// Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { beforeAll, describe, expect } from 'vitest' import { nextTick } from 'vue' import renderComponent from '#tests/support/components/renderComponent.ts' import CommonFlyout from '#desktop/components/CommonFlyout/CommonFlyout.vue' const html = String.raw describe('CommonFlyout', () => { describe('standalone component', () => { let flyout: ReturnType<typeof renderComponent> let mainElement: HTMLElement let app: HTMLDivElement beforeAll(() => { app = document.createElement('div') app.id = 'app' document.body.appendChild(app) mainElement = document.createElement('main') mainElement.id = 'main-content' app.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', mainElement) }) beforeEach(() => { flyout = renderComponent(CommonFlyout, { props: { name: 'test-identifier', headerTitle: 'Test Title', headerIcon: 'buildings', showBackdrop: false, }, router: true, }) }) it('renders the correct title', async () => { expect(flyout.getByText('Test Title')).toBeInTheDocument() }) it('renders the correct icon', async () => { expect(flyout.queryByIconName('buildings')).toBeInTheDocument() }) it('renders a default submit label', async () => { expect(flyout.getByText('Update')).toBeInTheDocument() }) it('renders a custom submit label', async () => { await flyout.rerender({ footerActionOptions: { actionLabel: 'Submit', }, }) expect(flyout.getByText('Submit')).toBeInTheDocument() }) it('renders a default cancel label', () => { expect(flyout.getByText('Cancel & Go Back')).toBeInTheDocument() }) it('renders a custom cancel label', async () => { await flyout.rerender({ footerActionOptions: { cancelLabel: 'Exit', }, }) expect(flyout.getByText('Exit')).toBeInTheDocument() }) it('renders the resize handle as a default', () => { expect(flyout.queryByLabelText('Resize side panel')).toBeInTheDocument() }) it('does not render the resize handle when allowResizing is false', async () => { await flyout.rerender({ resizable: false, }) expect( flyout.queryByLabelText('Resize side panel'), ).not.toBeInTheDocument() }) it('renders slot content', async () => { const flyout = renderComponent(CommonFlyout, { props: { name: 'test-identifier', label: 'Test', headerTitle: 'Test Title', titleIcon: 'buildings', showBackdrop: false, }, slots: { header: 'Foo header', default: 'Hello world!', footer: 'Foo submit', }, }) expect(flyout.getByText('Hello world!')).toBeInTheDocument() expect(flyout.getByText('Foo header')).toBeInTheDocument() expect(flyout.getByText('Foo submit')).toBeInTheDocument() }) it('focuses the first focusable element when opened', async () => { const flyout = renderComponent(CommonFlyout, { props: { headerTitle: 'Test Title', name: 'test-identifier', showBackdrop: false, }, slots: { default: html`<input type="text" placeholder="test" name="test-input" />`, }, }) await nextTick() expect(flyout.getByPlaceholderText('test')).toHaveFocus() }) it('has a default container width of 500px', async () => { expect(flyout.getByRole('complementary')).toHaveStyle({ width: '500px', }) }) it('displays by default over the main content', async () => { await flyout.rerender({ fullscreen: false }) expect(mainElement.children).not.include(flyout.baseElement) expect(app.children).include(flyout.baseElement) }) it('supports displaying over entire viewport', async () => { await flyout.rerender({ fullscreen: true }) expect(mainElement.children).include(flyout.baseElement) }) describe('events', () => { it('emits close event when cancel button is clicked', async () => { await flyout.events.click(flyout.getByText('Cancel & Go Back')) expect(flyout.emitted('close')).toHaveLength(1) }) it('emits close event when x button is clicked', async () => { await flyout.events.click( flyout.getAllByLabelText('Close side panel').at(-1) as HTMLElement, ) expect(flyout.emitted('close')).toHaveLength(1) }) it('emits close event when escape key is pressed, by default', async () => { await flyout.events.keyboard('{Escape}') expect(flyout.emitted('close')).toHaveLength(1) }) it('emits close event when escape key is pressed, if specified', async () => { await flyout.rerender({ noCloseOnEscape: true }) await flyout.events.keyboard('{Escape}') expect(flyout.emitted('close')).toBeUndefined() }) it('emits event when action button is clicked', async () => { await flyout.events.click(flyout.getByText('Update')) expect(flyout.emitted('action')).toHaveLength(1) }) }) }) })