// Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { renderComponent } from '#tests/support/components/index.ts' import { waitForNextTick } from '#tests/support/utils.ts' import { useConfirmation } from '#shared/composables/useConfirmation.ts' import CommonConfirmationDialog from '../CommonConfirmationDialog.vue' const { confirmationOptions } = useConfirmation() beforeAll(() => { const main = document.createElement('main') main.id = 'page-main-content' document.body.appendChild(main) }) afterAll(() => { document.body.innerHTML = '' }) describe('dialog confirm behaviour', () => { beforeEach(() => { confirmationOptions.value = undefined }) it('renders confirmation dialog with default values', async () => { const confirmCallbackSpy = vi.fn() const wrapper = renderComponent(CommonConfirmationDialog) confirmationOptions.value = { text: 'Test heading', confirmCallback: confirmCallbackSpy, cancelCallback: vi.fn(), } await waitForNextTick() expect(wrapper.getByText('Test heading')).toBeInTheDocument() expect(wrapper.getByText('Yes')).toBeInTheDocument() await wrapper.events.click(wrapper.getByRole('button', { name: 'Yes' })) expect(confirmCallbackSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) it('renders confirmation dialog with variant', async () => { const confirmCallbackSpy = vi.fn() const wrapper = renderComponent(CommonConfirmationDialog) confirmationOptions.value = { confirmationVariant: 'delete', confirmCallback: confirmCallbackSpy, cancelCallback: vi.fn(), } await waitForNextTick() expect( wrapper.getByRole('dialog', { name: 'Delete Object' }), ).toBeInTheDocument() expect( wrapper.getByText('Are you sure you want to delete this object?'), ).toBeInTheDocument() await wrapper.events.click( wrapper.getByRole('button', { name: 'Delete Object' }), ) expect(confirmCallbackSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) it('renders confirmation dialog with custom values', async () => { const confirmCallbackSpy = vi.fn() const wrapper = renderComponent(CommonConfirmationDialog) confirmationOptions.value = { text: 'Test heading', buttonLabel: 'Custom button title', buttonVariant: 'danger', confirmCallback: confirmCallbackSpy, cancelCallback: vi.fn(), } await waitForNextTick() expect( wrapper.getByRole('button', { name: 'Custom button title' }), ).toBeInTheDocument() expect( wrapper.getByRole('button', { name: 'Custom button title' }), ).toHaveClass('bg-pink-100') }) it('closes the confirmation dialog by using cancel', async () => { const confirmCallbackSpy = vi.fn() const cancelCallbackSpy = vi.fn() const wrapper = renderComponent(CommonConfirmationDialog) confirmationOptions.value = { text: 'Test heading', confirmCallback: confirmCallbackSpy, cancelCallback: cancelCallbackSpy, } await waitForNextTick() await wrapper.events.click( wrapper.getByRole('button', { name: 'Cancel & Go Back' }), ) expect(cancelCallbackSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) })