do(window) -> scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script') # search for script to get protocol and hostname for ws connection myScript = scripts[scripts.length - 1] scriptProtocol = window.location.protocol.replace(':', '') # set default protocol if myScript && myScript.src scriptHost = myScript.src.match('.*://([^:/]*).*')[1] scriptProtocol = myScript.src.match('(.*)://[^:/]*.*')[1] # Define the plugin class class Core defaults: debug: false constructor: (options) -> @options = {} for key, value of @defaults @options[key] = value for key, value of options @options[key] = value class Base extends Core constructor: (options) -> super(options) @log = new Log(debug: @options.debug, logPrefix: @options.logPrefix || @logPrefix) class Log extends Core debug: (items...) => return if !@options.debug @log('debug', items) notice: (items...) => @log('notice', items) error: (items...) => @log('error', items) log: (level, items) => items.unshift('||') items.unshift(level) items.unshift(@options.logPrefix) console.log.apply console, items return if !@options.debug logString = '' for item in items logString += ' ' if typeof item is 'object' logString += JSON.stringify(item) else if item && item.toString logString += item.toString() else logString += item element = document.querySelector('.js-chatLogDisplay') if element element.innerHTML = '
' + logString + '
' + element.innerHTML class Timeout extends Base timeoutStartedAt: null logPrefix: 'timeout' defaults: debug: false timeout: 4 timeoutIntervallCheck: 0.5 start: => @stop() timeoutStartedAt = new Date check = => timeLeft = new Date - new Date(timeoutStartedAt.getTime() + @options.timeout * 1000 * 60) @log.debug "Timeout check for #{@options.timeout} minutes (left #{timeLeft/1000} sec.)"#, new Date return if timeLeft < 0 @stop() @options.callback() @log.debug "Start timeout in #{@options.timeout} minutes"#, new Date @intervallId = setInterval(check, @options.timeoutIntervallCheck * 1000 * 60) stop: => return if !@intervallId @log.debug "Stop timeout of #{@options.timeout} minutes"#, new Date clearInterval(@intervallId) class Io extends Base logPrefix: 'io' set: (params) => for key, value of params @options[key] = value connect: => @log.debug "Connecting to #{}" @ws = new window.WebSocket("#{}") @ws.onopen = (e) => @log.debug 'onOpen', e @options.onOpen(e) @ping() @ws.onmessage = (e) => pipes = JSON.parse( @log.debug 'onMessage', for pipe in pipes if pipe.event is 'pong' @ping() if @options.onMessage @options.onMessage(pipes) @ws.onclose = (e) => @log.debug 'close websocket connection', e if @pingDelayId clearTimeout(@pingDelayId) if @manualClose @log.debug 'manual close, onClose callback' @manualClose = false if @options.onClose @options.onClose(e) else @log.debug 'error close, onError callback' if @options.onError @options.onError('Connection lost...') @ws.onerror = (e) => @log.debug 'onError', e if @options.onError @options.onError(e) close: => @log.debug 'close websocket manually' @manualClose = true @ws.close() reconnect: => @log.debug 'reconnect' @close() @connect() send: (event, data = {}) => @log.debug 'send', event, data msg = JSON.stringify event: event data: data @ws.send msg ping: => localPing = => @send('ping') @pingDelayId = setTimeout(localPing, 29000) class ZammadChat extends Base defaults: chatId: undefined show: true target: document.querySelector('body') host: '' debug: false flat: false lang: undefined cssAutoload: true cssUrl: undefined fontSize: undefined buttonClass: 'open-zammad-chat' inactiveClass: 'is-inactive' title: 'Chat with us!' scrollHint: 'Scroll down to see new messages' idleTimeout: 6 idleTimeoutIntervallCheck: 0.5 inactiveTimeout: 8 inactiveTimeoutIntervallCheck: 0.5 waitingListTimeout: 4 waitingListTimeoutIntervallCheck: 0.5 # Callbacks onReady: undefined onCloseAnimationEnd: undefined onError: undefined onOpenAnimationEnd: undefined onConnectionReestablished: undefined onSessionClosed: undefined onConnectionEstablished: undefined onCssLoaded: undefined logPrefix: 'chat' _messageCount: 0 isOpen: false blinkOnlineInterval: null stopBlinOnlineStateTimeout: null showTimeEveryXMinutes: 2 lastTimestamp: null lastAddedType: null inputDisabled: false inputTimeout: null isTyping: false state: 'offline' initialQueueDelay: 10000 translations: # ZAMMAD_TRANSLATIONS_START 'cs': 'Chat with us!': 'Chatujte s námi!' 'All colleagues are busy.': 'Všichni kolegové jsou vytíženi.' 'Chat closed by %s': '%s ukončil konverzaci' 'Compose your message…': 'Napište svou zprávu…' 'Connecting': 'Připojování' 'Connection lost': 'Připojení ztraceno' 'Connection re-established': 'Připojení obnoveno' 'Offline': 'Offline' 'Online': 'Online' 'Scroll down to see new messages': 'Srolujte dolů pro zobrazení nových zpráv' 'Send': 'Odeslat' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation was closed.': 'Jelikož jste nereagovali v posledních %s minutách, vaše konverzace byla uzavřena.' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with %s was closed.': 'Jelikož jste nereagovali v posledních %s minutách, vaše konverzace s %s byla uzavřena.' 'Start new conversation': 'Zahájit novou konverzaci' 'Today': 'Dnes' 'We are sorry, it is taking longer than expected to get a slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Omlouváme se, že musíte čekat déle, než je vhodné pro získání slotu. Prosím, zkuste to později, případně nám napište e-mail. Děkujeme!' 'You are on waiting list position %s.': 'Jste %s. v pořadí na čekací listině.' 'da': 'Chat with us!': 'Chat med os!' 'All colleagues are busy.': 'Alle medarbejdere er optaget.' 'Chat closed by %s': 'Chat lukket af %s' 'Compose your message…': 'Skriv din besked…' 'Connecting': 'Forbinder' 'Connection lost': 'Forbindelse mistet' 'Connection re-established': 'Forbindelse genoprettet' 'Offline': 'Offline' 'Online': 'Online' 'Scroll down to see new messages': 'Scroll ned for at se nye beskeder' 'Send': 'Afsend' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation was closed.': '' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with %s was closed.': '' 'Start new conversation': 'Start en ny samtale' 'Today': 'I dag' 'We are sorry, it is taking longer than expected to get a slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': '' 'You are on waiting list position %s.': 'Du er i kø som nummer %s.' 'de': 'Chat with us!': 'Chatte mit uns!' 'All colleagues are busy.': 'Alle Kollegen sind beschäftigt.' 'Chat closed by %s': 'Chat von %s geschlossen' 'Compose your message…': 'Verfassen Sie Ihre Nachricht…' 'Connecting': 'Verbinde' 'Connection lost': 'Verbindung verloren' 'Connection re-established': 'Verbindung wieder aufgebaut' 'Offline': 'Offline' 'Online': 'Online' 'Scroll down to see new messages': 'Nach unten scrollen um neue Nachrichten zu sehen' 'Send': 'Senden' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation was closed.': 'Da Sie innerhalb der letzten %s Minuten nicht reagiert haben, wurde Ihre Unterhaltung geschlossen.' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with %s was closed.': 'Da Sie innerhalb der letzten %s Minuten nicht reagiert haben, wurde Ihre Unterhaltung mit %s geschlossen.' 'Start new conversation': 'Neue Unterhaltung starten' 'Today': 'Heute' 'We are sorry, it is taking longer than expected to get a slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Entschuldigung, es dauert länger als erwartet einen freien Platz zu bekommen. Versuchen Sie es später erneut oder senden Sie uns eine E-Mail. Vielen Dank!' 'You are on waiting list position %s.': 'Sie sind in der Warteliste auf Position %s.' 'es': 'Chat with us!': 'Chatee con nosotros!' 'All colleagues are busy.': 'Todos los colegas están ocupados.' 'Chat closed by %s': 'Chat cerrado por %s' 'Compose your message…': 'Escribe tu mensaje…' 'Connecting': 'Conectando' 'Connection lost': 'Conexión perdida' 'Connection re-established': 'Conexión reestablecida' 'Offline': 'Desconectado' 'Online': 'En línea' 'Scroll down to see new messages': 'Desplace hacia abajo para ver nuevos mensajes' 'Send': 'Enviar' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation was closed.': 'Debido a que usted no ha respondido en los últimos %s minutos, su conversación se ha cerrado.' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with %s was closed.': 'Debido a que usted no ha respondido en los últimos %s minutos, su conversación con %s se ha cerrado.' 'Start new conversation': 'Iniciar nueva conversación' 'Today': 'Hoy' 'We are sorry, it is taking longer than expected to get a slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Lo sentimos, estamos tardando más de lo esperado para asignar un agente. Inténtelo de nuevo más tarde o envíenos un correo electrónico. ¡Gracias!' 'You are on waiting list position %s.': 'Usted está en la posición %s de la lista de espera.' 'fr': 'Chat with us!': 'Chattez avec nous !' 'All colleagues are busy.': 'Tous les agents sont occupés.' 'Chat closed by %s': 'Chat fermé par %s' 'Compose your message…': 'Écrivez votre message…' 'Connecting': 'Connexion' 'Connection lost': 'Connexion perdue' 'Connection re-established': 'Connexion ré-établie' 'Offline': 'Hors-ligne' 'Online': 'En ligne' 'Scroll down to see new messages': 'Défiler vers le bas pour voir les nouveaux messages' 'Send': 'Envoyer' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation was closed.': 'Sans réponse de votre part depuis %s minutes, votre conservation a été fermée.' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with %s was closed.': 'Sans réponse de votre part depuis %s minutes, votre conversation avec %s a été fermée.' 'Start new conversation': 'Démarrer une nouvelle conversation' 'Today': 'Aujourd\'hui' 'We are sorry, it is taking longer than expected to get a slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Nous sommes désolés, trouver un agent disponible prend plus de temps que prévu. Réessayez plus tard ou envoyez-nous un mail. Merci !' 'You are on waiting list position %s.': 'Vous êtes actuellement en position %s dans la file d\'attente.' 'hr': 'Chat with us!': 'Čavrljajte sa nama!' 'All colleagues are busy.': 'Svi kolege su zauzeti.' 'Chat closed by %s': '%s zatvara chat' 'Compose your message…': 'Sastavite poruku…' 'Connecting': 'Povezivanje' 'Connection lost': 'Veza prekinuta' 'Connection re-established': 'Veza je ponovno uspostavljena' 'Offline': 'Odsutan' 'Online': 'Dostupan(a)' 'Scroll down to see new messages': 'Pomaknite se prema dolje da biste vidjeli nove poruke' 'Send': 'Šalji' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation was closed.': 'Budući da niste odgovorili u posljednjih %s minuta, Vaš je razgovor zatvoren.' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with %s was closed.': 'Budući da niste odgovorili u posljednjih %s minuta, Vaš je razgovor s %s zatvoren.' 'Start new conversation': 'Započni novi razgovor' 'Today': 'Danas' 'We are sorry, it is taking longer than expected to get a slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Oprostite, proces traje duže nego što se očekivalo da biste dobili slobodan termin. Molimo, pokušajte ponovno kasnije ili nam pošaljite e-mail. Hvala!' 'You are on waiting list position %s.': 'Nalazite se u redu čekanja na poziciji %s.' 'hu': 'Chat with us!': 'Csevegjen velünk!' 'All colleagues are busy.': 'Minden munkatársunk foglalt.' 'Chat closed by %s': 'A csevegés %s által lezárva' 'Compose your message…': 'Fogalmazza meg üzenetét…' 'Connecting': 'Csatlakozás' 'Connection lost': 'A kapcsolat megszakadt' 'Connection re-established': 'A kapcsolat helyreállt' 'Offline': 'Offline' 'Online': 'Online' 'Scroll down to see new messages': 'Görgessen lefelé az új üzenetek megtekintéséhez' 'Send': 'Küldés' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation was closed.': 'Mivel az elmúlt %s percben nem válaszolt, a beszélgetése lezárásra került.' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with %s was closed.': 'Mivel az elmúlt %s percben nem válaszolt, %s munkatársunkkal folytatott beszélgetését lezártuk.' 'Start new conversation': 'Új beszélgetés indítása' 'Today': 'Ma' 'We are sorry, it is taking longer than expected to get a slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Sajnáljuk, hogy a vártnál hosszabb ideig tart a helyfoglalás. Kérjük, próbálja meg később újra, vagy küldjön nekünk egy e-mailt. Köszönjük!' 'You are on waiting list position %s.': 'Ön a várólistán a %s helyen szerepel.' 'it': 'Chat with us!': 'Chatta con noi!' 'All colleagues are busy.': 'Tutti i colleghi sono occupati.' 'Chat closed by %s': 'Chat chiusa da %s' 'Compose your message…': 'Scrivi il tuo messaggio…' 'Connecting': 'Connessione in corso' 'Connection lost': 'Connessione persa' 'Connection re-established': 'Connessione ristabilita' 'Offline': 'Offline' 'Online': 'Online' 'Scroll down to see new messages': 'Scorri verso il basso per vedere i nuovi messaggi' 'Send': 'Invia' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation was closed.': 'Dato che non hai risposto negli ultimi %s minuti, la conversazione è stata chiusa.' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with %s was closed.': 'Dato che non hai risposto negli ultimi %s minuti, la conversazione con %s è stata chiusa.' 'Start new conversation': 'Avvia una nuova chat' 'Today': 'Oggi' 'We are sorry, it is taking longer than expected to get a slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Siamo spiacenti, ci vuole più tempo del previsto per ottenere uno spazio libero. Riprova più tardi o inviaci un\'e-mail. Grazie!' 'You are on waiting list position %s.': 'Sei alla posizione %s della lista di attesa.' 'lt': 'Chat with us!': 'Kalbėkitės su mumis!' 'All colleagues are busy.': 'Visi kolegos užimti.' 'Chat closed by %s': '%s uždarė pokalbį' 'Compose your message…': 'Rašykite žinutę…' 'Connecting': 'Jungiamasi' 'Connection lost': 'Dingo ryšys' 'Connection re-established': 'Ryšys atnaujintas' 'Offline': 'Atsijungęs' 'Online': 'Prisijungęs' 'Scroll down to see new messages': 'Naujos žinutės žemiau' 'Send': 'Siųsti' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation was closed.': 'Jūsų pokalbis buvo uždarytas, nes nieko neatsakėte per %s minučių.' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with %s was closed.': 'Jūsų pokalbis su %s buvo uždarytas, nes nieko neatsakėte per %s minučių.' 'Start new conversation': 'Pradėti naują pokalbį' 'Today': 'Šiandien' 'We are sorry, it is taking longer than expected to get a slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Atsiprašome, kad tenka laukti atskymo. Bandykite vėliau arba rašykite el. paštu. Ačiū!' 'You are on waiting list position %s.': 'Esate %s eilėje.' 'nl': 'Chat with us!': 'Chat met ons!' 'All colleagues are busy.': 'Alle collega\'s zijn bezet.' 'Chat closed by %s': 'Chat gesloten door %s' 'Compose your message…': 'Stel je bericht op…' 'Connecting': 'Verbinden' 'Connection lost': 'Verbinding verbroken' 'Connection re-established': 'Verbinding hersteld' 'Offline': 'Offline' 'Online': 'Online' 'Scroll down to see new messages': 'Scroll naar beneden om nieuwe tickets te bekijken' 'Send': 'Verstuur' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation was closed.': 'De chat is afgesloten omdat je de laatste %s minuten niet hebt gereageerd.' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with %s was closed.': 'Je chat met %s is afgesloten omdat je niet hebt gereageerd in de laatste %s minuten.' 'Start new conversation': 'Nieuw gesprek starten' 'Today': 'Vandaag' 'We are sorry, it is taking longer than expected to get a slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Het spijt ons, het duurt langer dan verwacht om een chat te starten. Probeer het later nog eens of stuur ons een e-mail. Bedankt!' 'You are on waiting list position %s.': 'Je bevindt zich op wachtlijstpositie %s.' 'pl': 'Chat with us!': 'Czatuj z nami!' 'All colleagues are busy.': 'Wszyscy agenci są zajęci.' 'Chat closed by %s': 'Chat zamknięty przez %s' 'Compose your message…': 'Skomponuj swoją wiadomość…' 'Connecting': 'Łączenie' 'Connection lost': 'Utracono połączenie' 'Connection re-established': 'Ponowne nawiązanie połączenia' 'Offline': 'Offline' 'Online': 'Online' 'Scroll down to see new messages': 'Skroluj w dół, aby zobaczyć wiadomości' 'Send': 'Wyślij' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation was closed.': 'Ponieważ nie odpowiedziałeś w ciągu ostatnich %s minut, Twoja rozmowa została zamknięta.' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with %s was closed.': 'Ponieważ nie odpowiedziałeś w ciągu ostatnich %s minut, Twoja rozmowa z %s została zamknięta.' 'Start new conversation': 'Rozpocznij nową rozmowę' 'Today': 'Dzisiaj' 'We are sorry, it is taking longer than expected to get a slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Przepraszamy, znalezienie wolnego konsultanta zajmuje więcej czasu niż oczekiwano. Spróbuj ponownie później lub wyślij nam e-mail. Dziękujemy!' 'You are on waiting list position %s.': 'Jesteś na pozycji listy oczekujących %s.' 'pt-br': 'Chat with us!': 'Converse conosco!' 'All colleagues are busy.': 'Nossos atendentes estão ocupados.' 'Chat closed by %s': 'Chat encerrado por %s' 'Compose your message…': 'Escreva sua mensagem…' 'Connecting': 'Conectando' 'Connection lost': 'Conexão perdida' 'Connection re-established': 'Conexão restabelecida' 'Offline': 'Desconectado' 'Online': 'Online' 'Scroll down to see new messages': 'Rolar para baixo para ver novas mensagems' 'Send': 'Enviar' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation was closed.': 'Como você não respondeu nos últimos %s minutos, sua conversa foi encerrada.' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with %s was closed.': 'Como você não respondeu nos últimos %s minutos, sua conversa com %s foi encerrada.' 'Start new conversation': 'Iniciar uma nova conversa' 'Today': 'Hoje' 'We are sorry, it is taking longer than expected to get a slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Lamentamos, está demorando mais do que o esperado para conseguir uma vaga. Tente novamente mais tarde ou envie-nos um e-mail. Obrigado!' 'You are on waiting list position %s.': 'Você está na posição %s da lista de espera.' 'ru': 'Chat with us!': 'Напишите нам!' 'All colleagues are busy.': 'Все коллеги заняты.' 'Chat closed by %s': 'Чат закрыт %s' 'Compose your message…': 'Составьте сообщение…' 'Connecting': 'Подключение' 'Connection lost': 'Подключение потеряно' 'Connection re-established': 'Подключение восстановлено' 'Offline': 'Оффлайн' 'Online': 'В сети' 'Scroll down to see new messages': 'Прокрутите вниз, чтобы увидеть новые сообщения' 'Send': 'Отправить' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation was closed.': 'Поскольку Вы не ответили в течение последних %s минут, Ваш разговор был закрыт.' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with %s was closed.': 'Поскольку Вы не ответили в течение последних %s минут, Ваш разговор с %s был закрыт.' 'Start new conversation': 'Начать новый разговор' 'Today': 'Сегодня' 'We are sorry, it is taking longer than expected to get a slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': '' 'You are on waiting list position %s.': 'Вы находитесь в списке ожидания %s.' 'sr': 'Chat with us!': 'Ћаскајте са нама!' 'All colleagues are busy.': 'Све колеге су заузете.' 'Chat closed by %s': 'Ћаскање затворено од стране %s' 'Compose your message…': 'Напишите поруку…' 'Connecting': 'Повезивање' 'Connection lost': 'Веза је изгубљена' 'Connection re-established': 'Веза је поново успостављена' 'Offline': 'Одсутан(а)' 'Online': 'Доступан(а)' 'Scroll down to see new messages': 'Скролујте на доле за нове поруке' 'Send': 'Пошаљи' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation was closed.': 'Пошто нисте одговорили у последњих %s минут(a), ваш разговор је завршен.' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with %s was closed.': 'Пошто нисте одговорили у последњих %s минут(a), ваш разговор са %s је завршен.' 'Start new conversation': 'Започни нови разговор' 'Today': 'Данас' 'We are sorry, it is taking longer than expected to get a slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Жао нам је, добијање празног термина траје дуже од очекиваног. Молимо покушајте поново касније или нам пошаљите имејл поруку. Хвала вам!' 'You are on waiting list position %s.': 'Ви сте тренутно %s. у реду за чекање.' 'sr-latn-rs': 'Chat with us!': 'Ćaskajte sa nama!' 'All colleagues are busy.': 'Sve kolege su zauzete.' 'Chat closed by %s': 'Ćaskanje zatvoreno od strane %s' 'Compose your message…': 'Napišite poruku…' 'Connecting': 'Povezivanje' 'Connection lost': 'Veza je izgubljena' 'Connection re-established': 'Veza je ponovo uspostavljena' 'Offline': 'Odsutan(a)' 'Online': 'Dostupan(a)' 'Scroll down to see new messages': 'Skrolujte na dole za nove poruke' 'Send': 'Pošalji' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation was closed.': 'Pošto niste odgovorili u poslednjih %s minut(a), vaš razgovor je završen.' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with %s was closed.': 'Pošto niste odgovorili u poslednjih %s minut(a), vaš razgovor sa %s je završen.' 'Start new conversation': 'Započni novi razgovor' 'Today': 'Danas' 'We are sorry, it is taking longer than expected to get a slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Žao nam je, dobijanje praznog termina traje duže od očekivanog. Molimo pokušajte ponovo kasnije ili nam pošaljite imejl poruku. Hvala vam!' 'You are on waiting list position %s.': 'Vi ste trenutno %s. u redu za čekanje.' 'sv': 'Chat with us!': 'Chatta med oss!' 'All colleagues are busy.': 'Alla kollegor är upptagna.' 'Chat closed by %s': 'Chatt stängd av %s' 'Compose your message…': 'Skriv ditt meddelande …' 'Connecting': 'Ansluter' 'Connection lost': 'Anslutningen försvann' 'Connection re-established': 'Anslutningen återupprättas' 'Offline': 'Offline' 'Online': 'Online' 'Scroll down to see new messages': 'Bläddra ner för att se nya meddelanden' 'Send': 'Skicka' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation was closed.': 'Din chatt avslutades då du inte svarade inom %s minuter.' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with %s was closed.': 'Chatten stängdes eftersom du inte svarat inom %s minuter i din konversation med %s.' 'Start new conversation': 'Starta ny konversation' 'Today': 'Idag' 'We are sorry, it is taking longer than expected to get a slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Det tar tyvärr längre tid än förväntat att få en ledig plats. Försök igen senare eller skicka ett mejl till oss. Tack!' 'You are on waiting list position %s.': 'Du är på väntelistan som position %s.' 'zh-cn': 'Chat with us!': '发起即时对话!' 'All colleagues are busy.': '所有同事都很忙。' 'Chat closed by %s': '对话被 %s 终止' 'Compose your message…': '编辑您的信息…' 'Connecting': '连接中' 'Connection lost': '连接丢失' 'Connection re-established': '正在重新建立连接' 'Offline': '离线' 'Online': '在线' 'Scroll down to see new messages': '向下滚动以查看新消息' 'Send': '发送' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation was closed.': '"由于您超过 %s 分钟没有任何回复' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with %s was closed.': '"由于您超过 %s 分钟没有回复' 'Start new conversation': '开始新的会话' 'Today': '今天' 'We are sorry, it is taking longer than expected to get a slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': '' 'You are on waiting list position %s.': '您目前的等候位置是第 %s 位.' # ZAMMAD_TRANSLATIONS_END sessionId: undefined scrolledToBottom: true scrollSnapTolerance: 10 richTextFormatKey: 66: true # b 73: true # i 85: true # u 83: true # s T: (string, items...) => if @options.lang && @options.lang isnt 'en' if !@translations[@options.lang] @log.notice "Translation '#{@options.lang}' needed!" else translations = @translations[@options.lang] if !translations[string] @log.notice "Translation needed for '#{string}'" string = translations[string] || string if items for item in items string = string.replace(/%s/, item) string view: (name) => return (options) => if !options options = {} options.T = @T options.background = @options.background options.flat = @options.flat options.fontSize = @options.fontSize return window.zammadChatTemplates[name](options) constructor: (options) -> super(options) # jQuery migration if typeof jQuery != 'undefined' && instanceof jQuery @log.notice 'Chat: target option is a jQuery object. jQuery is not a requirement for the chat any more.' = # fullscreen @isFullscreen = (window.matchMedia and window.matchMedia('(max-width: 768px)').matches) @scrollRoot = @getScrollRoot() # check prerequisites if !window.WebSocket or !sessionStorage @state = 'unsupported' @log.notice 'Chat: Browser not supported!' return if !@options.chatId @state = 'unsupported' @log.error 'Chat: need chatId as option!' return # detect language if !@options.lang @options.lang = document.documentElement.getAttribute('lang') if @options.lang if !@translations[@options.lang] @log.debug "lang: No #{@options.lang} found, try first two letters" @options.lang = @options.lang.replace(/-.+?$/, '') # replace "-xx" of xx-xx @log.debug "lang: #{@options.lang}" # detect host @detectHost() if ! @loadCss() @io = new Io(@options) @io.set( onOpen: @render onClose: @onWebSocketClose onMessage: @onWebSocketMessage onError: @onError ) @io.connect() getScrollRoot: -> return document.scrollingElement if 'scrollingElement' of document html = document.documentElement start = parseInt(html.pageYOffset, 10) html.pageYOffset = start + 1 end = parseInt(html.pageYOffset, 10) html.pageYOffset = start return if end > start then html else document.body render: => if !@el || !document.querySelector('.zammad-chat') @renderBase() # disable open button btn = document.querySelector(".#{ @options.buttonClass }") if btn btn.classList.add @options.inactiveClass @setAgentOnlineState 'online' @log.debug 'widget rendered' @startTimeoutObservers() @idleTimeout.start() # get current chat status @sessionId = sessionStorage.getItem('sessionId') @send 'chat_status_customer', session_id: @sessionId url: window.location.href renderBase: -> @el.remove() if @el'beforeend', @view('chat')( title: @options.title, scrollHint: @options.scrollHint )) @el ='.zammad-chat') @input = @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-input') @body = @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-body') # start bindings @el.querySelector('.js-chat-open').addEventListener('click', @open) @el.querySelector('.js-chat-toggle').addEventListener('click', @toggle) @el.querySelector('.js-chat-status').addEventListener('click', @stopPropagation) @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-controls').addEventListener('submit', @onSubmit) @body.addEventListener('scroll', @detectScrolledtoBottom) @el.querySelector('.zammad-scroll-hint').addEventListener('click', @onScrollHintClick) @input.addEventListener('keydown', @onKeydown) @input.addEventListener('input', @onInput) @input.addEventListener('paste', @onPaste) @input.addEventListener('drop', @onDrop) window.addEventListener('beforeunload', @onLeaveTemporary) window.addEventListener('hashchange', => if @isOpen if @sessionId @send 'chat_session_notice', session_id: @sessionId message: window.location.href return @idleTimeout.start() ) stopPropagation: (event) -> event.stopPropagation() onDrop: (e) => e.stopPropagation() e.preventDefault() if window.dataTransfer # ie dataTransfer = window.dataTransfer else if e.dataTransfer # other browsers dataTransfer = e.dataTransfer else throw 'No clipboardData support' x = e.clientX y = e.clientY file = dataTransfer.files[0] # look for images if file.type.match('image.*') reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = (e) => # Insert the image at the carat insert = (dataUrl, width) => # adapt image if we are on retina devices if @isRetina() width = width / 2 result = dataUrl img = new Image() = '100%' = width + 'px' img.src = result if document.caretPositionFromPoint pos = document.caretPositionFromPoint(x, y) range = document.createRange() range.setStart(pos.offsetNode, pos.offset) range.collapse() range.insertNode(img) else if document.caretRangeFromPoint range = document.caretRangeFromPoint(x, y) range.insertNode(img) else console.log('could not find carat') # resize if to big @resizeImage(, 460, 'auto', 2, 'image/jpeg', 'auto', insert) reader.readAsDataURL(file) onPaste: (e) => e.stopPropagation() e.preventDefault() if e.clipboardData clipboardData = e.clipboardData else if window.clipboardData clipboardData = window.clipboardData else if e.clipboardData clipboardData = e.clipboardData else throw 'No clipboardData support' imageInserted = false if clipboardData && clipboardData.items && clipboardData.items[0] item = clipboardData.items[0] if item.kind == 'file' && (item.type == 'image/png' || item.type == 'image/jpeg') imageFile = item.getAsFile() reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = (e) => insert = (dataUrl, width) => # adapt image if we are on retina devices if @isRetina() width = width / 2 img = new Image() = '100%' = width + 'px' img.src = dataUrl document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, img) # resize if to big @resizeImage(, 460, 'auto', 2, 'image/jpeg', 'auto', insert) reader.readAsDataURL(imageFile) imageInserted = true return if imageInserted # check existing + paste text for limit text = undefined docType = undefined try text = clipboardData.getData('text/html') docType = 'html' if !text || text.length is 0 docType = 'text' text = clipboardData.getData('text/plain') if !text || text.length is 0 docType = 'text2' text = clipboardData.getData('text') catch e console.log('Sorry, can\'t insert markup because browser is not supporting it.') docType = 'text3' text = clipboardData.getData('text') if docType is 'text' || docType is 'text2' || docType is 'text3' text = '
' + text.replace(/\n/g, '
') + '
' text = text.replace(/
<\/div>/g, '

') console.log('p', docType, text) if docType is 'html' html = document.createElement('div') # can't log because might contain malicious content # @log.debug 'HTML clipboard', text sanitized = DOMPurify.sanitize(text) @log.debug 'sanitized HTML clipboard', sanitized html.innerHTML = sanitized match = false htmlTmp = text regex = new RegExp('<(/w|w)\:[A-Za-z]') if htmlTmp.match(regex) match = true htmlTmp = htmlTmp.replace(regex, '') regex = new RegExp('<(/o|o)\:[A-Za-z]') if htmlTmp.match(regex) match = true htmlTmp = htmlTmp.replace(regex, '') if match html = @wordFilter(html) #html for node in html.childNodes if node.nodeType == 8 node.remove() # remove tags, keep content for node in html.querySelectorAll('a, font, small, time, form, label') node.outerHTML = node.innerHTML # replace tags with generic div # New type of the tag replacementTag = 'div'; # Replace all x tags with the type of replacementTag for node in html.querySelectorAll('textarea') outer = node.outerHTML # Replace opening tag regex = new RegExp('<' + node.tagName, 'i') newTag = outer.replace(regex, '<' + replacementTag) # Replace closing tag regex = new RegExp(' # check for enter if not @inputDisabled and not e.shiftKey and e.keyCode is 13 e.preventDefault() @sendMessage() richtTextControl = false if !e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && e.metaKey richtTextControl = true else if !e.altKey && e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey richtTextControl = true if richtTextControl && @richTextFormatKey[ e.keyCode ] e.preventDefault() if e.keyCode is 66 document.execCommand('bold') return true if e.keyCode is 73 document.execCommand('italic') return true if e.keyCode is 85 document.execCommand('underline') return true if e.keyCode is 83 document.execCommand('strikeThrough') return true send: (event, data = {}) => data.chat_id = @options.chatId @io.send(event, data) onWebSocketMessage: (pipes) => for pipe in pipes @log.debug 'ws:onmessage', pipe switch pipe.event when 'chat_error' @log.notice if && is 'chat_disabled' @destroy(remove: true) when 'chat_session_message' return if @receiveMessage when 'chat_session_typing' return if @onAgentTypingStart() when 'chat_session_start' @onConnectionEstablished when 'chat_session_queue' @onQueueScreen when 'chat_session_closed' @onSessionClosed when 'chat_session_left' @onSessionClosed when 'chat_status_customer' switch when 'online' @sessionId = undefined if !@options.cssAutoload || @cssLoaded @onReady() else @socketReady = true when 'offline' @onError 'Zammad Chat: No agent online' when 'chat_disabled' @onError 'Zammad Chat: Chat is disabled' when 'no_seats_available' @onError "Zammad Chat: Too many clients in queue. Clients in queue: #{}" when 'reconnect' @onReopenSession onReady: -> @log.debug 'widget ready for use' btn = document.querySelector(".#{ @options.buttonClass }") if btn btn.addEventListener('click', @open) btn.classList.remove(@options.inactiveClass) @options.onReady?() if @show() onError: (message) => @log.debug message @addStatus(message) btn = document.querySelector(".#{ @options.buttonClass }") if btn btn.classList.add('zammad-chat-is-hidden') if @isOpen @disableInput() @destroy(remove: false) else @destroy(remove: true) @options.onError?(message) onReopenSession: (data) => @log.debug 'old messages', data.session @inactiveTimeout.start() unfinishedMessage = sessionStorage.getItem 'unfinished_message' # rerender chat history if data.agent @onConnectionEstablished(data) for message in data.session @renderMessage message: message.content id: from: if message.created_by_id then 'agent' else 'customer' if unfinishedMessage @input.innerHTML = unfinishedMessage # show wait list if data.position @onQueue data @show() @open() @scrollToBottom() if unfinishedMessage @input.focus() onInput: => # remove unread-state from messages for message in @el.querySelectorAll('.zammad-chat-message--unread') message.classList.remove 'zammad-chat-message--unread' sessionStorage.setItem 'unfinished_message', @input.innerHTML @onTyping() onTyping: -> # send typing start event only every 1.5 seconds return if @isTyping && @isTyping > new Date(new Date().getTime() - 1500) @isTyping = new Date() @send 'chat_session_typing', session_id: @sessionId @inactiveTimeout.start() onSubmit: (event) => event.preventDefault() @sendMessage() sendMessage: -> message = @input.innerHTML return if !message @inactiveTimeout.start() sessionStorage.removeItem 'unfinished_message' messageElement = @view('message') message: message from: 'customer' id: @_messageCount++ unreadClass: '' @maybeAddTimestamp() # add message before message typing loader if @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-message--typing') @lastAddedType = 'typing-placeholder' @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-message--typing').insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', messageElement) else @lastAddedType = 'message--customer' @body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', messageElement) @input.innerHTML = '' @scrollToBottom() # send message event @send 'chat_session_message', content: message id: @_messageCount session_id: @sessionId receiveMessage: (data) => @inactiveTimeout.start() # hide writing indicator @onAgentTypingEnd() @maybeAddTimestamp() @renderMessage message: data.message.content id: from: 'agent' @scrollToBottom showHint: true renderMessage: (data) => @lastAddedType = "message--#{ data.from }" data.unreadClass = if document.hidden then ' zammad-chat-message--unread' else '' @body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', @view('message')(data)) open: => if @isOpen @log.debug 'widget already open, block' return @isOpen = true @log.debug 'open widget' @show() if !@sessionId @showLoader() @el.classList.add 'zammad-chat-is-open' remainerHeight = @el.clientHeight - @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-header').offsetHeight = "translateY(#{remainerHeight}px)" # force redraw @el.clientHeight if !@sessionId @el.addEventListener 'transitionend', @onOpenAnimationEnd @el.classList.add 'zammad-chat--animate' # force redraw @el.clientHeight # start animation = '' @send('chat_session_init' url: window.location.href ) else = '' @onOpenAnimationEnd() onOpenAnimationEnd: => @el.removeEventListener 'transitionend', @onOpenAnimationEnd @el.classList.remove 'zammad-chat--animate' @idleTimeout.stop() if @isFullscreen @disableScrollOnRoot() @options.onOpenAnimationEnd?() sessionClose: => # send close @send 'chat_session_close', session_id: @sessionId # stop timer @inactiveTimeout.stop() @waitingListTimeout.stop() # delete input store sessionStorage.removeItem 'unfinished_message' # stop delay of initial queue position if @onInitialQueueDelayId clearTimeout(@onInitialQueueDelayId) @setSessionId undefined toggle: (event) => if @isOpen @close(event) else @open(event) close: (event) => if !@isOpen @log.debug 'can\'t close widget, it\'s not open' return if @initDelayId clearTimeout(@initDelayId) if @sessionId @log.debug 'session close before widget close' @sessionClose() @log.debug 'close widget' event.stopPropagation() if event if @isFullscreen @enableScrollOnRoot() # close window remainerHeight = @el.clientHeight - @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-header').offsetHeight @el.addEventListener 'transitionend', @onCloseAnimationEnd @el.classList.add 'zammad-chat--animate' # force redraw document.offsetHeight # animate out = "translateY(#{remainerHeight}px)" onCloseAnimationEnd: => @el.removeEventListener 'transitionend', @onCloseAnimationEnd @el.classList.remove 'zammad-chat-is-open', 'zammad-chat--animate' = '' @showLoader() @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-welcome').classList.remove('zammad-chat-is-hidden') @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-agent').classList.add('zammad-chat-is-hidden') @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-agent-status').classList.add('zammad-chat-is-hidden') @isOpen = false @options.onCloseAnimationEnd?() @io.reconnect() onWebSocketClose: => return if @isOpen if @el @el.classList.remove('zammad-chat-is-shown') @el.classList.remove('zammad-chat-is-loaded') show: -> return if @state is 'offline' @el.classList.add('zammad-chat-is-loaded') @el.classList.add('zammad-chat-is-shown') disableInput: -> @inputDisabled = true @input.setAttribute('contenteditable', false) @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-send').disabled = true @io.close() enableInput: -> @inputDisabled = false @input.setAttribute('contenteditable', true) @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-send').disabled = false hideModal: -> @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-modal').innerHTML = '' onQueueScreen: (data) => @setSessionId data.session_id # delay initial queue position, show connecting first show = => @onQueue data @waitingListTimeout.start() if @initialQueueDelay && !@onInitialQueueDelayId @onInitialQueueDelayId = setTimeout(show, @initialQueueDelay) return # stop delay of initial queue position if @onInitialQueueDelayId clearTimeout(@onInitialQueueDelayId) # show queue position show() onQueue: (data) => @log.notice 'onQueue', data.position @inQueue = true @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-modal').innerHTML = @view('waiting') position: data.position onAgentTypingStart: => if @stopTypingId clearTimeout(@stopTypingId) @stopTypingId = setTimeout(@onAgentTypingEnd, 3000) # never display two typing indicators return if @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-message--typing') @maybeAddTimestamp() @body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', @view('typingIndicator')()) # only if typing indicator is shown return if !@isVisible(@el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-message--typing'), true) @scrollToBottom() onAgentTypingEnd: => @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-message--typing').remove() if @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-message--typing') onLeaveTemporary: => return if !@sessionId @send 'chat_session_leave_temporary', session_id: @sessionId maybeAddTimestamp: -> timestamp = if !@lastTimestamp or (timestamp - @lastTimestamp) > @showTimeEveryXMinutes * 60000 label = @T('Today') time = new Date().toTimeString().substr 0,5 if @lastAddedType is 'timestamp' # update last time @updateLastTimestamp label, time @lastTimestamp = timestamp else # add new timestamp @body.insertAdjacentHTML 'beforeend', @view('timestamp') label: label time: time @lastTimestamp = timestamp @lastAddedType = 'timestamp' @scrollToBottom() updateLastTimestamp: (label, time) -> return if !@el timestamps = @el.querySelectorAll('.zammad-chat-body .zammad-chat-timestamp') return if !timestamps timestamps[timestamps.length - 1].outerHTML = @view('timestamp') label: label time: time addStatus: (status) -> return if !@el @maybeAddTimestamp() @body.insertAdjacentHTML 'beforeend', @view('status') status: status @scrollToBottom() detectScrolledtoBottom: => scrollBottom = @body.scrollTop + @body.offsetHeight @scrolledToBottom = Math.abs(scrollBottom - @body.scrollHeight) <= @scrollSnapTolerance @el.querySelector('.zammad-scroll-hint').classList.add('is-hidden') if @scrolledToBottom showScrollHint: -> @el.querySelector('.zammad-scroll-hint').classList.remove('is-hidden') # compensate scroll @body.scrollTop = @body.scrollTop + @el.querySelector('.zammad-scroll-hint').offsetHeight onScrollHintClick: => # animate scroll @body.scrollTo top: @body.scrollHeight behavior: 'smooth' scrollToBottom: ({ showHint } = { showHint: false }) -> if @scrolledToBottom @body.scrollTop = @body.scrollHeight else if showHint @showScrollHint() destroy: (params = {}) => @log.debug 'destroy widget', params @setAgentOnlineState 'offline' if params.remove && @el @el.remove() # Remove button, because it can no longer be used. btn = document.querySelector(".#{ @options.buttonClass }") if btn btn.classList.add @options.inactiveClass = 'none'; # stop all timer if @waitingListTimeout @waitingListTimeout.stop() if @inactiveTimeout @inactiveTimeout.stop() if @idleTimeout @idleTimeout.stop() # stop ws connection @io.close() reconnect: => # set status to connecting @log.notice 'reconnecting' @disableInput() @lastAddedType = 'status' @setAgentOnlineState 'connecting' @addStatus @T('Connection lost') onConnectionReestablished: => # set status back to online @lastAddedType = 'status' @setAgentOnlineState 'online' @addStatus @T('Connection re-established') @options.onConnectionReestablished?() onSessionClosed: (data) -> @addStatus @T('Chat closed by %s', data.realname) @disableInput() @setAgentOnlineState 'offline' @inactiveTimeout.stop() @options.onSessionClosed?(data) setSessionId: (id) => @sessionId = id if id is undefined sessionStorage.removeItem 'sessionId' else sessionStorage.setItem 'sessionId', id onConnectionEstablished: (data) => # stop delay of initial queue position if @onInitialQueueDelayId clearTimeout @onInitialQueueDelayId @inQueue = false if data.agent @agent = data.agent if data.session_id @setSessionId data.session_id # empty old messages @body.innerHTML = '' @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-agent').innerHTML = @view('agent') agent: @agent @enableInput() @hideModal() @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-welcome').classList.add('zammad-chat-is-hidden') @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-agent').classList.remove('zammad-chat-is-hidden') @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-agent-status').classList.remove('zammad-chat-is-hidden') @input.focus() if not @isFullscreen @setAgentOnlineState 'online' @waitingListTimeout.stop() @idleTimeout.stop() @inactiveTimeout.start() @options.onConnectionEstablished?(data) showCustomerTimeout: -> @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-modal').innerHTML = @view('customer_timeout') agent: delay: @options.inactiveTimeout @el.querySelector('.js-restart').addEventListener 'click', -> location.reload() @sessionClose() showWaitingListTimeout: -> @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-modal').innerHTML = @view('waiting_list_timeout') delay: @options.watingListTimeout @el.querySelector('.js-restart').addEventListener 'click', -> location.reload() @sessionClose() showLoader: -> @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-modal').innerHTML = @view('loader')() setAgentOnlineState: (state) => @state = state return if !@el capitalizedState = state.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + state.slice(1) @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-agent-status').dataset.status = state @el.querySelector('.zammad-chat-agent-status').textContent = @T(capitalizedState) detectHost: -> protocol = 'ws://' if scriptProtocol is 'https' protocol = 'wss://' = "#{ protocol }#{ scriptHost }/ws" loadCss: -> return if !@options.cssAutoload url = @options.cssUrl if !url url = .replace(/^wss/i, 'https') .replace(/^ws/i, 'http') .replace(/\/ws$/i, '') # WebSocket may run on path url += '/assets/chat/chat.css' @log.debug "load css from '#{url}'" styles = "@import url('#{url}');" newSS = document.createElement('link') newSS.onload = @onCssLoaded newSS.rel = 'stylesheet' newSS.href = 'data:text/css,' + escape(styles) document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(newSS) onCssLoaded: => @cssLoaded = true if @socketReady @onReady() @options.onCssLoaded?() startTimeoutObservers: => @idleTimeout = new Timeout( logPrefix: 'idleTimeout' debug: @options.debug timeout: @options.idleTimeout timeoutIntervallCheck: @options.idleTimeoutIntervallCheck callback: => @log.debug 'Idle timeout reached, hide widget', new Date @destroy(remove: true) ) @inactiveTimeout = new Timeout( logPrefix: 'inactiveTimeout' debug: @options.debug timeout: @options.inactiveTimeout timeoutIntervallCheck: @options.inactiveTimeoutIntervallCheck callback: => @log.debug 'Inactive timeout reached, show timeout screen.', new Date @showCustomerTimeout() @destroy(remove: false) ) @waitingListTimeout = new Timeout( logPrefix: 'waitingListTimeout' debug: @options.debug timeout: @options.waitingListTimeout timeoutIntervallCheck: @options.waitingListTimeoutIntervallCheck callback: => @log.debug 'Waiting list timeout reached, show timeout screen.', new Date @showWaitingListTimeout() @destroy(remove: false) ) disableScrollOnRoot: -> @rootScrollOffset = @scrollRoot.scrollTop = 'hidden' = 'fixed' enableScrollOnRoot: -> @scrollRoot.scrollTop = @rootScrollOffset = '' = '' # based on # to have not dependency, port to coffeescript isVisible: (el, partial, hidden, direction) -> return if el.length < 1 vpWidth = window.innerWidth vpHeight = window.innerHeight direction = if direction then direction else 'both' clientSize = if hidden is true then t.offsetWidth * t.offsetHeight else true rec = el.getBoundingClientRect() tViz = >= 0 && < vpHeight bViz = rec.bottom > 0 && rec.bottom <= vpHeight lViz = rec.left >= 0 && rec.left < vpWidth rViz = rec.right > 0 && rec.right <= vpWidth vVisible = if partial then tViz || bViz else tViz && bViz hVisible = if partial then lViz || rViz else lViz && rViz if direction is 'both' return clientSize && vVisible && hVisible else if direction is 'vertical' return clientSize && vVisible else if direction is 'horizontal' return clientSize && hVisible isRetina: -> if window.matchMedia mq = window.matchMedia('only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.3), only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2.6/2), only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.3), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.3), only screen and (min-resolution: 1.3dppx)') return (mq && mq.matches || (window.devicePixelRatio > 1)) false resizeImage: (dataURL, x = 'auto', y = 'auto', sizeFactor = 1, type, quallity, callback, force = true) -> # load image from data url imageObject = new Image() imageObject.onload = -> imageWidth = imageObject.width imageHeight = imageObject.height console.log('ImageService', 'current size', imageWidth, imageHeight) if y is 'auto' && x is 'auto' x = imageWidth y = imageHeight # get auto dimensions if y is 'auto' factor = imageWidth / x y = imageHeight / factor if x is 'auto' factor = imageWidth / y x = imageHeight / factor # check if resize is needed resize = false if x < imageWidth || y < imageHeight resize = true x = x * sizeFactor y = y * sizeFactor else x = imageWidth y = imageHeight # create canvas and set dimensions canvas = document.createElement('canvas') canvas.width = x canvas.height = y # draw image on canvas and set image dimensions context = canvas.getContext('2d') context.drawImage(imageObject, 0, 0, x, y) # set quallity based on image size if quallity == 'auto' if x < 200 && y < 200 quallity = 1 else if x < 400 && y < 400 quallity = 0.9 else if x < 600 && y < 600 quallity = 0.8 else if x < 900 && y < 900 quallity = 0.7 else quallity = 0.6 # execute callback with resized image newDataUrl = canvas.toDataURL(type, quallity) if resize console.log('ImageService', 'resize', x/sizeFactor, y/sizeFactor, quallity, (newDataUrl.length * 0.75)/1024/1024, 'in mb') callback(newDataUrl, x/sizeFactor, y/sizeFactor, true) return console.log('ImageService', 'no resize', x, y, quallity, (newDataUrl.length * 0.75)/1024/1024, 'in mb') callback(newDataUrl, x, y, false) # load image from data url imageObject.src = dataURL # taken from pasteHtmlAtCaret: (html) -> sel = undefined range = undefined if window.getSelection sel = window.getSelection() if sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount range = sel.getRangeAt(0) range.deleteContents() el = document.createElement('div') el.innerHTML = html frag = document.createDocumentFragment(node, lastNode) while node = el.firstChild lastNode = frag.appendChild(node) range.insertNode(frag) if lastNode range = range.cloneRange() range.setStartAfter(lastNode) range.collapse(true) sel.removeAllRanges() sel.addRange(range) else if document.selection && document.selection.type != 'Control' document.selection.createRange().pasteHTML(html) # (C) sbrin - # wordFilter: (editor) -> content = editor.html() # Word comments like conditional comments etc content = content.replace(//gi, '') # Remove comments, scripts (e.g., msoShowComment), XML tag, VML content, # MS Office namespaced tags, and a few other tags content = content.replace(/<(!|script[^>]*>.*?<\/script(?=[>\s])|\/?(\?xml(:\w+)?|img|meta|link|style|\w:\w+)(?=[\s\/>]))[^>]*>/gi, '') # Convert into for line-though content = content.replace(/<(\/?)s>/gi, '<$1strike>') # Replace nbsp entites to char since it's easier to handle # content = content.replace(/ /gi, "\u00a0") content = content.replace(/ /gi, ' ') # Convert ___ to string of alternating # breaking/non-breaking spaces of same length #content = content.replace(/([\s\u00a0]*)<\/span>/gi, (str, spaces) -> # return (spaces.length > 0) ? spaces.replace(/./, " ").slice(Math.floor(spaces.length/2)).split("").join("\u00a0") : '' #) editor.innerHTML = content # Parse out list indent level for lists for p in editor.querySelectorAll('p') str = p.getAttribute('style') matches = /mso-list:\w+ \w+([0-9]+)/.exec(str) if matches p.dataset._listLevel = parseInt(matches[1], 10) # Parse Lists last_level = 0 pnt = null for p in editor.querySelectorAll('p') cur_level = p.dataset._listLevel if cur_level != undefined txt = p.textContent list_tag = '
    ' if (/^\s*\w+\./.test(txt)) matches = /([0-9])\./.exec(txt) if matches start = parseInt(matches[1], 10) list_tag = start>1 ? '
      ' : '
        ' else list_tag = '
          ' if cur_level > last_level if last_level == 0 p.insertAdjacentHTML 'beforebegin', list_tag pnt = p.previousElementSibling else pnt.insertAdjacentHTML 'beforeend', list_tag if cur_level < last_level for i in [i..last_level-cur_level] pnt = pnt.parentNode p.querySelector('span:first').remove() if p.querySelector('span:first') pnt.insertAdjacentHTML 'beforeend', '
        1. ' + p.innerHTML + '
        2. ' p.remove() last_level = cur_level else last_level = 0 el.removeAttribute('style') for el in editor.querySelectorAll('[style]') el.removeAttribute('align') for el in editor.querySelectorAll('[align]') el.outerHTML = el.innerHTML for el in editor.querySelectorAll('span') el.remove() for el in editor.querySelectorAll('span:empty') el.removeAttribute('class') for el in editor.querySelectorAll("[class^='Mso']") el.remove() for el in editor.querySelectorAll('p:empty') editor removeAttribute: (element) -> return if !element for att in element.attributes element.removeAttribute( removeAttributes: (html) => for node in html.querySelectorAll('*') @removeAttribute node html window.ZammadChat = ZammadChat