// Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia' import { computed, watch, type Ref } from 'vue' import type { EnumTaskbarEntity } from '#shared/graphql/types.ts' import { useUserCurrentTaskbarTabsStore } from '../stores/taskbarTabs.ts' import type { TaskbarTabContext } from '../types.ts' export const useTaskbarTab = ( tabEntityType: EnumTaskbarEntity, context?: Ref, ) => { const { activeTaskbarTabContext, activeTaskbarTab } = storeToRefs( useUserCurrentTaskbarTabsStore(), ) const { updateTaskbarTab, deleteTaskbarTab } = useUserCurrentTaskbarTabsStore() // Keep track of the passed context and update the store state accordingly. if (context) { watch( context, (newValue) => { activeTaskbarTabContext.value = newValue }, { immediate: true }, ) } watch( () => activeTaskbarTabContext.value?.formIsDirty, (isDirty) => { if (isDirty === undefined || !activeTaskbarTab.value?.taskbarTabId) return if (activeTaskbarTab.value.dirty === isDirty) return updateTaskbarTab(activeTaskbarTab.value.taskbarTabId, { ...activeTaskbarTab.value, dirty: isDirty, }) }, ) const activeTaskbarTabFormId = computed( () => activeTaskbarTab.value?.formId || undefined, ) const activeTaskbarTabNewArticlePresent = computed( () => !!activeTaskbarTab.value?.formNewArticlePresent, ) const activeTaskbarTabDelete = () => { if (!activeTaskbarTab.value?.taskbarTabId) return deleteTaskbarTab(activeTaskbarTab.value?.taskbarTabId) } return { activeTaskbarTabFormId, activeTaskbarTabNewArticlePresent, activeTaskbarTab, activeTaskbarTabDelete, } }