# Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ module CanSearch extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do =begin This function provides the possibility to add model specific sql extensions for the searches in the DB. E.g. role or group specific conditions in user model. see e.g. also app/models/user/search.rb =end scope :search_sql_extension, ->(_params) {} =begin This function defines the sql search query for the text fields which are searched in. By default it is all string columns but can be modified. see e.g. also app/models/ticket/search.rb =end scope :search_sql_query_extension, lambda { |params| return if params[:query].blank? search_columns = columns.select { |row| row.type == :string && !row.try(:array) }.map(&:name) return if search_columns.blank? where_or_cis(search_columns, "%#{SqlHelper.quote_like(params[:query].to_s.downcase)}%") } # Scope to specific IDs if they're given in params. # Usually those IDs are pre-filled in .search_params_pre method. scope :search_sql_ids, lambda { |params| where(id: params[:ids]) if params[:ids].present? } end class_methods do =begin This defines the default search sort by for the search function. =end def search_default_sort_by 'updated_at' end =begin This defines the default search order by for the search function. =end def search_default_order_by 'desc' end =begin This function can be used to fix parameters for the model e.g. is used to restrict the result set of organization searches to only return customer organizations in case of a customer user see e.g. also app/models/organization/search.rb =end def search_params_pre(params) # optional end =begin This function provides the possibility to add model specific query extensions for the searches in the elasticsearch. E.g. role or group specific conditions in user model. see e.g. also app/models/user/search.rb =end def search_query_extension(params) # optional end =begin search objects via search index result = Model.search( current_user: User.find(123), query: 'search something', limit: 15, offset: 100, ) returns result = [obj1, obj2, obj3] search objects via search index with total count result = Model.search( current_user: User.find(123), query: 'search something', limit: 15, offset: 100, with_total_count: true ) returns result = { object_ids: [1,2,3], count: 3, } search objects via search index with ONLY total count result = Model.search( current_user: User.find(123), query: 'search something', limit: 15, offset: 100, only_total_count: true ) returns result = { count: 3, } search objects via search index result = Model.search( current_user: User.find(123), query: 'search something', limit: 15, offset: 100, full: false, ) returns result = [1,2,3] search objects via database result = Group.search( current_user: User.find(123), query: 'some query', # query or condition is required condition: { 'groups.id' => { operator: 'is', value: [1,2,3], }, }, limit: 15, offset: 100, # sort single column sort_by: 'created_at', order_by: 'asc', # sort multiple columns sort_by: [ 'created_at', 'updated_at' ], order_by: [ 'asc', 'desc' ], full: false, ) returns result = [1,2,3] =end def search(params) # It's possible to search objects that don't have .search_preferences method. # However, if .search_preferences exist and return falsey value, search is not authorized in a given context! # Thus we need to check if method exist instead of using try()! return if defined?(search_preferences) && !search_preferences(params[:current_user]) params = search_build_params(params) # try search index backend # we only search in elastic search when we have a query present # else we try to use the database result, since it is more up to date object_ids, object_count = if SearchIndexBackend.enabled? && included_modules.include?(HasSearchIndexBackend) && params[:query].present? search_es(params) else search_sql(params) end search_result(params, object_ids, object_count) end def search_result(params, object_ids, object_count) if params[:only_total_count].present? { total_count: object_count, } elsif params[:with_total_count].present? if params[:full].present? return { objects: object_ids.map { |id| lookup(id: id) }, total_count: object_count } end { object_ids: object_ids, total_count: object_count } elsif params[:full].present? object_ids.map { |id| lookup(id: id) } else object_ids end end def search_build_params(params) search_params_pre(params) sql_helper = ::SqlHelper.new(object: self) params[:condition] ||= {} params[:limit] ||= 50 params[:query] = params[:query]&.delete('*') params[:offset] = params[:offset].presence || params[:from].presence || 0 params[:full] = !params.key?(:full) || ActiveModel::Type::Boolean.new.cast(params[:full]) params[:sort_by] = sql_helper.get_sort_by(params, search_default_sort_by) params[:order_by] = sql_helper.get_order_by(params, search_default_order_by) params end def search_es(params) result = SearchIndexBackend.search_by_index( params[:query], to_s, params.merge(query_extension: search_query_extension(params), with_total_count: true) ) if params[:only_total_count].blank? object_ids = result&.dig(:object_metadata)&.pluck(:id) || [] end object_count = result&.dig(:total_count) || 0 [object_ids, object_count] end def search_sql(params) scope = search_sql_base(params) objects_order_sql = sql_helper.get_order(params[:sort_by], params[:order_by], "#{table_name}.updated_at DESC") objects_scope = scope .reorder(Arel.sql(objects_order_sql)) .offset(params[:offset]) .limit(params[:limit]) .group(:id) if params[:only_total_count].blank? object_ids = objects_scope.pluck(:id) end object_count = scope.count("DISTINCT #{table_name}.id") [object_ids, object_count] end def search_sql_base(params) query_condition, bind_condition, tables = selector2sql(params[:condition]) scope = params[:scope].present? ? params[:scope].new(params[:current_user]).resolve : all scope .joins(tables).where(query_condition, *bind_condition) .search_sql_extension(params) .search_sql_query_extension(params) .search_sql_ids(params) end def sql_helper @sql_helper ||= ::SqlHelper.new(object: self) end end end