// Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { noop } from 'lodash-es' import { computed, type ComputedRef, nextTick, type Ref } from 'vue' import { useTicketArticlesQuery } from '#shared/entities/ticket/graphql/queries/ticket/articles.api.ts' import { TicketArticleUpdatesDocument } from '#shared/entities/ticket/graphql/subscriptions/ticketArticlesUpdates.api.ts' import type { PageInfo, TicketArticlesQuery, TicketArticleUpdatesSubscription, TicketArticleUpdatesSubscriptionVariables, } from '#shared/graphql/types.ts' import { getApolloClient } from '#shared/server/apollo/client.ts' import { QueryHandler } from '#shared/server/apollo/handler/index.ts' export interface AddArticleCallbackArgs { updates: TicketArticleUpdatesSubscription['ticketArticleUpdates'] previousArticlesEdges: TicketArticlesQuery['articles']['edges'] previousArticlesEdgesCount: number articlesQuery: unknown // :TODO type this query sustainable result: Ref allArticleLoaded: ComputedRef refetchArticlesQuery: (pageSize: Maybe) => void } export const useArticleDataHandler = ( ticketId: Ref, options: { pageSize: number firstArticlesCount?: Ref onAddArticleCallback?: (args: AddArticleCallbackArgs) => void } = { pageSize: 20, }, ) => { const firstArticlesCount = computed( () => options.firstArticlesCount?.value || 5, ) const articlesQuery = new QueryHandler( useTicketArticlesQuery( () => ({ ticketId: ticketId.value, pageSize: options.pageSize || 20, firstArticlesCount: firstArticlesCount.value, }), { context: { batch: { active: false, }, }, }, ), ) const articleResult = articlesQuery.result() const articleData = computed(() => articleResult.value) const allArticleLoaded = computed(() => { if (!articleResult.value?.articles.totalCount) return false return ( articleResult.value?.articles.edges.length < articleResult.value?.articles.totalCount ) }) const refetchArticlesQuery = (pageSize: Maybe) => { articlesQuery.refetch({ ticketId: ticketId.value, pageSize, }) } const articleLoading = articlesQuery.loading() const isLoadingArticles = computed(() => { // Return already true when a article result already exists from the cache, also // when maybe a loading is in progress(because of cache + network). if (articleData.value !== undefined) return false return articleLoading.value }) const adjustPageInfoAfterDeletion = (nextEndCursorEdge?: Maybe) => { const newPageInfo: Pick = {} if (nextEndCursorEdge) { newPageInfo.endCursor = nextEndCursorEdge } else { newPageInfo.startCursor = null newPageInfo.endCursor = null } return newPageInfo } articlesQuery.subscribeToMore< TicketArticleUpdatesSubscriptionVariables, TicketArticleUpdatesSubscription >(() => ({ document: TicketArticleUpdatesDocument, variables: { ticketId: ticketId.value, }, onError: noop, updateQuery(previous, { subscriptionData }) { const updates = subscriptionData.data.ticketArticleUpdates if (!previous.articles || updates.updateArticle) return previous const previousArticlesEdges = previous.articles.edges const previousArticlesEdgesCount = previousArticlesEdges.length if (updates.removeArticleId) { const edges = previousArticlesEdges.filter( (edge) => edge.node.id !== updates.removeArticleId, ) const removedArticleVisible = edges.length !== previousArticlesEdgesCount if (removedArticleVisible && !allArticleLoaded.value) { refetchArticlesQuery(firstArticlesCount.value) return previous } const result = { ...previous, articles: { ...previous.articles, edges, totalCount: previous.articles.totalCount - 1, }, } if (removedArticleVisible) { const nextEndCursorEdge = previousArticlesEdges[previousArticlesEdgesCount - 2] result.articles.pageInfo = { ...previous.articles.pageInfo, ...adjustPageInfoAfterDeletion(nextEndCursorEdge.cursor), } } // Trigger cache garbage collection after the returned article deletion subscription // updated the article list. nextTick(() => { getApolloClient().cache.gc() }) return result } if (updates.addArticle) { options?.onAddArticleCallback?.({ updates, previousArticlesEdges, previousArticlesEdgesCount, articlesQuery, result: articleResult, allArticleLoaded, refetchArticlesQuery, }) } return previous }, })) return { articlesQuery, articleResult, articleData, allArticleLoaded, isLoadingArticles, refetchArticlesQuery, } }