# Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Gql::Mutations::OnlineNotification::Seen, :aggregate_failures, type: :graphql do context 'when setting online notifications for different objects to seen' do let(:agent) { create(:agent) } let(:notification) { create(:online_notification, user: agent, o: object) } let(:other_notifications) { create_list(:online_notification, 5, user: create(:agent), o: object) } let(:user_with_permission) { agent } let(:user_without_permission) { agent } let(:query) do <<~QUERY mutation onlineNotificationSeen($objectId: ID!) { onlineNotificationSeen(objectId: $objectId) { success } } QUERY end let(:variables) do { objectId: gql.id(object), } end shared_context 'when mobile: notification seen handling' do context 'with permissions', authenticated_as: :user_with_permission do before do object && notification && other_notifications if object.respond_to?(:group) agent.groups << object.group end gql.execute(query, variables: variables) end it 'marks the existing notification as seen' do expect(gql.result.data['success']).to be true expect(notification.reload).to have_attributes(seen: true) end it 'does not mark other notifications for the same object as seen' do expect(other_notifications.map { |x| x.reload.seen }).to all(be(false)) end end context 'without permission', authenticated_as: :user_without_permission do before do object && notification && other_notifications gql.execute(query, variables: variables) end it 'results in an error' do expect(gql.result.error_type).to eq Exceptions::Forbidden expect(gql.result.error_message).to match %r{not allowed to .*Policy#show\? this #{object.class.name}} end end end context 'with Ticket model' do let(:group) { create(:group, email_address: nil) } let(:object) { create(:ticket, group: group) } include_context 'when mobile: notification seen handling' end context 'with User model' do let(:user_with_permission) { agent } let(:user_without_permission) { create(:user) } let(:object) { create(:user) } include_context 'when mobile: notification seen handling' end context 'with Organization model' do let(:user_with_permission) { agent } let(:user_without_permission) { create(:user) } let(:object) { create(:organization) } include_context 'when mobile: notification seen handling' end end end