# Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe 'Form helpers', app: :mobile, authenticated_as: :agent, db_strategy: :reset, type: :system do let(:group) { Group.find_by(name: 'Users') } let(:agent) { create(:agent, groups: [group]) } let(:object_name) { 'Ticket' } let(:screens) do { create_middle: { '-all-' => { shown: true, required: false, }, }, } end before do visit '/tickets/create' wait_for_form_to_settle('ticket-create') find_button('Continue').click find_button('Continue').click end context 'with single select field', authenticated_as: :authenticate do def authenticate create(:object_manager_attribute_select, object_name: object_name, name: 'single_select', display: 'Single Select', screens: screens, additional_data_options: { options: { '1' => 'Option 1', '2' => 'Option 2', '3' => 'Option 3' } }) ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute agent end it 'provides test helpers' do el = find_select('Single Select') el.select_option('Option 1') expect(el).to have_selected_option('Option 1') el.clear_selection expect(el).to have_no_selected_option('Option 1') end end context 'with multi select field', authenticated_as: :authenticate do def authenticate create(:object_manager_attribute_multiselect, object_name: object_name, name: 'multi_select', display: 'Multi Select', screens: screens, additional_data_options: { options: { '1' => 'Option 1', '2' => 'Option 2', '3' => 'Option 3' } }) ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute agent end it 'provides test helpers' do el = find_select('Multi Select') el.select_options(['Option 1', 'Option 2']) expect(el).to have_selected_options(['Option 1', 'Option 2']) el.clear_selection expect(el).to have_no_selected_options(['Option 1', 'Option 2']) end end context 'with tree select field', authenticated_as: :authenticate do let(:data_options) do { 'options' => [ { 'name' => 'Parent 1', 'value' => '1', 'children' => [ { 'name' => 'Option A', 'value' => '1::a', }, { 'name' => 'Option B', 'value' => '1::b', }, ], }, { 'name' => 'Parent 2', 'value' => '2', 'children' => [ { 'name' => 'Option C', 'value' => '2::c' }, ], }, { 'name' => 'Option 3', 'value' => '3' }, ], 'default' => '', 'null' => true, 'relation' => '', 'maxlength' => 255, 'nulloption' => true, } end def authenticate create(:object_manager_attribute_tree_select, object_name: object_name, name: 'tree_select', display: 'Tree Select', screens: screens, additional_data_options: data_options) ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute agent end it 'provides test helpers' do el = find_treeselect('Tree Select') el.select_option('Parent 1::Option A') expect(el).to have_selected_option_with_parent('Parent 1::Option A') el.clear_selection expect(el).to have_no_selected_option_with_parent('Parent 1::Option A') el.search_for_option('Parent 2::Option C') expect(el).to have_selected_option_with_parent('Parent 2::Option C') el.clear_selection.search_for_option('Option C') # chained expect(el).to have_selected_option_with_parent('Parent 2::Option C') end end context 'with multi tree select field', authenticated_as: :authenticate do let(:data_options) do { 'options' => [ { 'name' => 'Parent 1', 'value' => '1', 'children' => [ { 'name' => 'Option A', 'value' => '1::a', }, { 'name' => 'Option B', 'value' => '1::b', }, ], }, { 'name' => 'Parent 2', 'value' => '2', 'children' => [ { 'name' => 'Option C', 'value' => '2::c' }, ], }, { 'name' => 'Option 3', 'value' => '3' }, ], 'default' => '', 'null' => true, 'relation' => '', 'maxlength' => 255, 'nulloption' => true, } end def authenticate create(:object_manager_attribute_multi_tree_select, object_name: object_name, name: 'tree_select', display: 'Multi Tree Select', screens: screens, additional_data_options: data_options) ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute agent end it 'provides test helpers' do el = find_treeselect('Multi Tree Select') el.select_options(['Parent 1::Option A', 'Parent 2::Option C']) expect(el).to have_selected_options_with_parent(['Parent 1::Option A', 'Parent 2::Option C']) el.clear_selection expect(el).to have_no_selected_options_with_parent(['Parent 1::Option A', 'Parent 2::Option C']) end end context 'with customer and organization fields' do let(:organization) { create(:organization) } let(:secondary_organizations) { create_list(:organization, 5) } let!(:customer) { create(:customer, organization_id: organization.id, organization_ids: secondary_organizations.map(&:id)) } it 'provides test helpers' do el = find_autocomplete('Customer') el.search_for_option(customer.email, label: customer.fullname) # search for fullname does not work without ES expect(el).to have_selected_option(customer.fullname) el = find_autocomplete('Organization') el.select_option(secondary_organizations.last.name) expect(el).to have_selected_option(secondary_organizations.last.name) end end context 'with recipient field' do let(:email_address_1) { Faker::Internet.unique.email } let(:email_address_2) { Faker::Internet.unique.email } before do find('button[order="2"]').click click 'label', text: 'Send Email' find_button('Continue').click end it 'provides test helpers' do within_form(form_updater_gql_number: 2) do el = find_autocomplete('CC') el.search_for_options([email_address_1, email_address_2]) expect(el).to have_selected_options([email_address_1, email_address_2]) end end end context 'with tags field' do let(:tag_1) { Faker::Hacker.unique.noun } let(:tag_2) { Faker::Hacker.unique.noun } let(:tag_3) { Faker::Hacker.unique.noun } let(:tags) do [ Tag::Item.lookup_by_name_and_create('foo'), Tag::Item.lookup_by_name_and_create('bar'), ] end before do tags end it 'provides test helpers' do within_form(form_updater_gql_number: 1) do el = find_autocomplete('Tags') el.search_for_options([tag_1, tag_2, tag_3]).select_options(%w[foo bar]) expect(el).to have_selected_options([tag_1.upcase, tag_2.upcase, tag_3.upcase, 'FOO', 'BAR']) end end end context 'with editor field' do let(:body) { Faker::Hacker.say_something_smart } before do find_button('Continue').click end it 'provides test helpers' do within_form(form_updater_gql_number: 1) do el = find_editor('Text') el.type(body) expect(el).to have_data_value(body) el.clear expect(el).to have_no_data_value(body) end end end context 'with date and datetime fields', authenticated_as: :authenticate, time_zone: 'Europe/London' do let(:date) { Date.parse('2022-09-07') } let(:datetime) { DateTime.parse('2023-09-07T08:00:00.000Z') } def authenticate create(:object_manager_attribute_date, object_name: object_name, name: 'date', display: 'Date', screens: screens) create(:object_manager_attribute_datetime, object_name: object_name, name: 'datetime', display: 'Date Time', screens: screens) ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute agent end it 'provides test helpers' do el = find_datepicker(nil, exact_text: 'Date') el.select_date(date) expect(el).to have_date(date) el.clear expect(el).to have_no_date(date) el.type_date(date) expect(el).to have_date(date) el = find_datepicker('Date Time') el.select_datetime(datetime) expect(el).to have_datetime(datetime) el.clear expect(el).to have_no_datetime(datetime) el.type_datetime(datetime) expect(el).to have_datetime(datetime) end end context 'with boolean field', authenticated_as: :authenticate do def authenticate create(:object_manager_attribute_boolean, object_name: object_name, name: 'boolean', display: 'Boolean', screens: screens) ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute agent end it 'provides test helpers' do el = find_toggle('Boolean') el.toggle expect(el).to be_toggled_on el.toggle_off expect(el).to be_toggled_off el.toggle_on expect(el).to be_toggled_on end end end