# Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Zammad Foundation, http://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'digest/md5' # @model User # # @property id(required) [Integer] The identifier for the User. # @property login(required) [String] The login of the User used for authentication. # @property firstname [String] The firstname of the User. # @property lastname [String] The lastname of the User. # @property email [String] The email of the User. # @property image [String] The Image used as the User avatar (TODO: Image model?). # @property web [String] The website/URL of the User. # @property password [String] The password of the User. # @property phone [String] The phone number of the User. # @property fax [String] The fax number of the User. # @property mobile [String] The mobile number of the User. # @property department [String] The department the User is working at. # @property street [String] The street the User lives in. # @property zip [Integer] The zip postal code of the User city. # @property city [String] The city the User lives in. # @property country [String] The country the User lives in. # @property verified [Boolean] The flag that shows the verified state of the User. # @property active [Boolean] The flag that shows the active state of the User. # @property note [String] The note or comment stored to the User. class User < ApplicationModel include LogsActivityStream include NotifiesClients include Historisable include SearchIndexed load 'user/permission.rb' include User::Permission load 'user/assets.rb' include User::Assets extend User::Search load 'user/search_index.rb' include User::SearchIndex before_validation :check_name, :check_email, :check_login, :ensure_password before_create :check_preferences_default, :validate_roles, :domain_based_assignment, :set_locale before_update :check_preferences_default, :validate_roles, :reset_login_failed after_create :avatar_for_email_check after_update :avatar_for_email_check after_destroy :avatar_destroy has_and_belongs_to_many :groups, after_add: :cache_update, after_remove: :cache_update, class_name: 'Group' has_and_belongs_to_many :roles, after_add: [:cache_update, :check_notifications], after_remove: :cache_update, class_name: 'Role' has_and_belongs_to_many :organizations, after_add: :cache_update, after_remove: :cache_update, class_name: 'Organization' #has_many :permissions, class_name: 'Permission', through: :roles, class_name: 'Role' has_many :tokens, after_add: :cache_update, after_remove: :cache_update has_many :authorizations, after_add: :cache_update, after_remove: :cache_update belongs_to :organization, class_name: 'Organization' store :preferences activity_stream_permission 'admin.user' activity_stream_attributes_ignored :last_login, :login_failed, :image, :image_source, :preferences history_attributes_ignored :password, :last_login, :image, :image_source, :preferences search_index_attributes_ignored :password, :image, :image_source, :source, :login_failed, :preferences def ignore_search_indexing?(_action) # ignore internal user return true if id == 1 false end =begin fullname of user user = User.find(123) result = user.fullname returns result = "Bob Smith" =end def fullname name = '' if firstname && !firstname.empty? name = name + firstname end if lastname && !lastname.empty? if name != '' name += ' ' end name += lastname end if name == '' && email name = email end name end =begin longname of user user = User.find(123) result = user.longname returns result = "Bob Smith" or with org result = "Bob Smith (Org ABC)" =end def longname name = fullname if organization_id organization = Organization.lookup(id: organization_id) if organization name += " (#{organization.name})" end end name end =begin check if user is in role user = User.find(123) result = user.role?('Customer') result = user.role?(['Agent', 'Admin']) returns result = true|false =end def role?(role_name) roles.where(name: role_name).any? end =begin get users activity stream user = User.find(123) result = user.activity_stream(20) returns result = [ { id: 2, o_id: 2, created_by_id: 3, created_at: '2013-09-28 00:57:21', object: "User", type: "created", }, { id: 2, o_id: 2, created_by_id: 3, created_at: '2013-09-28 00:59:21', object: "User", type: "updated", }, ] =end def activity_stream(limit, fulldata = false) activity_stream = ActivityStream.list(self, limit) return activity_stream if !fulldata # get related objects assets = ApplicationModel.assets_of_object_list(activity_stream) { activity_stream: activity_stream, assets: assets, } end =begin authenticate user result = User.authenticate(username, password) returns result = user_model # user model if authentication was successfully =end def self.authenticate(username, password) # do not authenticate with nothing return if username.blank? || password.blank? # try to find user based on login user = User.find_by(login: username.downcase, active: true) # try second lookup with email user ||= User.find_by(email: username.downcase, active: true) # check failed logins max_login_failed = Setting.get('password_max_login_failed').to_i || 10 if user && user.login_failed > max_login_failed logger.info "Max login faild reached for user #{user.login}." return false end user_auth = Auth.check(username, password, user) # set login failed +1 if !user_auth && user sleep 1 user.login_failed += 1 user.save end # auth ok user_auth end =begin authenticate user agains sso result = User.sso(sso_params) returns result = user_model # user model if authentication was successfully =end def self.sso(params) # try to login against configure auth backends user_auth = Sso.check(params) return if !user_auth user_auth end =begin create user from from omni auth hash result = User.create_from_hash!(hash) returns result = user_model # user model if create was successfully =end def self.create_from_hash!(hash) role_ids = Role.signup_role_ids url = '' if hash['info']['urls'] hash['info']['urls'].each { |_name, local_url| next if !local_url next if local_url.empty? url = local_url } end create( login: hash['info']['nickname'] || hash['uid'], firstname: hash['info']['name'], email: hash['info']['email'], image_source: hash['info']['image'], web: url, address: hash['info']['location'], note: hash['info']['description'], source: hash['provider'], role_ids: role_ids, updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1, ) end =begin get all permissions of user user = User.find(123) user.permissions returns { 'permission.key' => true, # ... } =end def permissions list = {} Object.const_get('Permission').select('permissions.name, permissions.preferences').joins(:roles).where('roles.id IN (?) AND permissions.active = ?', role_ids, true).pluck(:name, :preferences).each { |permission| next if permission[1]['selectable'] == false list[permission[0]] = true } list end =begin true or false for permission user = User.find(123) user.permissions?('permission.key') # access to certain permission.key user.permissions?(['permission.key1', 'permission.key2']) # access to permission.key1 or permission.key2 user.permissions?('permission') # access to all sub keys user.permissions?('permission.*') # access if one sub key access exists returns true|false =end def permissions?(key) keys = key names = [] if key.class == String keys = [key] end keys.each { |local_key| cache_key = "User::permissions?:local_key:::#{id}" if Rails.env.production? cache = Cache.get(cache_key) return cache if cache end list = [] if local_key =~ /\.\*$/ local_key.sub!('.*', '.%') permissions = Object.const_get('Permission').with_parents(local_key) list = Object.const_get('Permission').select('preferences').joins(:roles).where('roles.id IN (?) AND roles.active = ? AND (permissions.name IN (?) OR permissions.name LIKE ?) AND permissions.active = ?', role_ids, true, permissions, local_key, true).pluck(:preferences) else permission = Object.const_get('Permission').lookup(name: local_key) break if permission && permission.active == false permissions = Object.const_get('Permission').with_parents(local_key) list = Object.const_get('Permission').select('preferences').joins(:roles).where('roles.id IN (?) AND roles.active = ? AND permissions.name IN (?) AND permissions.active = ?', role_ids, true, permissions, true).pluck(:preferences) end list.each { |preferences| next if preferences[:selectable] == false Cache.write(key, true, expires_in: 10.seconds) return true } } Cache.write(key, false, expires_in: 10.seconds) false end =begin returns all accessable permission ids of user user = User.find(123) user.permissions_with_child_ids returns [permission1_id, permission2_id, permission3_id] =end def permissions_with_child_ids where = '' where_bind = [true] permissions.each { |permission_name, _value| where += ' OR ' if where != '' where += 'permissions.name = ? OR permissions.name LIKE ?' where_bind.push permission_name where_bind.push "#{permission_name}.%" } return [] if where == '' Object.const_get('Permission').where("permissions.active = ? AND (#{where})", *where_bind).pluck(:id) end =begin get all users with permission users = User.with_permissions('admin.session') get all users with permission "admin.session" or "ticket.agent" users = User.with_permissions(['admin.session', 'ticket.agent']) returns [user1, user2, ...] =end def self.with_permissions(keys) if keys.class != Array keys = [keys] end total_role_ids = [] permission_ids = [] keys.each { |key| role_ids = [] Object.const_get('Permission').with_parents(key).each { |local_key| permission = Object.const_get('Permission').lookup(name: local_key) next if !permission permission_ids.push permission.id } next if permission_ids.empty? Role.joins(:roles_permissions).joins(:permissions).where('permissions_roles.permission_id IN (?) AND roles.active = ? AND permissions.active = ?', permission_ids, true, true).uniq().pluck(:id).each { |role_id| role_ids.push role_id } total_role_ids.push role_ids } return [] if total_role_ids.empty? condition = '' total_role_ids.each { |_role_ids| if condition != '' condition += ' OR ' end condition += 'roles_users.role_id IN (?)' } User.joins(:users_roles).where("(#{condition}) AND users.active = ?", *total_role_ids, true).distinct.order(:id) end =begin generate new token for reset password result = User.password_reset_new_token(username) returns result = { token: token, user: user, } =end def self.password_reset_new_token(username) return if username.blank? # try to find user based on login user = User.find_by(login: username.downcase, active: true) # try second lookup with email user ||= User.find_by(email: username.downcase, active: true) # check if email address exists return if !user return if !user.email # generate token token = Token.create(action: 'PasswordReset', user_id: user.id) { token: token, user: user, } end =begin returns the User instance for a given password token if found result = User.by_reset_token(token) returns result = user_model # user_model if token was verified =end def self.by_reset_token(token) Token.check(action: 'PasswordReset', name: token) end =begin reset password with token and set new password result = User.password_reset_via_token(token,password) returns result = user_model # user_model if token was verified =end def self.password_reset_via_token(token, password) # check token user = by_reset_token(token) return if !user # reset password user.update_attributes(password: password) # delete token Token.find_by(action: 'PasswordReset', name: token).destroy user end =begin update last login date and reset login_failed (is automatically done by auth and sso backend) user = User.find(123) result = user.update_last_login returns result = new_user_model =end def update_last_login self.last_login = Time.zone.now # reset login failed self.login_failed = 0 save end =begin generate new token for signup result = User.signup_new_token(user) # or email returns result = { token: token, user: user, } =end def self.signup_new_token(user) return if !user return if !user.email # generate token token = Token.create(action: 'Signup', user_id: user.id) { token: token, user: user, } end =begin verify signup with token result = User.signup_verify_via_token(token, user) returns result = user_model # user_model if token was verified =end def self.signup_verify_via_token(token, user = nil) # check token local_user = Token.check(action: 'Signup', name: token) return if !local_user # if requested user is different to current user return if user && local_user.id != user.id # set verified local_user.update_attributes(verified: true) # delete token Token.find_by(action: 'Signup', name: token).destroy local_user end =begin merge two users to one user = User.find(123) result = user.merge(user_id_of_duplicate_user) returns result = new_user_model =end def merge(user_id_of_duplicate_user) # find email addresses and move them to primary user duplicate_user = User.find(user_id_of_duplicate_user) # merge missing attibutes Models.merge('User', id, user_id_of_duplicate_user) true end =begin list of active users in role result = User.of_role('Agent', group_ids) result = User.of_role(['Agent', 'Admin']) returns result = [user1, user2] =end def self.of_role(role, group_ids = nil) roles_ids = Role.where(active: true, name: role).map(&:id) if !group_ids return User.where(active: true).joins(:users_roles).where('roles_users.role_id IN (?)', roles_ids).order('users.updated_at DESC') end User.where(active: true) .joins(:users_roles) .joins(:users_groups) .where('roles_users.role_id IN (?) AND users_groups.group_ids IN (?)', roles_ids, group_ids).order('users.updated_at DESC') end =begin update/sync default preferences of users in a dedecated permissions result = User.update_default_preferences_by_permission('ticket.agent', force) returns result = true # false =end def self.update_default_preferences_by_permission(permission_name, force = false) permission = Object.const_get('Permission').lookup(name: permission_name) return if !permission default = Rails.configuration.preferences_default_by_permission return false if !default default.deep_stringify_keys! User.with_permissions(permission.name).each { |user| next if !default[permission.name] has_changed = false default[permission.name].each { |key, value| next if !force && user.preferences[key] has_changed = true user.preferences[key] = value } if has_changed user.save! end } true end =begin update/sync default preferences of users in a dedecated role result = User.update_default_preferences_by_role('Agent', force) returns result = true # false =end def self.update_default_preferences_by_role(role_name, force = false) role = Role.lookup(name: role_name) return if !role default = Rails.configuration.preferences_default_by_permission return false if !default default.deep_stringify_keys! role.permissions.each { |permission| User.update_default_preferences_by_permission(permission.name, force) } true end def check_notifications(o) default = Rails.configuration.preferences_default_by_permission return if !default default.deep_stringify_keys! has_changed = false o.permissions.each { |permission| next if !default[permission.name] default[permission.name].each { |key, value| next if preferences[key] preferences[key] = value has_changed = true } } return true if !has_changed if id save! return true end @preferences_default = preferences true end def check_preferences_default return if @preferences_default.blank? preferences_tmp = @preferences_default.merge(preferences) self.preferences = preferences_tmp @preferences_default = nil true end private def cache_delete super # delete asset caches key = "User::authorizations::#{id}" Cache.delete(key) # delete permission cache key = "User::permissions?:local_key:::#{id}" Cache.delete(key) end def check_name return if !firstname.empty? && !lastname.empty? if !firstname.empty? && lastname.empty? # "Lastname, Firstname" scan = firstname.scan(/, /) if scan[0] name = firstname.split(', ', 2) if !name[0].nil? self.lastname = name[0] end if !name[1].nil? self.firstname = name[1] end return end # "Firstname Lastname" name = firstname.split(' ', 2) if !name[0].nil? self.firstname = name[0] end if !name[1].nil? self.lastname = name[1] end return # -no name- "firstname.lastname@example.com" elsif firstname.empty? && lastname.empty? && !email.empty? scan = email.scan(/^(.+?)\.(.+?)\@.+?$/) if scan[0] if !scan[0][0].nil? self.firstname = scan[0][0].capitalize end if !scan[0][1].nil? self.lastname = scan[0][1].capitalize end end end end def check_email return if Setting.get('import_mode') return if email.empty? self.email = email.downcase.strip return if id == 1 raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, 'Invalid email' if email !~ /@/ raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, 'Invalid email' if email =~ /\s/ end def check_login # use email as login if not given if login.empty? && !email.empty? self.login = email end # if email has changed, login is old email, change also login if changes && changes['email'] if changes['email'][0] == login self.login = email end end # if no email, complain about missing login if id != 1 && login.empty? && email.empty? raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, 'Attribute \'login\' required!' end # check if login already exists self.login = login.downcase.strip check = true while check exists = User.find_by(login: login) if exists && exists.id != id self.login = login + rand(999).to_s else check = false end end end def validate_roles return if !role_ids role_ids.each { |role_id| role = Role.lookup(id: role_id) raise "Unable to find role for id #{role_id}" if !role next if !role.preferences[:not] role.preferences[:not].each { |local_role_name| local_role = Role.lookup(name: local_role_name) next if !local_role raise "Role #{role.name} conflicts with #{local_role.name}" if role_ids.include?(local_role.id) } } end def domain_based_assignment return if !email return if organization_id begin domain = Mail::Address.new(email).domain return if !domain organization = Organization.find_by(domain: domain.downcase, domain_assignment: true) return if !organization self.organization_id = organization.id rescue return end end # sets locale of the user def set_locale # set the user's locale to the one of the "executing" user return if !UserInfo.current_user_id user = User.find_by( id: UserInfo.current_user_id ) return if !user return if !user.preferences[:locale] preferences[:locale] = user.preferences[:locale] end def avatar_for_email_check return if email.blank? return if email !~ /@/ return if !changes['email'] && updated_at > Time.zone.now - 10.days # save/update avatar avatar = Avatar.auto_detection( object: 'User', o_id: id, url: email, source: 'app', updated_by_id: updated_by_id, created_by_id: updated_by_id, ) # update user link return if !avatar update_column(:image, avatar.store_hash) cache_delete end def avatar_destroy Avatar.remove('User', id) end def ensure_password return if password_empty? return if PasswordHash.crypted?(password) self.password = PasswordHash.crypt(password) end def password_empty? # set old password again if not given return if password.present? # skip if it's not desired to set a password (yet) return true if !password # get current record return if !id self.password = password_was true end # reset login_failed if password is changed def reset_login_failed return if !changes return if !changes['password'] self.login_failed = 0 end end