# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Zammad Foundation, http://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'exceptions' class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base # http_basic_authenticate_with :name => "test", :password => "ttt" helper_method :current_user, :authentication_check, :config_frontend, :http_log_config, :model_create_render, :model_update_render, :model_restory_render, :mode_show_rendeder, :model_index_render skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token before_action :transaction_begin, :set_user, :session_update, :user_device_check, :cors_preflight_check after_action :transaction_end, :http_log, :set_access_control_headers rescue_from StandardError, with: :server_error rescue_from ExecJS::RuntimeError, with: :server_error rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, with: :not_found rescue_from ArgumentError, with: :unprocessable_entity rescue_from Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, with: :unprocessable_entity rescue_from Exceptions::NotAuthorized, with: :unauthorized # For all responses in this controller, return the CORS access control headers. def set_access_control_headers headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS' headers['Access-Control-Max-Age'] = '1728000' headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'Content-Type, Depth, User-Agent, X-File-Size, X-Requested-With, If-Modified-Since, X-File-Name, Cache-Control, Accept-Language' headers['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'] = 'true' end # If this is a preflight OPTIONS request, then short-circuit the # request, return only the necessary headers and return an empty # text/plain. def cors_preflight_check return if request.method != 'OPTIONS' headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS' headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'Content-Type, Depth, User-Agent, X-File-Size, X-Requested-With, If-Modified-Since, X-File-Name, Cache-Control, Accept-Language' headers['Access-Control-Max-Age'] = '1728000' headers['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'] = 'true' render text: '', content_type: 'text/plain' false end def http_log_config(config) @http_log_support = config end private def transaction_begin ApplicationHandleInfo.current = 'application_server' PushMessages.init end def transaction_end Observer::Transaction.commit PushMessages.finish ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Reference.clear! end # Finds the User with the ID stored in the session with the key # :current_user_id This is a common way to handle user login in # a Rails application; logging in sets the session value and # logging out removes it. def current_user return @_current_user if @_current_user return if !session[:user_id] @_current_user = User.lookup(id: session[:user_id]) end def current_user_set(user) session[:user_id] = user.id @_current_user = user set_user end # Sets the current user into a named Thread location so that it can be accessed # by models and observers def set_user if !current_user UserInfo.current_user_id = 1 return end UserInfo.current_user_id = current_user.id end # update session updated_at def session_update #sleep 0.6 session[:ping] = Time.zone.now.iso8601 # check if remote ip need to be updated if !session[:remote_ip] || session[:remote_ip] != request.remote_ip session[:remote_ip] = request.remote_ip session[:geo] = Service::GeoIp.location(request.remote_ip) end # fill user agent return if session[:user_agent] session[:user_agent] = request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] end # log http access def http_log return if !@http_log_support # request request_data = { content: '', content_type: request.headers['Content-Type'], content_encoding: request.headers['Content-Encoding'], source: request.headers['User-Agent'] || request.headers['Server'], } request.headers.each { |key, value| next if key[0, 5] != 'HTTP_' request_data[:content] += if key == 'HTTP_COOKIE' "#{key}: xxxxx\n" else "#{key}: #{value}\n" end } body = request.body.read if body request_data[:content] += "\n" + body end request_data[:content] = request_data[:content].slice(0, 8000) # response response_data = { code: response.status = response.code, content: '', content_type: nil, content_encoding: nil, source: nil, } response.headers.each { |key, value| response_data[:content] += "#{key}: #{value}\n" } body = response.body if body response_data[:content] += "\n" + body end response_data[:content] = response_data[:content].slice(0, 8000) record = { direction: 'in', facility: @http_log_support[:facility], url: url_for(only_path: false, overwrite_params: {}), status: response.status, ip: request.remote_ip, request: request_data, response: response_data, method: request.method, } HttpLog.create(record) end def user_device_check return false if !user_device_log(current_user, 'session') true end def user_device_log(user, type) switched_from_user_id = ENV['SWITCHED_FROM_USER_ID'] || session[:switched_from_user_id] return true if switched_from_user_id return true if !user return true if !user.permissions?('user_preferences.device') time_to_check = true user_device_updated_at = session[:user_device_updated_at] if ENV['USER_DEVICE_UPDATED_AT'] user_device_updated_at = Time.zone.parse(ENV['USER_DEVICE_UPDATED_AT']) end if user_device_updated_at # check if entry exists / only if write action diff = Time.zone.now - 10.minutes method = request.method if method == 'GET' || method == 'OPTIONS' || method == 'HEAD' diff = Time.zone.now - 30.minutes end # only update if needed if user_device_updated_at > diff time_to_check = false end end # if ip has not changed and ttl in still valid remote_ip = ENV['TEST_REMOTE_IP'] || request.remote_ip return true if time_to_check == false && session[:user_device_remote_ip] == remote_ip session[:user_device_remote_ip] = remote_ip # for sessions we need the fingperprint if type == 'session' if !session[:user_device_updated_at] && !params[:fingerprint] && !session[:user_device_fingerprint] raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, 'Need fingerprint param!' end if params[:fingerprint] session[:user_device_fingerprint] = params[:fingerprint] end end session[:user_device_updated_at] = Time.zone.now # add device if needed http_user_agent = ENV['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] || request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] Delayed::Job.enqueue( Observer::UserDeviceLogJob.new( http_user_agent, remote_ip, user.id, session[:user_device_fingerprint], type, ) ) end def authentication_check_only(auth_param) #logger.debug 'authentication_check' #logger.debug params.inspect #logger.debug session.inspect #logger.debug cookies.inspect # already logged in, early exit if session.id && session[:user_id] logger.debug 'session based auth check' user = User.lookup(id: session[:user_id]) return authentication_check_prerequesits(user, 'session', auth_param) if user end # check sso based authentication sso_user = User.sso(params) if sso_user if authentication_check_prerequesits(sso_user, 'session', auth_param) session[:persistent] = true return sso_user end end # check http basic based authentication authenticate_with_http_basic do |username, password| request.session_options[:skip] = true # do not send a session cookie logger.debug "http basic auth check '#{username}'" if Setting.get('api_password_access') == false raise Exceptions::NotAuthorized, 'API password access disabled!' end user = User.authenticate(username, password) return authentication_check_prerequesits(user, 'basic_auth', auth_param) if user end # check http token based authentication authenticate_with_http_token do |token_string, _options| logger.debug "http token auth check '#{token_string}'" request.session_options[:skip] = true # do not send a session cookie if Setting.get('api_token_access') == false raise Exceptions::NotAuthorized, 'API token access disabled!' end user = Token.check( action: 'api', name: token_string, inactive_user: true, ) if user && auth_param[:permission] user = Token.check( action: 'api', name: token_string, permission: auth_param[:permission], inactive_user: true, ) raise Exceptions::NotAuthorized, 'Not authorized (token)!' if !user end if user token = Token.find_by(name: token_string) token.last_used_at = Time.zone.now token.save! if token.expires_at && Time.zone.today >= token.expires_at raise Exceptions::NotAuthorized, 'Not authorized (token expired)!' end end @_token_auth = token_string # remember for permission_check return authentication_check_prerequesits(user, 'token_auth', auth_param) if user end =begin # check oauth2 token based authentication token = Doorkeeper::OAuth::Token.from_bearer_authorization(request) if token request.session_options[:skip] = true # do not send a session cookie logger.debug "oauth2 token auth check '#{token}'" access_token = Doorkeeper::AccessToken.by_token(token) # check expire if access_token.expires_in && (access_token.created_at + access_token.expires_in) < Time.zone.now raise Exceptions::NotAuthorized, 'OAuth2 token is expired!' end if access_token.scopes.empty? raise Exceptions::NotAuthorized, 'OAuth2 scope missing for token!' end user = User.find(access_token.resource_owner_id) return authentication_check_prerequesits(user, 'token_auth', auth_param) if user end =end false end def authentication_check_prerequesits(user, auth_type, auth_param) if check_maintenance_only(user) raise Exceptions::NotAuthorized, 'Maintenance mode enabled!' end if user.active == false raise Exceptions::NotAuthorized, 'User is inactive!' end # check scopes / permission check if auth_param[:permission] && !user.permissions?(auth_param[:permission]) raise Exceptions::NotAuthorized, 'Not authorized (user)!' end current_user_set(user) user_device_log(user, auth_type) logger.debug "#{auth_type} for '#{user.login}'" true end def authentication_check(auth_param = {}) user = authentication_check_only(auth_param) # check if basic_auth fallback is possible if auth_param[:basic_auth_promt] && !user return request_http_basic_authentication end # return auth not ok if !user raise Exceptions::NotAuthorized, 'authentication failed' end # return auth ok true end def ticket_permission(ticket) return true if ticket.permission(current_user: current_user) raise Exceptions::NotAuthorized end def article_permission(article) ticket = Ticket.lookup(id: article.ticket_id) return true if ticket.permission(current_user: current_user) raise Exceptions::NotAuthorized end def article_create(ticket, params) # create article if given form_id = params[:form_id] params.delete(:form_id) # check min. params raise 'Need at least article: { body: "some text" }' if !params[:body] # fill default values if params[:type_id].empty? && params[:type].empty? params[:type_id] = Ticket::Article::Type.lookup(name: 'note').id end if params[:sender_id].empty? && params[:sender].empty? sender = 'Customer' if current_user.permissions?('ticket.agent') sender = 'Agent' end params[:sender_id] = Ticket::Article::Sender.lookup(name: sender).id end clean_params = Ticket::Article.param_association_lookup(params) clean_params = Ticket::Article.param_cleanup(clean_params, true) # overwrite params if !current_user.permissions?('ticket.agent') clean_params[:sender_id] = Ticket::Article::Sender.lookup(name: 'Customer').id clean_params.delete(:sender) type = Ticket::Article::Type.lookup(id: clean_params[:type_id]) if type.name !~ /^(note|web)$/ clean_params[:type_id] = Ticket::Article::Type.lookup(name: 'note').id end clean_params.delete(:type) clean_params[:internal] = false end article = Ticket::Article.new(clean_params) article.ticket_id = ticket.id # store dataurl images to store if form_id && article.body && article.content_type =~ %r{text/html}i article.body.gsub!( %r{(}i ) { |_item| file_attributes = StaticAssets.data_url_attributes($2) cid = "#{ticket.id}.#{form_id}.#{rand(999_999)}@#{Setting.get('fqdn')}" headers_store = { 'Content-Type' => file_attributes[:mime_type], 'Mime-Type' => file_attributes[:mime_type], 'Content-ID' => cid, 'Content-Disposition' => 'inline', } store = Store.add( object: 'UploadCache', o_id: form_id, data: file_attributes[:content], filename: cid, preferences: headers_store ) "#{$1}cid:#{cid}\">" } end # find attachments in upload cache if form_id article.attachments = Store.list( object: 'UploadCache', o_id: form_id, ) end article.save! # remove attachments from upload cache return article if !form_id Store.remove( object: 'UploadCache', o_id: form_id, ) article end def permission_check(key) if @_token_auth user = Token.check( action: 'api', name: @_token_auth, permission: key, ) return false if user raise Exceptions::NotAuthorized, 'Not authorized (token)!' end return false if current_user && current_user.permissions?(key) raise Exceptions::NotAuthorized, 'Not authorized (user)!' end def valid_session_with_user return true if current_user raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, 'No session user!' end def response_access_deny raise Exceptions::NotAuthorized end def config_frontend # config config = {} Setting.select('name, preferences').where(frontend: true).each { |setting| next if setting.preferences[:authentication] == true && !current_user value = Setting.get(setting.name) next if !current_user && (value == false || value.nil?) config[setting.name] = value } # remember if we can to swich back to user if session[:switched_from_user_id] config['switch_back_to_possible'] = true end # remember session_id for websocket logon if current_user config['session_id'] = session.id end config end # model helper def model_create_render(object, params) clean_params = object.param_association_lookup(params) clean_params = object.param_cleanup(clean_params, true) # create object generic_object = object.new(clean_params) # save object generic_object.save! # set relations generic_object.param_set_associations(params) if params[:expand] render json: generic_object.attributes_with_relation_names, status: :created return end model_create_render_item(generic_object) end def model_create_render_item(generic_object) render json: generic_object.attributes_with_associations, status: :created end def model_update_render(object, params) # find object generic_object = object.find(params[:id]) clean_params = object.param_association_lookup(params) clean_params = object.param_cleanup(clean_params, true) generic_object.with_lock do # set attributes generic_object.update_attributes!(clean_params) # set relations generic_object.param_set_associations(params) end if params[:expand] render json: generic_object.attributes_with_relation_names, status: :ok return end model_update_render_item(generic_object) end def model_update_render_item(generic_object) render json: generic_object.attributes_with_associations, status: :ok end def model_destory_render(object, params) generic_object = object.find(params[:id]) generic_object.destroy! model_destory_render_item() end def model_destory_render_item () render json: {}, status: :ok end def model_show_render(object, params) if params[:expand] generic_object = object.find(params[:id]) render json: generic_object.attributes_with_relation_names, status: :ok return end if params[:full] generic_object_full = object.full(params[:id]) render json: generic_object_full, status: :ok return end generic_object = object.find(params[:id]) model_show_render_item(generic_object) end def model_show_render_item(generic_object) render json: generic_object.attributes_with_associations, status: :ok end def model_index_render(object, params) offset = 0 per_page = 500 if params[:page] && params[:per_page] offset = (params[:page].to_i - 1) * params[:per_page].to_i limit = params[:per_page].to_i end generic_objects = if offset > 0 object.limit(params[:per_page]).offset(offset).limit(limit) else object.all.offset(offset).limit(limit) end if params[:expand] list = [] generic_objects.each { |generic_object| list.push generic_object.attributes_with_relation_names } render json: list, status: :ok return end if params[:full] assets = {} item_ids = [] generic_objects.each { |item| item_ids.push item.id assets = item.assets(assets) } render json: { record_ids: item_ids, assets: assets, }, status: :ok return end generic_objects_with_associations = [] generic_objects.each { |item| generic_objects_with_associations.push item.attributes_with_associations } model_index_render_result(generic_objects_with_associations) end def model_index_render_result(generic_objects) render json: generic_objects, status: :ok end def model_match_error(error) data = { error: error } if error =~ /(already exists|duplicate key|duplicate entry)/i data[:error_human] = 'Object already exists!' end if error =~ /null value in column "(.+?)" violates not-null constraint/i data[:error_human] = "Attribute '#{$1}' required!" end if error =~ /Field '(.+?)' doesn't have a default value/i data[:error_human] = "Attribute '#{$1}' required!" end if Rails.env.production? && !data[:error_human].empty? data[:error] = data[:error_human] data.delete('error_human') end data end def model_references_check(object, params) generic_object = object.find(params[:id]) result = Models.references(object, generic_object.id) return false if result.empty? raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, 'Can\'t delete, object has references.' rescue => e raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, e end def not_found(e) logger.error e.message logger.error e.backtrace.inspect respond_to do |format| format.json { render json: model_match_error(e.message), status: :not_found } format.any { @exception = e @traceback = !Rails.env.production? file = File.open(Rails.root.join('public', '404.html'), 'r') render inline: file.read, status: :not_found } end end def unprocessable_entity(e) logger.error e.message logger.error e.backtrace.inspect respond_to do |format| format.json { render json: model_match_error(e.message), status: :unprocessable_entity } format.any { @exception = e @traceback = !Rails.env.production? file = File.open(Rails.root.join('public', '422.html'), 'r') render inline: file.read, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end def server_error(e) logger.error e.message logger.error e.backtrace.inspect respond_to do |format| format.json { render json: model_match_error(e.message), status: 500 } format.any { @exception = e @traceback = !Rails.env.production? file = File.open(Rails.root.join('public', '500.html'), 'r') render inline: file.read, status: 500 } end end def unauthorized(e) message = e.message if message == 'Exceptions::NotAuthorized' message = 'Not authorized' end error = model_match_error(message) if error && error[:error] response.headers['X-Failure'] = error[:error_human] || error[:error] end respond_to do |format| format.json { render json: error, status: :unauthorized } format.any { @exception = e @traceback = !Rails.env.production? file = File.open(Rails.root.join('public', '401.html'), 'r') render inline: file.read, status: :unauthorized } end end # check maintenance mode def check_maintenance_only(user) return false if Setting.get('maintenance_mode') != true return false if user.permissions?('admin.maintenance') Rails.logger.info "Maintenance mode enabled, denied login for user #{user.login}, it's no admin user." true end def check_maintenance(user) return false if !check_maintenance_only(user) raise Exceptions::NotAuthorized, 'Maintenance mode enabled!' end end