# Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Zammad Foundation, http://zammad-foundation.org/ class Sso include ApplicationLib =begin authenticate user via username and password result = Sso.check( params ) returns result = user_model # if authentication was successfully =end def self.check(params) # use std. auth backends config = [ { adapter: 'Sso::Env', }, ] # added configured backends Setting.where( area: 'Security::SSO' ).each { |setting| if setting.state_current[:value] config.push setting.state_current[:value] end } # try to login against configure auth backends user_auth = nil config.each { |config_item| next if !config_item[:adapter] # load backend backend = load_adapter( config_item[:adapter] ) next if !backend user_auth = backend.check( params, config_item ) # auth not ok next if !user_auth Rails.logger.info "Authentication against #{config_item[:adapter]} for user #{user_auth.login} ok." # remember last login date user_auth.update_last_login return user_auth } nil end end