# Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe 'Chat Handling', type: :system do let(:agent_chat_switch_selector) { '#navigation .js-chatMenuItem .js-switch' } let(:chat_url) { "/assets/chat/#{chat_url_type}.html?port=#{ENV['WS_PORT']}" } let(:chat_url_type) { 'znuny' } def authenticate Setting.set('chat', true) true end def check_content(selector, value, should_match: true, wait: nil) if should_match expect(page).to have_css(selector, wait: wait, text: value) else expect(page).to have_no_css(selector, wait: wait, text: value) end end def enable_agent_chat click agent_chat_switch_selector click 'a[href="#customer_chat"]' end def open_chat_dialog expect(page).to have_css('.zammad-chat') click '.zammad-chat .js-chat-open' expect(page).to have_css('.zammad-chat-is-shown') end def send_customer_message(message) find('.zammad-chat .zammad-chat-input').send_keys(message) click '.zammad-chat .zammad-chat-send' end def send_agent_message(message) input = find('.active .chat-window .js-customerChatInput') input.send_keys(message) # Work around an obsure bug of send_keys sometimes not working on Firefox headless. if input.text != message input.execute_script("this.textContent = '#{message}'") end click '.active .chat-window .js-send' end shared_examples 'chat button is hidden after idle timeout' do it 'check that button is hidden after idle timeout', authenticated_as: :authenticate do click agent_chat_switch_selector using_session :customer do visit chat_url expect(page).to have_css('.zammad-chat', visible: :all) expect(page).to have_css('.zammad-chat-is-hidden', visible: :all) expect(page).to have_no_css('.open-zammad-chat:not([style*="display: none"]', visible: :all) end end end shared_examples 'chat messages' do it 'messages in each direction, starting on agent side', authenticated_as: :authenticate do enable_agent_chat using_session :customer do visit chat_url open_chat_dialog end click '.active .js-acceptChat' expect(page).to have_no_css('.active .chat-window .chat-status.is-modified') check_content('.active .chat-window .js-body', chat_url) send_agent_message('my name is me') using_session :customer do check_content('.zammad-chat .zammad-chat-agent-status', 'Online') check_content('.zammad-chat', 'my name is me') send_customer_message('my name is customer') end check_content('.active .chat-window', 'my name is customer') expect(page).to have_css('.active .chat-window .chat-status.is-modified') click '.active .chat-window .js-customerChatInput' expect(page).to have_no_css('.active .chat-window .chat-status.is-modified') using_session :customer do click '.js-chat-toggle .zammad-chat-header-icon' end check_content('.active .chat-window', 'closed the conversation') end it 'messages in each direction, starting on customer side', authenticated_as: :authenticate do enable_agent_chat using_session :customer do visit chat_url open_chat_dialog end click '.active .js-acceptChat' expect(page).to have_no_css('.active .chat-window .chat-status.is-modified') # Keep focus outside of chat window to check .chat-status.is-modified later. click_on 'Dashboard' using_session :customer do check_content('.zammad-chat .zammad-chat-agent-status', 'Online') send_customer_message('my name is customer') end click 'a[href="#customer_chat"]' expect(page).to have_css('.active .chat-window .chat-status.is-modified') check_content('.active .chat-window', 'my name is customer') send_agent_message('my name is me') expect(page).to have_no_css('.active .chat-window .chat-status.is-modified') using_session :customer do check_content('.zammad-chat', 'my name is me') end click '.active .chat-window .js-disconnect:not(.is-hidden)' click '.active .chat-window .js-close' using_session :customer do check_content('.zammad-chat .zammad-chat-agent-status', 'Offline') check_content('.zammad-chat', %r{(Chat closed by|Chat.*geschlossen)}) click '.zammad-chat .js-chat-toggle .zammad-chat-header-icon' expect(page).to have_no_css('.zammad-chat-is-open') open_chat_dialog end click '.active .js-acceptChat' expect(page).to have_css('.active .chat-window .chat-status') end end shared_examples 'open chat with button' do it 'open the chat', authenticated_as: :authenticate do enable_agent_chat using_session :customer do visit chat_url expect(page).to have_css('.zammad-chat', visible: :all) expect(page).to have_css('.zammad-chat-is-hidden', visible: :all) expect(page).to have_no_css('.zammad-chat-is-shown', visible: :all) expect(page).to have_no_css('.zammad-chat-is-open', visible: :all) click '.open-zammad-chat' expect(page).to have_css('.zammad-chat-is-shown', visible: :all) expect(page).to have_css('.zammad-chat-is-open', visible: :all) check_content('.zammad-chat-modal-text', %r{(waiting|Warte)}) click '.zammad-chat-header-icon-close' expect(page).to have_no_css('.zammad-chat-is-shown', visible: :all) expect(page).to have_no_css('.zammad-chat-is-open', visible: :all) end end end shared_examples 'timeouts' do it 'check different timeouts', authenticated_as: :authenticate do enable_agent_chat using_session :customer do visit chat_url # No customer action, hide the widget. expect(page).to have_css('.zammad-chat') expect(page).to have_no_css('.zammad-chat') refresh # No agent action, show sorry screen. open_chat_dialog check_content('.zammad-chat-modal-text', %r{(waiting|Warte)}) check_content('.zammad-chat-modal-text', %r{(takes longer|dauert länger)}) refresh # No customer action, show sorry screen. open_chat_dialog end click '.active .js-acceptChat' send_agent_message('agent is asking') using_session :customer do check_content('.zammad-chat', 'agent is asking') check_content('.zammad-chat-modal-text', %r{(Since you didn't respond|Da Sie innerhalb der letzten)}, wait: 30) end # Test the restart of inactive chat. click '.active .chat-window .js-close' using_session :customer do click '.js-restart' open_chat_dialog end click '.active .js-acceptChat' send_agent_message('my name is me') using_session :customer do check_content('.zammad-chat', 'my name is me') end end end context 'when chat is activated or disabled' do it 'switch the chat setting', authenticated_as: :authenticate do visit '/#channels/chat' click '.content.active .js-chatSetting' expect(page).to have_no_css(agent_chat_switch_selector) using_session :customer do visit chat_url check_content('.settings', '{"state":"chat_disabled"}') end click '.content.active .js-chatSetting' expect(page).to have_css(agent_chat_switch_selector) using_session :customer do refresh expect(page).to have_no_css('.zammad-chat') check_content('.settings', '{"state":"chat_disabled"}', should_match: false) check_content('.settings', '{"event":"chat_status_customer","data":{"state":"offline"}}') end click agent_chat_switch_selector click 'a[href="#customer_chat"]' using_session :customer do refresh expect(page).to have_css('.zammad-chat') check_content('.settings', '{"event":"chat_status_customer","data":{"state":"offline"}}', should_match: false) check_content('.settings', '{"state":"online"}') click '.zammad-chat .js-chat-open' expect(page).to have_css('.zammad-chat-is-shown') check_content('.zammad-chat-modal-text', %r{(waiting|Warte)}) end check_content('.js-chatMenuItem .counter', '1') using_session :customer do click '.zammad-chat .js-chat-toggle .zammad-chat-header-icon' check_content('.zammad-chat-modal-text', %r{(waiting|Warte)}, should_match: false) end expect(page).to have_no_css('.js-chatMenuItem .counter') end end context 'when changing chat preferences for current agent' do it 'use chat phrase preference', authenticated_as: :authenticate do visit '/' enable_agent_chat click '.active .js-settings' in_modal do find('[name="chat::phrase::1"]').send_keys('Hi Stranger!;My Greeting') click '.js-submit' end using_session :customer do visit chat_url open_chat_dialog end click '.active .js-acceptChat' expect(page).to have_css('.active .chat-window .chat-status') using_session :customer do check_content('.zammad-chat', %r{(Hi Stranger|My Greeting)}) end send_agent_message('my name is me') using_session :customer do check_content('.zammad-chat', 'my name is me') refresh expect(page).to have_css('.zammad-chat') check_content('.zammad-chat', %r{(Hi Stranger|My Greeting)}) check_content('.zammad-chat', 'my name is me') visit "#{chat_url}#new_hash" end check_content('.active .chat-window .js-body', "#{chat_url}#new_hash") end end context 'when jquery variant is used' do before do visit '/' end context 'when normal mode is used' do include_examples 'chat messages' include_examples 'timeouts' end context 'when button mode is active' do let(:chat_url_type) { 'znuny_open_by_button' } include_examples 'open chat with button' include_examples 'chat button is hidden after idle timeout' end end context 'when no-jquery variant is used' do let(:chat_url_type) { 'znuny-no-jquery' } before do visit '/' end context 'when normal mode is used' do include_examples 'chat messages' include_examples 'timeouts' end context 'when button mode is active' do let(:chat_url_type) { 'znuny-no-jquery-open_by_button' } include_examples 'open chat with button' include_examples 'chat button is hidden after idle timeout' end end describe "Chat can't be closed after timeout #2471", authenticated_as: :authenticate do shared_examples 'test issue #2471' do it 'is able to close to the dialog after a idleTimeout happened' do click agent_chat_switch_selector using_session :customer do visit chat_url click '.zammad-chat .js-chat-open' expect(page).to have_selector('.js-restart', wait: 60) click '.js-chat-toggle .zammad-chat-header-icon' expect(page).to have_no_selector('zammad-chat-is-open', wait: 60) end end end before do visit '/' end context 'with jquery' do include_examples 'test issue #2471' end context 'without jquery' do let(:chat_url_type) { 'znuny-no-jquery' } include_examples 'test issue #2471' end end context 'when image is present in chat message', authenticated_as: :authenticate do let(:chat) { create(:chat) } let(:chat_user) { create(:agent) } let(:chat_session) { create(:'chat/session', user: chat_user, chat: chat) } before do file = Rails.root.join('spec/fixtures/files/image/squares.png').binread base64 = Base64.encode64(file).delete("\n") create( :'chat/message', chat_session: chat_session, content: "With inline image: " ) end context 'when image preview is used' do it 'use image preview' do visit "#customer_chat/session/#{chat_session.id}" find('.chat-body .chat-message img') { |elem| ActiveModel::Type::Boolean.new.cast elem[:complete] } .click in_modal do expect(page).to have_css('.js-submit', text: 'Download') end end end end end