class String def message_quote quote = split("\n") body_quote = '' quote.each do |line| body_quote = body_quote + '> ' + line + "\n" end body_quote end def word_wrap(*args) options = args.extract_options! unless args.blank? options[:line_width] = args[0] || 82 end options.reverse_merge!(line_width: 82) lines = self lines.split("\n").collect do |line| line.length > options[:line_width] ? line.gsub(/(.{1,#{options[:line_width]}})(\s+|$)/, "\\1\n").strip : line end * "\n" end =begin filename = 'Some::Module'.to_filename returns 'some/module' =end def to_filename camel_cased_word = "#{self}" # rubocop:disable Style/UnneededInterpolation camel_cased_word.gsub(/::/, '/') .gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1_\2') .gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2') .tr('-', '_').downcase end =begin filename = 'some/module.rb'.to_classname returns 'Some::Module' =end def to_classname camel_cased_word = "#{self}" # rubocop:disable Style/UnneededInterpolation camel_cased_word.gsub!(/\.rb$/, '') camel_cased_word.split('/').map(&:camelize).join('::') end # because of mysql inno_db limitations, strip 4 bytes utf8 chars (e. g. emojis) # unfortunaly UTF8mb4 will raise other limitaions of max varchar and lower index sizes # More details: def utf8_to_3bytesutf8 return self if Rails.application.config.db_4bytes_utf8 { |c| if c.bytes.count > 3 Rails.logger.warn "strip out 4 bytes utf8 chars '#{c}' of '#{self}'" next end c } .join('') end =begin text = html_string.html2text returns 'string with text only' =end def html2text(string_only = false, strict = false) string = "#{self}" # rubocop:disable Style/UnneededInterpolation # in case of invalid encodeing, strip invalid chars # see also test/fixtures/ # note: string.encode!('UTF-8', 'UTF-8', :invalid => :replace, :replace => '?') was not detecting invalid chars if !string.valid_encoding? string = end # remove html comments string.gsub!(//m, '') # find and replace it with [x] link_list = '' counter = 0 if !string_only string.gsub!(//ix) { link = $2 counter = counter + 1 link_list += "[#{counter}] #{link}\n" "[#{counter}] " } else string.gsub!(%r{]*)>(.+?)<[[:space:]]*/a[[:space:]]*>}mxi) { |_placeholder| link = $3 text = $6 text.gsub!(/\<.+?\>/, '') link_compare = link.dup if !link_compare.empty? link.strip! link_compare.strip! link_compare.downcase! link_compare.sub!(%r{/$}, '') end text_compare = text.dup if !text_compare.empty? text.strip! text_compare.strip! text_compare.downcase! text_compare.sub!(%r{/$}, '') end placeholder = if !link_compare.empty? && text_compare.empty? link elsif link_compare.empty? && !text_compare.empty? text elsif link_compare && link_compare =~ /^mailto/i text elsif !link_compare.empty? && !text_compare.empty? && (link_compare == text_compare || link_compare == "mailto:#{text}".downcase || link_compare == "http://#{text}".downcase) "######LINKEXT:#{link}/TEXT:#{text}######" elsif text !~ /^http/ "#{text} (######LINKRAW:#{link}######)" else "#{link} (######LINKRAW:#{text}######)" end } end # remove style tags with content string.gsub!(%r{(.+?)}im, '') # remove empty lines string.gsub!(/^[[:space:]]*/m, '') if strict string.gsub!(%r{< [[:space:]]* (/*) [[:space:]]* (b|i|ul|ol|li|u|h1|h2|h3|hr) ([[:space:]]*|[[:space:]]+[^>]*) >}mxi, '######\1\2######') end # pre/code handling 1/2 string.gsub!(%r{
}m) { |placeholder| placeholder = placeholder.gsub(/\n/, '###BR###') } string.gsub!(%r{(.+?)}m) { |placeholder| placeholder = placeholder.gsub(/\n/, '###BR###') } # insert spaces on [A-z]\n[A-z] string.gsub!(/([A-z])[[:space:]]([A-z])/m, '\1 \2') # remove all new lines string.gsub!(/(\n\r|\r\r\n|\r\n|\n)/, '') # blockquote handling string.gsub!(%r{]*)>(.+?)}m) { "\n" + $2.html2text(true).gsub(/^(.*)$/, '> \1') + "\n" } # pre/code handling 2/2 string.gsub!(/###BR###/, "\n") # add counting string.gsub!(/]*)>/i, "\n* ") # add hr string.gsub!(%r{]*)>}i, "\n___\n") # add h\d string.gsub!(%r{}i, "\n") # add new lines string.gsub!(%r{}im, "\n") string.gsub!(%r{

}im, "\n") string.gsub!(%r{<(div|p|pre|br|table|tr|h)(|/| [^>]*)>}i, "\n") string.gsub!(%r{}i, "\n") string.gsub!(%r{}i, ' ') # strip all other tags string.gsub!(/\<.+?\>/, '') # replace multiple spaces with one string.gsub!(/ /, ' ') # add hyperlinks if strict string.gsub!(%r{([[:space:]])((http|https|ftp|tel)://.+?|(www..+?))([[:space:]]|\.[[:space:]]|,[[:space:]])}mxi) { |_placeholder| pre = $1 content = $2 post = $5 if content =~ /^www/i content = "http://#{content}" end placeholder = if content =~ /^(http|https|ftp|tel)/i "#{pre}######LINKRAW:#{content}#######{post}" else "#{pre}#{content}#{post}" end } end # try HTMLEntities, if it fails on invalid signes, use manual way begin coder = string = coder.decode(string) rescue # strip all & < > " string.gsub!('&', '&') string.gsub!('<', '<') string.gsub!('>', '>') string.gsub!('"', '"') string.gsub!(' ', ' ') # encode html entities like "–" string.gsub!(/(&\#(\d+);?)/x) { $2.chr } # encode html entities like "d;" string.gsub!(/(&\#[xX]([0-9a-fA-F]+);?)/x) { chr_orig = $1 hex = $2.hex if hex chr = hex.chr if chr chr_orig = chr else chr_orig end else chr_orig end # check valid encoding begin if !chr_orig.encode('UTF-8').valid_encoding? chr_orig = '?' end rescue chr_orig = '?' end chr_orig } end # remove tailing empty spaces string.gsub!(/[[:blank:]]+$/, '') # remove double multiple empty lines string.gsub!(/\n\n\n+/, "\n\n") # add extracted links if link_list != '' string += "\n\n\n" + link_list end # remove double multiple empty lines string.gsub!(/\n\n\n+/, "\n\n") string.strip end =begin html = text_string.text2html =end def text2html text = CGI.escapeHTML(self) text.gsub!(/\n/, '
') text.chomp end =begin html = text_string.text2html =end def html2html_strict(force = false) string = html2text(true, true) string.signature_identify(force) string = string.text2html string.gsub!(%r{######LINKEXT:(.+?)/TEXT:(.+?)######}, '
\2') string.gsub!(/######LINKRAW:(.+?)######/, '\1') marker_template = '' string.sub!(/######SIGNATURE_MARKER######/, marker_template) string.gsub!(/######SIGNATURE_MARKER######/, '') string.gsub!(/######(.+?)######/, '<\1>') string.chomp end def signature_identify(force = false) string = self # if we do have less then 10 lines and less then 300 chars ignore this if !force lines = string.split("\n") return if lines.count < 10 && string.length < 300 end marker = '######SIGNATURE_MARKER######' # search for signature separator "--\n" string.sub!(/^\s{0,2}--\s{0,2}$/) { |placeholder| placeholder = "#{marker}#{placeholder}" } map = {} # Apple Mail # On 01/04/15 10:55, Bob Smith wrote: map['apple-en'] = '^(On)[[:space:]].{6,20}[[:space:]].{3,10}[[:space:]].{1,250}[[:space:]](wrote):' # Am 03.04.2015 um 20:58 schrieb Martin Edenhofer : map['apple-de'] = '^(Am)[[:space:]].{6,20}[[:space:]](um)[[:space:]].{3,10}[[:space:]](schrieb)[[:space:]].{1,250}:' # Thunderbird # Am 04.03.2015 um 12:47 schrieb Alf Aardvark: map['thunderbird-de'] = '^(Am)[[:space:]].{6,20}[[:space:]](um)[[:space:]].{3,10}[[:space:]](schrieb)[[:space:]].{1,250}:' # Thunderbird default - # On 01-01-2007 11:00 AM, Alf Aardvark wrote: map['thunderbird-en-default'] = '^(On)[[:space:]].{6,20}[[:space:]].{3,10},[[:space:]].{1,250}(wrote):' # # Alf Aardvark wrote, on 01-01-2007 11:00 AM: map['thunderbird-en'] = '^.{1,250}[[:space:]](wrote),[[:space:]]on[[:space:]].{3,20}:' # otrs # 25.02.2015 10:26 - edv hotline wrote: # 25.02.2015 10:26 - edv hotline schrieb: map['otrs-en-de'] = '^.{6,10}[[:space:]].{3,10}[[:space:]]-[[:space:]].{1,250}[[:space:]](wrote|schrieb):' # Ms # rubocop:disable Style/AsciiComments # From: Martin Edenhofer via Znuny Support [] # Send: Donnerstag, 2. April 2015 10:00 # To/Cc/Bcc: xxx # Subject: xxx # - or - # From: xxx # To/Cc/Bcc: xxx # Date: 01.04.2015 12:41 # Subject: xxx # - or - # De : xxx # À/?/?: xxx # Envoyé : mercredi 29 avril 2015 17:31 # Objet : xxx # rubocop:enable Style/AsciiComments # en/de/fr | sometimes ms adds a space to "xx : value" map['ms-en-de-fr_from'] = '^(From|Von|De)( ?):[[:space:]].+?' map['ms-en-de-fr_from_html'] = "\n######b######(From|Von|De)([[:space:]]?):([[:space:]]?)(######\/b######)[[:space:]].+?" # word 14 # edv hotline wrote: # edv hotline schrieb: #map['word-en-de'] = "[^#{marker}].{1,250}\s(wrote|schrieb):" map.each { |_key, regexp| string.sub!(/#{regexp}/) { |placeholder| placeholder = "#{marker}#{placeholder}" } } string end end