performance: stage: test rules: - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule" || $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "web" - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event" changes: - .gitlab/ci/test/performance.yml - .gitlab/performance/**/* # Make sure this gets executed exclusively on a runner. tags: ['no_concurrency'] services: - !reference [.services, postgresql] - !reference [.services, redis] cache: [] before_script: # Copy performance checking code to tmp/ so that it survives branch switching - cp -rv .gitlab/performance tmp/ # First, checkout stable and set it up. - git fetch --unshallow >/dev/null 2>&1 - git checkout stable-6.0 - !reference [.scripts, source_rvm] - rvm use 3.1.3 - !reference [.scripts, bundle_install] - !reference [.scripts, configure_environment] - !reference [.scripts, zammad_db_init] - yarn install --silent # Required for assets:precompile test script: - bundle exec rails r tmp/performance/fill_db.rb # Run performance tests for stable. - bundle exec rails r tmp/performance/run_tests.rb # Then, switch to the current commit, migrate to it and run a few selected tests. - git checkout $CI_COMMIT_SHA - rvm use 3.2.7 - !reference [.scripts, bundle_install] # Force redis usage, even if it was disabled by the initial configure_environment script of stable. - export REDIS_URL=redis://redis - bundle exec rails db:migrate > /dev/null - rm -rf node_modules && pnpm install > /dev/null # Required for assets:precompile test. - bundle exec rails assets:clobber && git checkout public/assets # Clear previously generated assets to have a full regeneration. # Run performance tests for current branch. - bundle exec rails r tmp/performance/run_tests.rb after_script: []