# Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe 'Clearbit', aggregate_failures: true, current_user_id: 1, integration: true, performs_jobs: true, required_envs: %w[CLEARBIT_CI_API_KEY] do let(:clearbit_config_organization_shared) { false } let(:clearbit_config_user_bio) { 'user.note' } let(:clearbit_config_company_bio) { 'organization.note' } let(:clearbit_config_user_familyname) { 'user.lastname' } before do Setting.set('clearbit_integration', true) Setting.set('clearbit_config', { api_key: ENV['CLEARBIT_CI_API_KEY'], organization_autocreate: true, organization_shared: clearbit_config_organization_shared, user_sync: { 'person.name.givenName' => 'user.firstname', 'person.name.familyName' => clearbit_config_user_familyname, 'person.email' => 'user.email', 'person.bio' => clearbit_config_user_bio, 'company.url' => 'user.web', 'person.site' => 'user.web', 'company.location' => 'user.address', 'person.location' => 'user.address', }, organization_sync: { 'company.legalName' => 'organization.name', 'company.name' => 'organization.name', 'company.description' => clearbit_config_company_bio, }, }) end describe 'case 1 - person + company (demo data set)' do let(:customer) do User.create!( firstname: '', lastname: 'Should be still there', email: 'alex@alexmaccaw.com', note: '', ) end before do customer perform_enqueued_jobs commit_transaction: true customer.reload end it 'enriches the customer' do expect(ExternalSync).to be_exist(source: 'clearbit', object: 'User', o_id: customer.id) expect(customer).to have_attributes( firstname: 'Should', lastname: 'be still there', note: 'O\'Reilly author, software engineer & traveller. Founder of https://clearbit.com', address: '1455 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA', ) end it 'creates organization with enriched data' do expect(ExternalSync).to be_exist(source: 'clearbit', object: 'Organization', o_id: customer.organization.id) expect(customer.organization).to have_attributes( name: 'Uber, Inc.', shared: false, note: 'Uber is a mobile app connecting passengers with drivers for hire.' ) end context 'with organization shared set to true' do let(:clearbit_config_organization_shared) { true } it 'creates organization with enriched data' do expect(customer.organization).to have_attributes( name: 'Uber, Inc.', shared: true, ) end end context 'with non existing note field' do let(:clearbit_config_user_bio) { 'user.note_not_existing' } let(:clearbit_config_company_bio) { 'organization.note_not_existing' } it 'syncs the rest of user fields' do expect(ExternalSync).to be_exist(source: 'clearbit', object: 'User', o_id: customer.id) expect(customer).to have_attributes( firstname: 'Should', lastname: 'be still there', note: '', ) end it 'syncs the rest of organization fields' do expect(ExternalSync).to be_exist(source: 'clearbit', object: 'Organization', o_id: customer.organization.id) expect(customer.organization).to have_attributes( name: 'Uber, Inc.', note: '' ) end end end describe 'case 2 - person + company' do let(:customer) do User.create!( firstname: '', lastname: '', email: 'me@example.com', note: '', ) end before do customer perform_enqueued_jobs commit_transaction: true customer.reload end it 'enriches the customer' do expect(ExternalSync).to be_exist(source: 'clearbit', object: 'User', o_id: customer.id) expect(customer).to have_attributes( firstname: 'Martin', lastname: 'Edenhofer', note: "Open Source professional and geek. Also known as OTRS inventor. ;)\r\nEntrepreneur and Advisor for open source people in need.", address: 'Norsk-Data-Straße 1, 61352 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany', ) end it 'creates organization with enriched data' do expect(ExternalSync).to be_exist(source: 'clearbit', object: 'Organization', o_id: customer.organization.id) expect(customer.organization).to have_attributes( name: 'OTRS', note: 'OTRS is an Open Source helpdesk software and an IT Service Management software free of licence costs. Improve your Customer Service Management with OTRS.' ) end context 'when email changes' do before do customer.update!( email: 'me2@example.com', ) Enrichment::Clearbit::User.new(customer).synced? perform_enqueued_jobs commit_transaction: true end it 'Update with another email data' do expect(customer.reload).to have_attributes( firstname: 'Martini', lastname: 'Edenhofer', address: 'Norsk-Data-Straße 1, 61352 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany', ) end end context 'when updated locally' do before do customer.update!( firstname: 'Martini', note: 'changed by my self', ) Enrichment::Clearbit::User.new(customer).synced? perform_enqueued_jobs commit_transaction: true end it 'stores locally updated value' do expect(customer.reload).to have_attributes( firstname: 'Martini', lastname: 'Edenhofer', note: 'changed by my self', address: 'Norsk-Data-Straße 1, 61352 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany', ) end context 'when set to empty value' do before do customer.update!( firstname: '', note: 'changed by my self again', ) Enrichment::Clearbit::User.new(customer).synced? perform_enqueued_jobs commit_transaction: true end it 'reverts to enriched data' do expect(customer.reload).to have_attributes( firstname: 'Martin', lastname: 'Edenhofer', note: 'changed by my self again', address: 'Norsk-Data-Straße 1, 61352 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany', ) end end end end describe 'case 3 - no person' do let(:customer) do User.create!( firstname: '', lastname: '', email: 'testing3@znuny.com', note: '', ) end before do customer perform_enqueued_jobs commit_transaction: true customer.reload end it 'does not enrich the customer' do expect(ExternalSync).not_to be_exist(source: 'clearbit', object: 'User', o_id: customer.id) expect(customer.reload).to have_attributes( firstname: '', lastname: '', note: '', web: 'http://znuny.com', address: 'Marienstraße 11, 10117 Berlin, Germany', ) end it 'creates organization with enriched data' do expect(ExternalSync).to be_exist(source: 'clearbit', object: 'Organization', o_id: customer.organization.id) expect(customer.organization).to have_attributes( name: 'Znuny / ES for OTRS', note: 'OTRS Support, Consulting, Development, Training and Customizing - Znuny GmbH' ) end end describe 'case 4 - person with organization but organization is already assigned (own created)' do let(:customer) do User.create!( firstname: '', lastname: '', email: 'testing4@znuny.com', note: '', organization_id: 1, ) end before do customer perform_enqueued_jobs commit_transaction: true customer.reload end it 'enriches the customer' do expect(customer).to have_attributes( firstname: 'Fred', lastname: 'Jupiter', note: 'some_fred_bio', web: 'http://fred.znuny.com', address: 'Marienstraße 11, 10117 Berlin, Germany', ) end it 'does not create organization with enriched data' do expect(customer.organization).to be_present expect(Organization).not_to be_exist(name: 'ZnunyOfFred') end end describe 'case 5 - person with organization but organization is already assigned (own created)' do let(:customer) do User.create!( firstname: '', lastname: '', email: 'testing5@znuny.com', note: '', created_by_id: 1, updated_by_id: 1, organization_id: another_clearbit_organization.id, ) end let(:another_clearbit_organization) do user = User.create!(email: 'testing3@znuny.com') perform_enqueued_jobs commit_transaction: true user.reload.organization end before do customer perform_enqueued_jobs commit_transaction: true customer.reload end it 'enriches the customer' do expect(ExternalSync).to be_exist(source: 'clearbit', object: 'User', o_id: customer.id) expect(customer).to have_attributes( firstname: 'Alex', lastname: 'Dont', note: 'some_bio_alex', web: 'http://znuny.com', address: 'Marienstraße 11, 10117 Berlin, Germany', ) end it 'updates existing organization with enriched data' do expect(customer.organization).to have_attributes( name: 'Znuny GmbH', note: 'OTRS Support, Consulting, Development, Training and Customizing - Znuny GmbH' ) expect(another_clearbit_organization.id).to eq customer.organization.id end end describe 'case 6 - no person / real api call' do let(:customer) do User.create!( firstname: '', lastname: '', email: 'testing6@clearbit.com', note: '', ) end before do customer VCR.configure do |c| c.ignore_hosts 'person-stream.clearbit.com' end perform_enqueued_jobs commit_transaction: true VCR.configure do |c| c.unignore_hosts 'person-stream.clearbit.com' end customer.reload end it 'does not enrich the customer' do expect(ExternalSync).not_to be_exist(source: 'clearbit', object: 'User', o_id: customer.id) expect(customer).to have_attributes( firstname: '', lastname: '', note: '', web: '', address: be_in( [ 'San Francisco, CA, USA', 'San Francisco, CA 94103, USA', '90 Sheridan St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA', '90 Sheridan, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA', '3030 16th St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA', '548 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA', ] ) ) end it 'creates organization with enriched data' do expect(ExternalSync).to be_exist(source: 'clearbit', object: 'Organization', o_id: customer.organization.id) expect(customer.organization).to have_attributes( name: 'Clearbit', note: "Clearbit is a sales intelligence platform that provides data and insights to help businesses identify and target their ideal customers. With Clearbit's APIs, businesses can access a comprehensive database of B2B companies and their contact information,...", ) end end context 'when using custom attribute', db_strategy: :reset do let(:clearbit_config_user_familyname) { 'user.test_input' } let(:customer) do User.create!( firstname: '', lastname: '', email: 'testing6@znuny.com', note: '', ) end before do create(:object_manager_attribute_text, object_name: 'User', name: 'test_input', data_option_maxlength: 2) ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute customer perform_enqueued_jobs commit_transaction: true customer.reload end it 'Limits enrichment data to database limit' do expect(ExternalSync).to be_exist(source: 'clearbit', object: 'User', o_id: customer.id) expect(customer.test_input).to eq 'Sm' end end end