# encoding: utf-8 require 'integration_test_helper' class ElasticsearchTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # set config if !ENV['ES_URL'] raise "ERROR: Need ES_URL - hint ES_URL=''" end Setting.set('es_url', ENV['ES_URL']) if !ENV['ES_INDEX'] && !ENV['ES_INDEX_RAND'] raise "ERROR: Need ES_INDEX - hint ES_INDEX='estest.local_zammad'" end if ENV['ES_INDEX_RAND'] ENV['ES_INDEX'] = "es_index_#{rand(999_999_999)}" end Setting.set('es_index', ENV['ES_INDEX']) # Setting.set('es_url', '') # Setting.set('es_index', 'estest.local_zammad') # Setting.set('es_user', 'elasticsearch') # Setting.set('es_password', 'zammad') # set max attachment size in mb Setting.set('es_attachment_max_size_in_mb', 1) # drop/create indexes #Rake::Task["searchindex:drop"].execute #Rake::Task["searchindex:create"].execute system('rake searchindex:rebuild') groups = Group.where(name: 'Users') roles = Role.where(name: 'Agent') agent = User.create_or_update( login: 'es-agent@example.com', firstname: 'E', lastname: 'S', email: 'es-agent@example.com', password: 'agentpw', active: true, roles: roles, groups: groups, updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1, ) group_without_access = Group.create_if_not_exists( name: 'WithoutAccess', note: 'Test for not access check.', updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1 ) roles = Role.where(name: 'Customer') organization1 = Organization.create_if_not_exists( name: 'Customer Organization Update', note: 'some note', updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1, ) customer1 = User.create_or_update( login: 'es-customer1@example.com', firstname: 'ES', lastname: 'Customer1', email: 'es-customer1@example.com', password: 'customerpw', active: true, organization_id: organization1.id, roles: roles, updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1, ) sleep 1 customer2 = User.create_or_update( login: 'es-customer2@example.com', firstname: 'ES', lastname: 'Customer2', email: 'es-customer2@example.com', password: 'customerpw', active: true, organization_id: organization1.id, roles: roles, updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1, ) sleep 1 customer3 = User.create_or_update( login: 'es-customer3@example.com', firstname: 'ES', lastname: 'Customer3', email: 'es-customer3@example.com', password: 'customerpw', active: true, roles: roles, updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1, ) # check search attributes test 'a - objects' do # user attributes = agent.search_index_data assert_equal('E', attributes['firstname']) assert_equal('S', attributes['lastname']) assert_equal('es-agent@example.com', attributes['email']) assert_not(attributes['password']) assert_not(attributes['organization']) attributes = agent.search_index_attribute_lookup assert_equal('E', attributes['firstname']) assert_equal('S', attributes['lastname']) assert_equal('es-agent@example.com', attributes['email']) assert_not(attributes['password']) assert_not(attributes['organization']) # organization attributes = organization1.search_index_data assert_equal('Customer Organization Update', attributes['name']) assert_equal('some note', attributes['note']) assert_not(attributes['members']) attributes = organization1.search_index_attribute_lookup assert_equal('Customer Organization Update', attributes['name']) assert_equal('some note', attributes['note']) assert(attributes['members']) # ticket/article ticket1 = Ticket.create( title: 'some title äöüß', group: Group.lookup(name: 'Users'), customer_id: customer1.id, state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'new'), priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup(name: '2 normal'), updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1, ) article1 = Ticket::Article.create( ticket_id: ticket1.id, from: 'some_sender@example.com', to: 'some_recipient@example.com', subject: 'some subject', message_id: 'some@id', body: 'some message', internal: false, sender: Ticket::Article::Sender.where(name: 'Customer').first, type: Ticket::Article::Type.where(name: 'email').first, updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1, ) attributes = ticket1.search_index_attribute_lookup assert_equal('Users', attributes['group']) assert_equal('new', attributes['state']) assert_equal('2 normal', attributes['priority']) assert_equal('ES', attributes['customer']['firstname']) assert_equal('Customer1', attributes['customer']['lastname']) assert_equal('es-customer1@example.com', attributes['customer']['email']) assert_not(attributes['customer']['password']) assert_equal('Customer Organization Update', attributes['customer']['organization']) assert_equal('-', attributes['owner']['login']) assert_equal('-', attributes['owner']['firstname']) assert_not(attributes['owner']['password']) assert_not(attributes['owner']['organization']) ticket1.destroy # execute background jobs Scheduler.worker(true) end # check tickets and search it test 'b - tickets' do system('rake searchindex:rebuild') ticket1 = Ticket.create( title: "some title\n äöüß", group: Group.lookup(name: 'Users'), customer_id: customer1.id, state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'new'), priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup(name: '2 normal'), updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1, ) article1 = Ticket::Article.create( ticket_id: ticket1.id, from: 'some_sender@example.com', to: 'some_recipient@example.com', subject: 'some subject', message_id: 'some@id', body: 'some message', internal: false, sender: Ticket::Article::Sender.where(name: 'Customer').first, type: Ticket::Article::Type.where(name: 'email').first, updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1, ) # add attachments which should get index / .txt # "some normal text" Store.add( object: 'Ticket::Article', o_id: article1.id, data: IO.binread("#{Rails.root}/test/fixtures/es-normal.txt"), filename: 'es-normal.txt', preferences: {}, created_by_id: 1, ) # add attachments which should get index / .pdf # "Zammad Test77" Store.add( object: 'Ticket::Article', o_id: article1.id, data: IO.binread("#{Rails.root}/test/fixtures/es-pdf1.pdf"), filename: 'es-pdf1.pdf', preferences: {}, created_by_id: 1, ) # add attachments which should get index / .box # "Old programmers never die test99" Store.add( object: 'Ticket::Article', o_id: article1.id, data: IO.binread("#{Rails.root}/test/fixtures/es-box1.box"), filename: 'mail1.box', preferences: {}, created_by_id: 1, ) # add to big attachment which should not get index # "some too big text88" Store.add( object: 'Ticket::Article', o_id: article1.id, data: IO.binread("#{Rails.root}/test/fixtures/es-too-big.txt"), filename: 'es-too-big.txt', preferences: {}, created_by_id: 1, ) Tag.tag_add( object: 'Ticket', o_id: ticket1.id, item: 'someTagA', created_by_id: 1, ) sleep 1 ticket2 = Ticket.create( title: 'something else', group: Group.lookup(name: 'Users'), customer_id: customer2.id, state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'open'), priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup(name: '2 normal'), updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1, ) article2 = Ticket::Article.create( ticket_id: ticket2.id, from: 'some_sender@example.org', to: 'some_recipient@example.org', subject: 'some subject2 / autobahn what else?', message_id: 'some@id', body: 'some other message with strong text', content_type: 'text/html', internal: false, sender: Ticket::Article::Sender.where(name: 'Customer').first, type: Ticket::Article::Type.where(name: 'email').first, updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1, ) Tag.tag_add( object: 'Ticket', o_id: ticket2.id, item: 'someTagB', created_by_id: 1, ) sleep 1 ticket3 = Ticket.create( title: 'something else', group: Group.lookup(name: 'WithoutAccess'), customer_id: customer3.id, state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'open'), priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup(name: '2 normal'), updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1, ) article3 = Ticket::Article.create( ticket_id: ticket3.id, from: 'some_sender@example.org', to: 'some_recipient@example.org', subject: 'some subject3', message_id: 'some@id', body: 'some other message 3 / kindergarden what else?', internal: false, sender: Ticket::Article::Sender.where(name: 'Customer').first, type: Ticket::Article::Type.where(name: 'email').first, updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1, ) # execute background jobs Scheduler.worker(true) sleep 4 # search as agent # search for article data result = Ticket.search( current_user: agent, query: 'autobahn', limit: 15, ) assert(!result.empty?, 'result exists not') assert(result[0], 'record 1') assert(!result[1], 'record 2') assert_equal(result[0].id, ticket2.id) # search for html content result = Ticket.search( current_user: agent, query: 'strong', limit: 15, ) assert(!result.empty?, 'result exists not') assert(result[0], 'record 1') assert(!result[1], 'record 2') assert_equal(result[0].id, ticket2.id) # search for indexed attachment result = Ticket.search( current_user: agent, query: '"some normal text66"', limit: 15, ) assert(result[0], 'record 1') assert_equal(result[0].id, ticket1.id) result = Ticket.search( current_user: agent, query: 'test77', limit: 15, ) assert(result[0], 'record 1') assert_equal(result[0].id, ticket1.id) # search for not indexed attachment result = Ticket.search( current_user: agent, query: 'test88', limit: 15, ) assert(!result[0], 'record 1') result = Ticket.search( current_user: agent, query: 'test99', limit: 15, ) assert(!result[0], 'record 1') # search for ticket with no permissions result = Ticket.search( current_user: agent, query: 'kindergarden', limit: 15, ) assert(result.empty?, 'result should be empty') assert(!result[0], 'record 1') # search as customer1 result = Ticket.search( current_user: customer1, query: 'title OR else', limit: 15, ) assert(!result.empty?, 'result exists not') assert(result[0], 'record 1') assert(result[1], 'record 2') assert(!result[2], 'record 3') assert_equal(result[0].id, ticket2.id) assert_equal(result[1].id, ticket1.id) # search as customer2 result = Ticket.search( current_user: customer2, query: 'title OR else', limit: 15, ) assert(!result.empty?, 'result exists not') assert(result[0], 'record 1') assert(result[1], 'record 2') assert(!result[2], 'record 3') assert_equal(result[0].id, ticket2.id) assert_equal(result[1].id, ticket1.id) # search as customer3 result = Ticket.search( current_user: customer3, query: 'title OR else', limit: 15, ) assert(!result.empty?, 'result exists not') assert(result[0], 'record 1') assert(!result[1], 'record 2') assert_equal(result[0].id, ticket3.id) # search for tags result = Ticket.search( current_user: agent, query: 'tag:someTagA', limit: 15, ) assert(result[0], 'record 1') assert(!result[1], 'record 1') assert_equal(result[0].id, ticket1.id) result = Ticket.search( current_user: agent, query: 'tag:someTagB', limit: 15, ) assert(result[0], 'record 2') assert(!result[1], 'record 2') assert_equal(result[0].id, ticket2.id) # rename tag (e. g. via admin interface) tag_item = Tag::Item.lookup(name: 'someTagA') Tag::Item.rename( id: tag_item.id, name: 'someTagC', updated_by_id: 1, ) # execute background jobs Scheduler.worker(true) sleep 4 # search for tags result = Ticket.search( current_user: agent, query: 'tag:someTagA', limit: 15, ) assert(!result[0], 'record 1') assert(!result[1], 'record 1') result = Ticket.search( current_user: agent, query: 'tag:someTagB', limit: 15, ) assert(result[0], 'record 2') assert(!result[1], 'record 2') assert_equal(result[0].id, ticket2.id) result = Ticket.search( current_user: agent, query: 'tag:someTagC', limit: 15, ) assert(result[0], 'record 1') assert(!result[1], 'record 2') assert_equal(result[0].id, ticket1.id) result = Ticket.search( current_user: agent, query: 'state:open', limit: 15, ) assert(result[0], 'record 1') assert(!result[1], 'record 2') assert_equal(result[0].id, ticket2.id) result = Ticket.search( current_user: agent, query: '"some_sender@example.com"', limit: 15, ) assert(result[0], 'record 1') assert(!result[1], 'record 2') assert_equal(result[0].id, ticket1.id) result = Ticket.search( current_user: agent, query: 'article.from:"some_sender@example.com"', limit: 15, ) assert(result[0], 'record 1') assert(!result[1], 'record 2') assert_equal(result[0].id, ticket1.id) end # check users and search it test 'c - users' do # search as agent result = User.search( current_user: agent, query: 'customer1', limit: 15, ) assert(!result.empty?, 'result should not be empty') assert(result[0], 'record 1') assert(!result[1], 'record 2') assert_equal(result[0].id, customer1.id) # search as customer1 result = User.search( current_user: customer1, query: 'customer1', limit: 15, ) assert(result.empty?, 'result should be empty') assert(!result[0], 'record 1') # cleanup system('rake searchindex:drop') end end