// Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { acceptHMRUpdate, defineStore } from 'pinia' import { computed, ref, watch } from 'vue' import { EnumAppearanceTheme } from '#shared/graphql/types.ts' import MutationHandler from '#shared/server/apollo/handler/MutationHandler.ts' import { useSessionStore } from '#shared/stores/session.ts' import { useUserCurrentAppearanceMutation } from '#desktop/pages/personal-setting/graphql/mutations/userCurrentAppearance.api.ts' type AppThemeName = EnumAppearanceTheme.Light | EnumAppearanceTheme.Dark const getRoot = () => document.querySelector(':root') as HTMLElement const getPreferredTheme = (): AppThemeName => { return window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches ? EnumAppearanceTheme.Dark : EnumAppearanceTheme.Light } const sanitizeTheme = (theme: string): AppThemeName => { if (['dark', 'light'].includes(theme)) return theme as AppThemeName return getPreferredTheme() } const saveDOMTheme = (theme: AppThemeName) => { const root = getRoot() root.dataset.theme = theme root.style.colorScheme = theme } export const useThemeStore = defineStore('theme', () => { const session = useSessionStore() const savingTheme = ref(false) const setThemeMutation = new MutationHandler( useUserCurrentAppearanceMutation(), { errorNotificationMessage: __('The appearance could not be updated.'), }, ) const saveTheme = (newTheme: AppThemeName) => { const sanitizedTheme = sanitizeTheme(newTheme) saveDOMTheme(sanitizedTheme) } const setTheme = async (theme: string) => { const oldTheme = session.user?.preferences?.theme session.setUserPreference('theme', theme) return setThemeMutation .send({ theme: theme as EnumAppearanceTheme }) .catch(() => { session.setUserPreference('theme', oldTheme) }) } const currentTheme = computed( () => session.user?.preferences?.theme || 'auto', ) const isDarkMode = computed( () => sanitizeTheme(currentTheme.value) === 'dark', ) const updateTheme = async (value: EnumAppearanceTheme) => { try { if (value === session.user?.preferences?.theme || savingTheme.value) return savingTheme.value = true await setTheme(value) } finally { savingTheme.value = false } } // sync theme in case HTML value was not up-to-date when we loaded user preferences const syncTheme = () => { if (currentTheme.value !== 'auto') return saveDOMTheme(currentTheme.value) const theme = getPreferredTheme() saveDOMTheme(theme) } // Update based on global system level preference window .matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)') .addEventListener('change', () => { // don't override preferred theme if user has already selected one const theme = (currentTheme.value as AppThemeName) || getPreferredTheme() saveTheme(theme) }) // in case user changes the theme in another tab watch( () => currentTheme.value, (newTheme) => { if (newTheme) { saveTheme(newTheme as AppThemeName) } }, ) return { savingTheme, currentTheme, isDarkMode, updateTheme, syncTheme, } }) if (import.meta.hot) { import.meta.hot.accept(acceptHMRUpdate(useThemeStore, import.meta.hot)) }