// Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { flushPromises } from '@vue/test-utils' import { afterAll, beforeAll } from 'vitest' import { renderComponent } from '#tests/support/components/index.ts' import CommonDialog from '../CommonDialog.vue' import { getDialogMeta, openDialog } from '../useDialog.ts' const html = String.raw describe('visuals for common dialog', () => { beforeAll(() => { const app = document.createElement('div') app.id = 'app' document.body.appendChild(app) }) beforeEach(() => { const { dialogsOptions } = getDialogMeta() dialogsOptions.set('dialog', { name: 'dialog', component: vi.fn().mockResolvedValue({}), refocus: true, }) }) afterAll(() => { document.body.innerHTML = '' }) it('rendering with header title and content', () => { const view = renderComponent(CommonDialog, { props: { name: 'dialog', headerTitle: 'Some Title', }, slots: { default: 'Content Slot', }, }) expect(view.getByText('Some Title')).toBeInTheDocument() expect(view.getByText('Content Slot')).toBeInTheDocument() expect(view.getByLabelText('Close dialog')).toBeInTheDocument() }) it('can render header title as slot', () => { const view = renderComponent(CommonDialog, { props: { name: 'dialog', }, slots: { header: 'Some Title', }, }) expect(view.getByText('Some Title')).toBeInTheDocument() }) it('can close dialog with keyboard and clicks', async () => { const view = renderComponent(CommonDialog, { props: { name: 'dialog', }, global: { stubs: { teleport: true, }, }, }) await flushPromises() await view.events.keyboard('{Escape}') const emitted = view.emitted() expect(emitted.close).toHaveLength(1) expect(emitted.close[0]).toEqual([undefined]) await view.events.click(view.getByLabelText('Close dialog')) expect(emitted.close).toHaveLength(2) await view.events.click(view.getByRole('button', { name: 'OK' })) expect(emitted.close).toHaveLength(3) expect(emitted.close[2]).toEqual([false]) }) it('rendering different footer button content', () => { const view = renderComponent(CommonDialog, { props: { name: 'dialog', headerTitle: 'Some Title', footerActionOptions: { actionLabel: 'Yes, continue', }, }, slots: { default: 'Content Slot', }, }) expect( view.getByRole('button', { name: 'Yes, continue' }), ).toBeInTheDocument() }) it('has an accessible name', async () => { const view = renderComponent(CommonDialog, { props: { headerTitle: 'foobar', name: 'dialog', }, }) expect(view.getByRole('dialog')).toHaveAccessibleName('foobar') }) it('traps focus inside the dialog', async () => { const externalForm = document.createElement('form') externalForm.innerHTML = html`
`, }, }) view.getByTestId('input').focus() expect(view.getByTestId('input')).toHaveFocus() await view.events.keyboard('{Tab}') expect(view.getByTestId('div')).toHaveFocus() await view.events.keyboard('{Tab}') expect(view.getByTestId('select')).toHaveFocus() await view.events.keyboard('{Tab}') expect(view.getByRole('button', { name: 'Cancel & Go Back' })).toHaveFocus() await view.events.keyboard('{Tab}') expect(view.getByRole('button', { name: 'OK' })).toHaveFocus() await view.events.keyboard('{Tab}') expect(view.getByLabelText('Close dialog')).toHaveFocus() await view.events.keyboard('{Tab}') expect(view.getByTestId('input')).toHaveFocus() }) it('autofocuses the first focusable element', async () => { const view = renderComponent(CommonDialog, { props: { name: 'dialog', }, slots: { default: html`
`, }, }) await flushPromises() expect(view.getByTestId('div')).toHaveFocus() }) it('focuses close, if there is nothing focusable in dialog', async () => { const view = renderComponent(CommonDialog, { props: { name: 'dialog', hideFooter: true, }, }) await flushPromises() expect(view.getByLabelText('Close dialog')).toHaveFocus() }) it('refocuses element that opened dialog', async () => { const button = document.createElement('button') button.setAttribute('aria-haspopup', 'dialog') button.setAttribute('aria-controls', 'dialog-dialog') button.setAttribute('data-test-id', 'button') document.body.appendChild(button) button.focus() expect(button).toHaveFocus() await openDialog('dialog', {}) const view = renderComponent(CommonDialog, { props: { name: 'dialog', hideFooter: true, }, }) await flushPromises() expect(view.getByLabelText('Close dialog')).toHaveFocus() await view.events.keyboard('{Escape}') expect(button).toHaveFocus() }) })