#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'yaml' require 'resolv' require 'fileutils' # # Configures the CI system # - (randomly) mysql or postgresql, if available # - (randomly) Redis or File as web socket session back end, if Redis is available # - (randomly) Memcached or File as Rails cache store, if Memcached is available # - Elasticsearch support, if available # # Database config happens directly in config/database.yml, other settings are written to # .gitlab/environment.env which must be sourced in the CI configuration. # class ConfigureEnvironment @env_file_content = <<~ENV_FILE_CONTENT #!/bin/bash FRESHENVFILE=fresh.env && test -f $FRESHENVFILE && source $FRESHENVFILE true ENV_FILE_CONTENT DB_SETTINGS_MAP = { 'postgresql' => { 'adapter' => 'postgresql', 'username' => 'zammad', 'password' => 'zammad', 'host' => 'postgresql', # db alias from gitlab-ci.yml }, 'mysql' => { 'adapter' => 'mysql2', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => 'zammad', 'host' => 'mysql', # db alias from gitlab-ci.yml } }.freeze # Detect service availability based on host presence in network. def self.network_host_exists?(hostname) # GitLab used the /etc/hosts file if FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD is not set. return true if File.foreach('/etc/hosts').any? { |l| l[hostname] } # Fall back to DNS lookup, also for GitHub !!Resolv::DNS.new.tap { |dns| dns.timeouts = 3 }.getaddress(hostname) rescue Resolv::ResolvError false end def self.configure_database # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize if File.exist? File.join(__dir__, '../config/database.yml') puts "'config/database.yml' already exists and will not be changed." return end cnf = YAML.load_file(File.join(__dir__, '../config/database/database.yml')) cnf.delete('default') database = ENV['ENFORCE_DB_SERVICE'] || %w[postgresql mysql].shuffle.find do |db| network_host_exists?(db) end raise "Can't find any supported database." if database.nil? puts "Using #{database} as database service." # fetch DB settings from settings map and fallback to postgresql db_settings = DB_SETTINGS_MAP.fetch(database) { DB_SETTINGS_MAP['postgresql'] } %w[development test production].each do |environment| cnf[environment].merge!(db_settings) end File.write(File.join(__dir__, '../config/database.yml'), Psych.dump(cnf)) end def self.configure_redis has_redis = network_host_exists?('redis') needs_redis = database_type == 'mysql' && ENV['ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_MOBILE_FRONTEND'] == 'true' if needs_redis && !has_redis raise 'Redis was not found, but is required for ActionCable on MySQL based systems.' end if has_redis && [true, needs_redis].sample puts 'Using Redis as web socket session store and as adapter for ActionCable.' @env_file_content += "export REDIS_URL='redis://redis:6379'\n" return end puts 'Using File as web socket session store and the PostgreSQL adapter for ActionCable.' @env_file_content += "unset REDIS_URL\n" end def self.configure_memcached if network_host_exists?('memcached') && [true, false].sample puts 'Using memcached as Rails cache store.' @env_file_content += "export MEMCACHE_SERVERS='memcached'\n" return end puts "Using Zammad's file store as Rails cache store." @env_file_content += "unset MEMCACHE_SERVERS\n" end def self.configure_elasticsearch if network_host_exists?('elasticsearch') puts 'Activating support for Elasticsearch.' @env_file_content += "export ES_URL='http://elasticsearch:9200'\n" return end puts 'Not using Elasticsearch.' @env_file_content += "unset ES_URL\n" end # Since configure_database skips if database.yml already exists, check the # content of that file to reliably determine the database type in all cases. def self.database_type database = File.read(File.join(__dir__, '../config/database.yml')).match(%r{^\s*adapter:\s*(mysql|postgresql)})[1] if !database raise 'Could not determine database type, cannot setup cable.yml' end database end def self.write_env_file File.write(File.join(__dir__, 'environment.env'), @env_file_content) end def self.run puts 'ENABLING THE NEW EXPERIMENTAL MOBILE FRONTEND.' if ENV['ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_MOBILE_FRONTEND'] == 'true' configure_database configure_redis configure_memcached configure_elasticsearch write_env_file end end ConfigureEnvironment.run