# Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/

class SettingUpdates < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change

    return if !Setting.exists?(name: 'system_init_done')

    settings_update = [
        title:       '2 lower case and 2 upper case characters',
        name:        'password_min_2_lower_2_upper_characters',
        description: 'Password needs to contain 2 lower case and 2 upper case characters.',
        title:       'User email for multiple users',
        name:        'user_email_multiple_use',
        description: 'Allow using one email address for multiple users.',
        title:       'sipgate.io alternative FQDN',
        name:        'sipgate_alternative_fqdn',
        description: 'Alternative FQDN for callbacks if you operate Zammad in an internal network.',
        title: 'Auto Assignment',
        name:  'ticket_auto_assignment',
        title:       'BCC address for all outgoing emails',
        name:        'system_bcc',
        description: 'To archive all outgoing emails from Zammad to external, you can store a BCC email address here.',
        title:       'Additional follow-up detection',
        name:        'postmaster_follow_up_search_in',
        description: 'By default, the follow-up check is done via the subject of an email. This setting lets you add more fields for which the follow-up check will be executed.',
        title:       'Note - default visibility',
        name:        'ui_ticket_zoom_article_note_new_internal',
        description: 'Defines the default visibility for new notes.',
        title:       'Defines postmaster filter.',
        name:        '0014_postmaster_filter_own_notification_loop_detection',
        description: 'Defines postmaster filter to check if the email is a self-created notification email, then ignore it to prevent email loops.',
        title:       'HTTP type',
        name:        'http_type',
        description: 'Defines the HTTP protocol of your instance.',
        title: 'Defines the timeframe during which a self-created note can be deleted.',
        name:  'ui_ticket_zoom_article_delete_timeframe',
        title:       'Import Endpoint',
        name:        'import_freshdesk_endpoint',
        description: 'Defines a Freshdesk endpoint to import users, tickets, states, and articles.',
        title:       'Import Endpoint',
        name:        'import_kayako_endpoint',
        description: 'Defines a Kayako endpoint to import users, tickets, states, and articles.',
        title:       'Import Endpoint',
        name:        'import_otrs_endpoint',
        description: 'Defines an OTRS endpoint to import users, tickets, states, and articles.',
        title:       'Import Endpoint',
        name:        'import_zendesk_endpoint',
        description: 'Defines a Zendesk endpoint to import users, tickets, states, and articles.',
        title:       'Stats Backend',
        name:        'Stats::TicketWaitingTime',
        description: 'Defines a dashboard stats backend that gets scheduled automatically.',
        title:       'Stats Backend',
        name:        'Stats::TicketEscalation',
        description: 'Defines a dashboard stats backend that gets scheduled automatically.',
        title:       'Stats Backend',
        name:        'Stats::TicketChannelDistribution',
        description: 'Defines a dashboard stats backend that gets scheduled automatically.',
        title:       'Stats Backend',
        name:        'Stats::TicketLoadMeasure',
        description: 'Defines a dashboard stats backend that gets scheduled automatically.',
        title:       'Stats Backend',
        name:        'Stats::TicketInProcess',
        description: 'Defines a dashboard stats backend that gets scheduled automatically.',
        title:       'Stats Backend',
        name:        'Stats::TicketReopen',
        description: 'Defines a dashboard stats backend that gets scheduled automatically.',
        title:       'Import Password for HTTP basic authentication',
        name:        'import_otrs_password',
        description: 'Defines HTTP basic authentication password (only if OTRS is protected via HTTP basic auth).',
        title:       'Developer System',
        name:        'developer_mode',
        description: 'Defines if the application is in developer mode (all users have the same password and password reset will work without email delivery).',
        title:       'Group selection for ticket creation',
        name:        'form_ticket_create_group_id',
        description: 'Defines the group of tickets created via web form.',
        title:       'Limit tickets by IP per day',
        name:        'form_ticket_create_by_ip_per_day',
        description: 'Defines a limit for how many tickets can be created via web form from one IP address per day.',
        title:       'Limit tickets by IP per hour',
        name:        'form_ticket_create_by_ip_per_hour',
        description: 'Defines a limit for how many tickets can be created via web form from one IP address per hour.',
        title:       'Limit tickets per day',
        name:        'form_ticket_create_per_day',
        description: 'Defines a limit for how many tickets can be created via web form per day.',
        title:       'Defines postmaster filter.',
        name:        '5400_postmaster_filter_jira_check',
        description: 'Defines postmaster filter to identify Jira mails for correct follow-ups.',
        title:       'Defines postmaster filter.',
        name:        '5401_postmaster_filter_jira_check',
        description: 'Defines postmaster filter to identify Jira mails for correct follow-ups.',
        title:       'Defines postmaster filter.',
        name:        '0950_postmaster_filter_bounce_delivery_permanent_failed',
        description: 'Defines postmaster filter to identify postmaster bounces; and disables sending notification if delivery fails permanently.',
        title:       'Defines postmaster filter.',
        name:        '0955_postmaster_filter_bounce_delivery_temporary_failed',
        description: 'Defines postmaster filter to identify postmaster bounces; and reopens tickets if delivery fails permanently.',
        title:       'Defines postmaster filter.',
        name:        '0900_postmaster_filter_bounce_follow_up_check',
        description: 'Defines postmaster filter to identify postmaster bounces; and handles them as follow-up of the original tickets',
        title:       'Defines postmaster filter.',
        name:        '5400_postmaster_filter_service_now_check',
        description: 'Defines postmaster filter to identify ServiceNow mails for correct follow-ups.',
        title:       'Defines postmaster filter.',
        name:        '5401_postmaster_filter_service_now_check',
        description: 'Defines postmaster filter to identify ServiceNow mails for correct follow-ups.',
        title:       'Defines postmaster filter.',
        name:        '0005_postmaster_filter_trusted',
        description: 'Defines postmaster filter to remove X-Zammad headers from untrustworthy sources.',
        title:       'HTML Email CSS Font',
        name:        'html_email_css_font',
        description: 'Defines the CSS font information for HTML emails.',
        title:       'Geo IP Service',
        name:        'geo_ip_backend',
        description: 'Defines the backend for geo IP lookups. Also shows location of an IP address if it is traceable.',
        title:       'CTI config',
        name:        'cti_config',
        description: 'Defines the CTI config.',
        title:       'Set agent limit',
        name:        'system_agent_limit',
        description: 'Defines the agent limit.',
        title:       'Product Name',
        name:        'product_name',
        description: 'Defines the name of the application, shown in the web interface, tabs, and title bar of the web browser.',
        title:       'Define postmaster filter.',
        name:        '5500_postmaster_internal_article_check',
        description: 'Defines postmaster filter which sets the articles visibility to internal if it is a rely to an internal article or the last outgoing email is internal.',
        title:       'CTI customer last activity',
        name:        'cti_customer_last_activity',
        description: 'Defines the duration of customer activity (in seconds) on a call until the user profile dialog is shown.',
        title:       'Slack config',
        name:        'slack_config',
        description: 'Defines the Slack config.',
        title:       'Auto-close state',
        name:        'icinga_auto_close_state_id',
        description: 'Defines the state of auto-closed tickets.',
        title:       'Auto-close state',
        name:        'nagios_auto_close_state_id',
        description: 'Defines the state of auto-closed tickets.',
        title:       'Auto-close state',
        name:        'check_mk_auto_close_state_id',
        description: 'Defines the state of auto-closed tickets.',
        title:       'Auto-close state',
        name:        'check_mk_auto_close_state_id',
        description: 'Defines the state of auto-closed tickets.',
        title:       'Locale',
        name:        'locale_default',
        description: 'Defines the default system language.',
        title:       'Timezone',
        name:        'timezone_default',
        description: 'Defines the default system timezone.',
        title:       'Defines transaction backend.',
        name:        '9100_cti_caller_id_detection',
        description: 'Defines the transaction backend which detects caller IDs in objects and stores them for CTI lookups.',
        title:       'User Organization Selector - email',
        name:        'ui_user_organization_selector_with_email',
        description: 'Defines if the email should be displayed in the result of the user/organization widget.',
        title:       'GitHub App Credentials',
        name:        'auth_github_credentials',
        description: 'Enables user authentication via GitHub.',
        title:       'Customer selection based on sender and receiver list',
        name:        'postmaster_sender_is_agent_search_for_customer',
        description: 'If the sender is an agent, set the first user in the recipient list as the customer.',
        title:       'Import API key for requesting the Freshdesk API',
        name:        'import_freshdesk_endpoint_key',
        description: 'Defines Freshdesk endpoint authentication API key.',
        title:       'Import API key for requesting the Zendesk API',
        name:        'import_zendesk_endpoint_key',
        description: 'Defines Zendesk endpoint authentication API key.',
        title:       'Knowledge Base active',
        name:        'kb_active',
        description: 'Defines if Knowledge Base navbar button is enabled.',
        title:       'Knowledge Base active publicly',
        name:        'kb_active_publicly',
        description: 'Defines if Knowledge Base navbar button is enabled for users without Knowledge Base permission.',
        title:       'Knowledge Base multilingual support',
        name:        'kb_multi_lingual_support',
        description: 'Support of multilingual Knowledge Base.',
        title:       'Maximum Email Size',
        name:        'postmaster_max_size',
        description: 'Defines the maximum accepted email size in MB.',
        title:       'Maximum failed logins',
        name:        'password_max_login_failed',
        description: 'Defines after how many failed logins accounts will be deactivated.',
        title:       'Sender based on Reply-To header',
        name:        'postmaster_sender_based_on_reply_to',
        description: 'Set/overwrite sender/from of email based on "Reply-To" header. Useful to set correct customer if email is received from a third-party system on behalf of a customer.',
        title:       'Ticket Last Contact Behaviour',
        name:        'ticket_last_contact_behaviour',
        description: 'Sets the last customer contact based on either the last contact of the customer in general or on the last contact of the customer that has not received a response.',
        title:       'CTI Token',
        name:        'cti_token',
        description: 'Token for CTI.',
        title:       'CTI integration',
        name:        'cti_integration',
        description: 'Defines if generic CTI integration is enabled or not.',
        title:       'Placetel Token',
        name:        'placetel_token',
        description: 'Defines the token for Placetel.',

    settings_update.each do |setting|
      fetched_setting = Setting.find_by(name: setting[:name])
      next if !fetched_setting

      if setting[:title]
        # "Updating title of #{setting[:name]} to #{setting[:title]}"
        fetched_setting.title = setting[:title]

      if setting[:description]
        # "Updating description of #{setting[:name]} to #{setting[:description]}"
        fetched_setting.description = setting[:description]
