require 'browser_test_helper' class AgentProfilePermissionsTest < TestCase def test_agent_to_edit_customer_profile @browser = browser_instance login( username: '', password: 'test', url: browser_url, ) tasks_close_all() user_open_by_search(value: 'Braun') verify_task( data: { title: 'Nicole Braun', } ) watch_for( css: ' .profile-window', value: 'note', ) watch_for( css: ' .profile-window', value: 'email', ) set( css: ' [data-name="note"]', value: 'some note 123', ) empty_search() # check and change note again in edit screen click(css: ' .js-action .icon-arrow-down', fast: true) click(css: ' .js-action [data-type="edit"]') modal_ready() watch_for( css: ' .modal', value: 'some note 123', ) set( css: '.modal [name="lastname"]', value: 'B2', ) set( css: '.modal [data-name="note"]', value: 'some note abc', ) click(css: ' .modal button.js-submit') modal_disappear() watch_for( css: ' .profile-window', value: 'some note abc', ) verify_task( data: { title: 'Nicole B2', } ) # change lastname back click(css: ' .js-action .icon-arrow-down', fast: true) click(css: ' .js-action [data-type="edit"]') modal_ready() set( css: '.modal [name="lastname"]', value: 'Braun', ) click(css: ' .modal button.js-submit') modal_disappear() verify_task( data: { title: 'Nicole Braun', } ) end def test_agent_edit_admin_profile @browser = browser_instance login( username: '', password: 'test', url: browser_url, ) tasks_close_all() user_open_by_search(value: 'Test Master') verify_task( data: { title: 'Test Master Agent', } ) watch_for( css: ' .profile-window', value: 'note', ) watch_for( css: ' .profile-window', value: 'email', ) empty_search() sleep 2 click(css: ' .js-action .icon-arrow-down', fast: true) exists_not(css: ' .js-action [data-type="edit"]') end def test_agent_to_edit_admin_ticket_user_details @browser = browser_instance login( username: '', password: 'test', url: browser_url, ) tasks_close_all() ticket1 = ticket_create( data: { customer: 'master', group: 'Users', title: 'test_user_access_permissions - ticket 1', body: 'test_user_access_permissions - ticket 1', }, ) tasks_close_all() logout() login( username: '', password: 'test', url: browser_url, ) tasks_close_all() ticket_open_by_search( number: ticket1[:number], ) watch_for( css: ' .tabsSidebar-holder', value: ticket1[:title], ) click(css: ' .tabsSidebar .tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab="customer"]') click(css: ' .sidebar[data-tab="customer"] .js-actions .dropdown-toggle') exists_not(css: ' .sidebar[data-tab="customer"] .js-actions [data-type="customer-edit"]') end def test_agent_to_edit_customer_ticket @browser = browser_instance login( username: '', password: 'test', url: browser_url, ) tasks_close_all() ticket1 = ticket_create( data: { customer: 'nico', group: 'Users', title: 'test_user_access_permissions - ticket 2', body: 'test_user_access_permissions - ticket 2', }, ) ticket_open_by_search( number: ticket1[:number], ) click(css: ' .tabsSidebar .tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab="customer"]') click(css: ' .sidebar[data-tab="customer"] .js-actions .dropdown-toggle') click(css: ' .sidebar[data-tab="customer"] .js-actions [data-type="customer-edit"]') modal_ready() set( css: '.modal [name="lastname"]', value: 'B2', ) set( css: '.modal [data-name="note"]', value: 'some note abc', ) click(css: ' .modal button.js-submit') modal_disappear() watch_for( css: ' .sidebar[data-tab="customer"] .sidebar-block [data-name="note"]', value: 'some note abc', ) watch_for( css: ' .sidebar[data-tab="customer"] .sidebar-block h3[title="Name"]', value: 'Nicole B2', ) # change lastname back click(css: ' .sidebar[data-tab="customer"] .js-actions') click(css: 'li[data-type="customer-edit"]') modal_ready() set( css: '.modal [name="lastname"]', value: 'Braun', ) set( css: '.modal [data-name="note"]', value: 'some note abc', ) click(css: ' .modal button.js-submit') modal_disappear() watch_for( css: ' .sidebar[data-tab="customer"] .sidebar-block [data-name="note"]', value: 'some note abc', ) watch_for( css: ' .sidebar[data-tab="customer"] .sidebar-block [title="Name"]', value: 'Nicole Braun', ) end def test_agent_to_edit_customer_ticket_details @browser = browser_instance login( username: '', password: 'test', url: browser_url, ) tasks_close_all() ticket1 = ticket_create( data: { customer: 'nico', group: 'Users', title: 'test_user_access_permissions - ticket 3', body: 'test_user_access_permissions - ticket 3', }, ) ticket_open_by_search( number: ticket1[:number], ) exists(css: ' .tabsSidebar .tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab="customer"]') exists(css: ' .sidebar[data-tab="customer"] .js-actions .dropdown-toggle') exists(css: ' .sidebar[data-tab="customer"] .js-actions [data-type="customer-edit"]') # scroll to the Avatar at the top of the zoom view and click it # scrolling is needed because the browser might have scrolled down # caused by a undeliverable email (of the created ticket) zoom_top_avatar_selector = ' .tabsSidebar-holder .js-avatar' scroll_to( position: 'botton', css: zoom_top_avatar_selector, ) click(css: zoom_top_avatar_selector) # check and change note again in edit screen click(css: ' .js-action .dropdown-toggle') click(css: ' .js-action [data-type="edit"]') modal_ready() set( css: '.modal [name="lastname"]', value: 'B2', ) set( css: '.modal [data-name="note"]', value: 'some note abc', ) click(css: ' .modal button.js-submit') modal_disappear() watch_for( css: ' .profile-window', value: 'some note abc', ) verify_task( data: { title: 'Nicole B2', } ) # change lastname back click(css: ' .js-action .dropdown-toggle') click(css: ' .js-action [data-type="edit"]') modal_ready() set( css: '.modal [name="lastname"]', value: 'Braun', ) set( css: '.modal [data-name="note"]', value: 'note', ) click(css: ' .modal button.js-submit') modal_disappear() verify_task( data: { title: 'Nicole Braun', } ) end def test_agent_to_edit_admin_ticket_details @browser = browser_instance login( username: '', password: 'test', url: browser_url, ) tasks_close_all() ticket1 = ticket_create( data: { customer: 'master', group: 'Users', title: 'test_user_access_permissions - ticket 4', body: 'test_user_access_permissions - ticket 4', }, ) ticket_open_by_search( number: ticket1[:number], ) exists(css: ' .tabsSidebar .tabsSidebar-tab[data-tab="customer"]') exists(css: ' .sidebar[data-tab="customer"] .js-actions .dropdown-toggle') exists_not(css: ' .sidebar[data-tab="customer"] .js-actions [data-type="customer-edit"]') begin retries ||= 0 # scroll to the Avatar at the top of the zoom view and click it # scrolling is needed because the browser might have scrolled down # caused by a undeliverable email (of the created ticket) zoom_top_avatar_selector = ' .tabsSidebar-holder .js-avatar' scroll_to( position: 'botton', css: zoom_top_avatar_selector, ) click(css: zoom_top_avatar_selector) click(css: ' .js-action .icon-arrow-down', fast: true) exists_not(css: ' .js-action [data-type="edit"]') rescue Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError sleep retries retries += 1 retry if retries < 3 end end end