require 'browser_test_helper' class PreferencesLanguageTest < TestCase def test_lang_change @browser = browser_instance login( username: '', password: 'test', url: browser_url, ) tasks_close_all() # start ticket create ticket_create( data: { customer: 'nicole', group: 'Users', title: 'preferences lang check #1', body: 'preferences lang check #1', }, do_not_submit: true, ) # start ticket zoom ticket_create( data: { customer: 'nicole', group: 'Users', title: 'preferences lang check #2', body: 'preferences lang check #2', }, ) # start user profile user_open_by_search( value: 'Nicole', ) # start organization profile organization_open_by_search( value: 'Zammad Foundation', ) click(css: 'a[href="#current_user"]') click(css: 'a[href="#profile"]') click(css: 'a[href="#profile/language"]') select( css: '.language_item [name="locale"]', value: 'Deutsch', ) click(css: ' button[type="submit"]') watch_for( css: 'body', value: 'Sprache', ) # check language in navbar watch_for( css: '.js-menu', value: 'Übersicht' ) # check language in dashboard click(css: '.js-menu a[href="#dashboard"]') watch_for( css: '', value: 'Meine Statistik' ) # check language in overview click(css: '.js-menu a[href="#ticket/view"]') watch_for( css: '', value: 'Meine' ) verify_title( value: 'Meine zugewiesenen', ) # check language in ticket create open_task( data: { title: 'Anruf', } ) verify_task( data: { title: 'Anruf', } ) open_task( data: { title: 'preferences lang check #1', } ) watch_for( css: '', value: 'kunde' ) watch_for( css: '', value: 'priorität' ) watch_for( css: ' [data-name="body"]', value: 'preferences lang check #1' ) verify_title( value: 'anruf', ) # check language in ticket zoom open_task( data: { title: 'preferences lang check #2', } ) watch_for( css: '', value: 'erstellt' ) watch_for( css: '', value: 'priorität' ) # check language in user profile open_task( data: { title: 'Nicole', } ) watch_for( css: '', value: 'notiz' ) watch_for( css: '', value: 'e-mail' ) watch_for( css: '', value: 'aktion' ) # check language in organization profile open_task( data: { title: 'Zammad', } ) watch_for( css: '', value: 'notiz' ) click(css: 'a[href="#current_user"]') click(css: 'a[href="#profile"]') click(css: 'a[href="#profile/language"]') select( css: '.language_item [name="locale"]', value: 'English (United States)', ) click(css: ' button[type="submit"]') sleep 2 watch_for( css: 'body', value: 'Language', ) # check language in navbar watch_for( css: '.js-menu', value: 'Overview' ) # check language in dashboard click(css: '.js-menu a[href="#dashboard"]') watch_for( css: '', value: 'My Stats' ) # check language in overview click(css: '.js-menu a[href="#ticket/view"]') watch_for( css: '', value: 'My' ) verify_title( value: 'My assig', ) # check language in ticket create open_task( data: { title: 'Call', } ) verify_task( data: { title: 'Call', } ) open_task( data: { title: 'preferences lang check #1', } ) watch_for( css: '', value: 'customer' ) watch_for( css: '', value: 'priority' ) watch_for( css: ' [data-name="body"]', value: 'preferences lang check #1' ) verify_title( value: 'call', ) # check language in ticket zoom open_task( data: { title: 'preferences lang check #2', } ) watch_for( css: '', value: 'create' ) watch_for( css: '', value: 'priority' ) # check language in user profile open_task( data: { title: 'Nicole', } ) watch_for( css: '', value: 'note' ) watch_for( css: '', value: 'email' ) # check language in organization profile open_task( data: { title: 'Zammad', } ) watch_for( css: '', value: 'note' ) watch_for( css: '', value: 'action' ) # switch to de again click(css: 'a[href="#current_user"]') click(css: 'a[href="#profile"]') click(css: 'a[href="#profile/language"]') sleep 4 select( css: '.language_item [name="locale"]', value: 'Deutsch', ) click(css: ' button[type="submit"]') sleep 4 watch_for( css: 'body', value: 'Sprache', ) sleep 6 # check if language is still used after reload reload() sleep 2 watch_for( css: 'body', value: 'Sprache', ) # check language in navbar watch_for( css: '.js-menu', value: 'Übersicht' ) # check language in dashboard click(css: '.js-menu a[href="#dashboard"]') watch_for( css: '', value: 'Meine Statistik' ) # check language in overview click(css: '.js-menu a[href="#ticket/view"]') watch_for( css: '', value: 'Meine' ) # switch to en again click(css: 'a[href="#current_user"]') click(css: 'a[href="#profile"]') click(css: 'a[href="#profile/language"]') select( css: '.language_item [name="locale"]', value: 'English (United States)', ) click(css: ' button[type="submit"]') sleep 2 watch_for( css: 'body', value: 'Language', ) end end