# Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Gql::Queries::OnlineNotifications, authenticated_as: :user, type: :graphql do context 'with a notification' do let(:user) { create(:agent) } let(:notification) { create(:online_notification, user: user) } let(:another_user_notification) { create(:online_notification, user: create(:user)) } let(:query) do <<~QUERY query onlineNotifications { onlineNotifications { edges { node { id createdAt createdBy { id email } typeName objectName metaObject { ... on Ticket { id title } } } } } } QUERY end before do user.groups << Ticket.first.group notification another_user_notification end it 'contains a notification' do gql.execute(query) returned_ids = gql.result.nodes.pluck('id') expect(returned_ids).to contain_exactly(gql.id(notification)) end it 'returns meta object' do gql.execute(query) expect(gql.result.nodes) .to include(include('id' => gql.id(notification), 'metaObject' => include('id' => gql.id(Ticket.first)))) end context 'with notification pointing to inaccessible ticket' do let(:inaccessible_ticket) { create(:ticket) } let(:inaccessible_notification) { create(:online_notification, user: user, o: inaccessible_ticket) } before do inaccessible_notification end it 'returns list' do gql.execute(query) returned_ids = gql.result.nodes.pluck('id') expect(returned_ids).to contain_exactly(gql.id(notification), gql.id(inaccessible_notification)) end it 'returns inaccessible notification with no meta object' do gql.execute(query) expect(gql.result.nodes) .to include(include('id' => gql.id(inaccessible_notification), 'metaObject' => nil, 'createdBy' => nil)) end end context 'with some more notifications' do let(:notification) { nil } let(:another_user_notification) { nil } let(:notifications) { Array.new(10) { create(:online_notification, user: user, created_at: Faker::Date.between(from: 1.year.ago, to: 50.weeks.from_now).to_datetime) } } it 'returns notifications in correct order' do notifications gql.execute(query) expect(gql.result.nodes.pluck('id')).to eq(notifications.sort_by { |n| n[:created_at] }.reverse.map { |n| gql.id(n) }) end end end end