// Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { within } from '@testing-library/vue' import { checkSimpleTableContent, checkSimpleTableHeader, } from '#tests/support/components/checkSimpleTableContent.ts' import { visitView } from '#tests/support/components/visitView.ts' import { mockApplicationConfig } from '#tests/support/mock-applicationConfig.ts' import { mockPermissions } from '#tests/support/mock-permissions.ts' import { mockUserCurrent } from '#tests/support/mock-userCurrent.ts' import { waitForNextTick } from '#tests/support/utils.ts' import { mockFormUpdaterQuery } from '#shared/components/Form/graphql/queries/formUpdater.mocks.ts' import { mockUserCurrentAccessTokenAddMutation } from '#shared/entities/user/current/graphql/mutations/userCurrentAccessTokenAdd.mocks.ts' import { mockUserCurrentAccessTokenDeleteMutation } from '#shared/entities/user/current/graphql/mutations/userCurrentAccessTokenDelete.mocks.ts' import { mockUserCurrentAccessTokenListQuery } from '#shared/entities/user/current/graphql/queries/userCurrentAcessTokenList.mocks.ts' import { convertToGraphQLId } from '#shared/graphql/utils.ts' import { getUserCurrentAccessTokenUpdatesSubscriptionHandler } from '../graphql/subscriptions/userCurrentAccessTokenUpdates.mocks.ts' vi.hoisted(() => { vi.setSystemTime(new Date('2024-04-25T10:00:00Z')) }) const userCurrentAccessTokenList = [ { id: convertToGraphQLId('Token', 1), name: 'Example Token', preferences: { permission: ['user_preferences.access_token'], }, createdAt: '2020-12-18T17:26:00Z', expiresAt: null, lastUsedAt: '2024-02-01T17:00:00Z', }, { id: convertToGraphQLId('Token', 2), name: 'Ticket Handling', preferences: { permission: ['admin.user', 'admin.organization'], }, createdAt: '2022-01-31T12:00:00Z', expiresAt: '2024-06-01T10:00:00Z', lastUsedAt: null, }, ] const rowContents = [ [ 'Example Token', 'user_preferences.access_token', ['2020-12-18 17:26', '3 years ago'], '-', ['2024-02-01 17:00', '2 months ago'], ], [ 'Ticket Handling', 'admin.user, admin.organization', ['2022-01-31 12:00', '2 years ago'], ['2024-06-01 10:00', 'in 1 month'], '-', ], ] describe('personal settings for token access', () => { beforeEach(() => { mockUserCurrent({ firstname: 'John', lastname: 'Doe', }) mockPermissions(['user_preferences.access_token']) mockApplicationConfig({ api_token_access: true, }) }) afterAll(() => { vi.useRealTimers() }) it('show initial message when no token exists yet', async () => { mockUserCurrentAccessTokenListQuery({ userCurrentAccessTokenList: [] }) const view = await visitView('/personal-setting/token-access') expect( view.getByText( 'You can generate a personal access token for each application you use that needs access to the Zammad API.', ), ).toBeInTheDocument() expect( view.getByText( "Pick a name for the application, and we'll give you a unique token.", ), ).toBeInTheDocument() }) it('redirects to the error page when api token access is disabled', async () => { mockApplicationConfig({ api_token_access: false, }) const view = await visitView('/personal-setting/token-access') await vi.waitFor(() => { expect(view, 'correctly redirects to error page').toHaveCurrentUrl( '/error-tab', ) }) }) it('show existing personal access token', async () => { mockUserCurrentAccessTokenListQuery({ userCurrentAccessTokenList }) const view = await visitView('/personal-setting/token-access') const tableLabel = 'Personal Access Tokens' const tableHeaders = [ 'Name', 'Permissions', 'Created', 'Expires', 'Last Used', 'Actions', ] checkSimpleTableHeader(view, tableHeaders, tableLabel) checkSimpleTableContent(view, rowContents, tableLabel) const table = within(view.getByRole('table', { name: tableLabel })) expect( table.getAllByRole('button', { name: 'Delete this access token' }), ).toHaveLength(2) }) it('can delete an personal access token', async () => { mockUserCurrentAccessTokenListQuery({ userCurrentAccessTokenList }) const view = await visitView('/personal-setting/token-access') const table = within(view.getByRole('table')) const deleteButton = within(table.getAllByRole('row')[1]).getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Delete this access token', }, ) mockUserCurrentAccessTokenDeleteMutation({ userCurrentAccessTokenDelete: { success: true, }, }) await view.events.click(deleteButton) await waitForNextTick() expect( await view.findByRole('dialog', { name: 'Delete Object' }), ).toBeInTheDocument() await view.events.click(view.getByRole('button', { name: 'Delete Object' })) checkSimpleTableContent(view, [rowContents[1]]) }) it('updates the personal access token list when a new access token is added', async () => { mockUserCurrentAccessTokenListQuery({ userCurrentAccessTokenList }) const view = await visitView('/personal-setting/token-access') const accessTokenUpdateSubscription = getUserCurrentAccessTokenUpdatesSubscriptionHandler() accessTokenUpdateSubscription.trigger({ userCurrentAccessTokenUpdates: { tokens: [ ...userCurrentAccessTokenList, { id: convertToGraphQLId('Token', 3), name: 'New Token', preferences: { permission: ['ticket.agent'], }, createdAt: '2024-04-25T09:59:59Z', expiresAt: null, lastUsedAt: null, }, ], }, }) await waitForNextTick() const newAccessTokenRowContents = [ 'New Token', 'ticket.agent', ['2024-04-25 09:59', 'just now'], ] checkSimpleTableContent(view, [...rowContents, newAccessTokenRowContents]) }) it('create new personal access token', async () => { mockFormUpdaterQuery({ formUpdater: { fields: { permissions: { options: [ { value: 'report', label: 'Report (%s)', description: 'To access the report interface.', }, { value: 'ticket', label: 'Ticket (%s)', description: 'To access the ticket interface.', disabled: true, children: [ { value: 'ticket.agent', label: 'Agent Tickets (%s)', description: 'To access the agent tickets based on group access.', }, ], }, ], }, }, }, }) mockUserCurrentAccessTokenListQuery({ userCurrentAccessTokenList }) const view = await visitView('/personal-setting/token-access') const newAccessTokenButton = view.getByRole('button', { name: 'New Personal Access Token', }) await view.events.click(newAccessTokenButton) const flyout = await view.findByRole('complementary', { name: 'New Personal Access Token', }) expect(flyout).toBeInTheDocument() const name = await view.findByLabelText('Name') await view.events.type(name, 'A new token') const input = view.getByLabelText('Expiration date') await view.events.type(input, '2024-12-31{Enter}') const permissionsField = within(view.getByLabelText('Permissions')) const permissions = permissionsField.getAllByRole('treeitem') const toggleSwitch = within(permissions[0]).getByRole('switch') await view.events.click(toggleSwitch) mockUserCurrentAccessTokenAddMutation({ userCurrentAccessTokenAdd: { tokenValue: 'new-token-1234', token: { id: convertToGraphQLId('Token', 3), name: 'A new token', preferences: { permission: ['report'], }, createdAt: '2024-04-25T09:59:59Z', expiresAt: '2024-12-31T00:00:00Z', lastUsedAt: null, user: { id: '123', }, }, errors: null, }, }) await view.events.click(view.getByRole('button', { name: 'Create' })) expect( await view.findByLabelText('Your Personal Access Token'), ).toHaveValue('new-token-1234') await view.events.click( view.getByRole('button', { name: 'OK, I have copied my token', }), ) expect(flyout).not.toBeInTheDocument() checkSimpleTableContent(view, [ [ 'A new token', 'report', ['2024-04-25 09:59', 'just now'], ['2024-12-31 00:00', 'in 8 months'], '-', ], ...rowContents, ]) }) })