) end let(:raw_email) {'test/data/mail/')) } it 'does not fire' do expect {{}, raw_email) } .to change { ticket.reload.articles.count }.by(1) end end end end context 'with condition execution_time.calendar_id' do let(:calendar) { create(:calendar) } let(:perform) do { 'ticket.title'=>{ 'value'=>'triggered' } } end let!(:ticket) { create(:ticket, title: 'Test Ticket') } context 'is in working time' do let(:condition) do { 'ticket.state_id' => { 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => Ticket::State.all.pluck(:id) }, 'execution_time.calendar_id' => { 'operator' => 'is in working time', 'value' => } } end it 'does trigger only in working time' do travel_to'2020-02-12T12:00:00Z0') expect { Observer::Transaction.commit }.to change { ticket.reload.title }.to('triggered') end it 'does not trigger out of working time' do travel_to'2020-02-12T02:00:00Z0') Observer::Transaction.commit expect(ticket.reload.title).to eq('Test Ticket') end end context 'is not in working time' do let(:condition) do { 'execution_time.calendar_id' => { 'operator' => 'is not in working time', 'value' => } } end it 'does not trigger in working time' do travel_to'2020-02-12T12:00:00Z0') Observer::Transaction.commit expect(ticket.reload.title).to eq('Test Ticket') end it 'does trigger out of working time' do travel_to'2020-02-12T02:00:00Z0') expect { Observer::Transaction.commit }.to change { ticket.reload.title }.to('triggered') end end end context 'with article last sender equals system address' do let!(:ticket) { create(:ticket) } let(:perform) do { '' => { 'recipient' => 'article_last_sender', 'subject' => 'foo last sender', 'body' => 'some body with >snip<#{article.body_as_html}>/snip<', # rubocop:disable Lint/InterpolationCheck } } end let(:condition) do { 'ticket.state_id' => { 'operator' => 'is', 'value' => Ticket::State.all.pluck(:id) } } end let!(:system_address) do create(:email_address) end context 'article with from equal to the a system address' do let!(:article) do create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, from:,) end it 'does not trigger because of the last article is created my system address' do expect { Observer::Transaction.commit }.to change { ticket.reload.articles.count }.by(0) expect(Ticket::Article.where(ticket: ticket).last.subject).not_to eq('foo last sender') expect(Ticket::Article.where(ticket: ticket) eq( end end context 'article with reply_to equal to the a system address' do let!(:article) do create(:ticket_article, ticket: ticket, from:, reply_to:,) end it 'does not trigger because of the last article is created my system address' do expect { Observer::Transaction.commit }.to change { ticket.reload.articles.count }.by(0) expect(Ticket::Article.where(ticket: ticket).last.subject).not_to eq('foo last sender') expect(Ticket::Article.where(ticket: ticket) eq( end end end end context 'with pre condition' do let(:perform) do { 'ticket.title'=>{ 'value'=>'triggered' } } end let(:user) do user = create(:agent_user) user.roles.first.groups << group user end let(:group) { Group.first } let(:ticket) do create(:ticket, title: 'Test Ticket', group: group, owner_id:, created_by_id:, updated_by_id: end shared_examples 'successful trigger' do |attribute:| let(:attribute) { attribute } let(:condition) do { attribute => { operator: 'is', pre_condition: '', value: '', value_completion: '' } } end it "for #{attribute}" do ticket && trigger expect { Observer::Transaction.commit }.to change { ticket.reload.title }.to('triggered') end end it_behaves_like 'successful trigger', attribute: 'ticket.updated_by_id' it_behaves_like 'successful trigger', attribute: 'ticket.owner_id' end end