require 'test_helper' class TaskbarsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest setup do # set accept header @headers = { 'ACCEPT' => 'application/json', 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json' } UserInfo.current_user_id = 1 # create agent roles = Role.where(name: 'Agent') groups = Group.all @agent = User.create_or_update( login: '', firstname: 'Taskbar', lastname: 'Agent', email: '', password: 'agentpw', active: true, roles: roles, groups: groups, ) # create customer without org roles = Role.where(name: 'Customer') @customer_without_org = User.create_or_update( login: '', firstname: 'Taskbar', lastname: 'Customer1', email: '', password: 'customer1pw', active: true, roles: roles, ) end test 'task ownership' do credentials = ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic.encode_credentials('', 'agentpw') params = { user_id:, client_id: '123', key: 'Ticket-5', callback: 'TicketZoom', state: { ticket: { owner_id:, }, article: {}, }, params: { ticket_id: 5, shown: true, }, prio: 3, notify: false, active: false, } post '/api/v1/taskbar', params: params.to_json, headers: @headers.merge('Authorization' => credentials) assert_response(201) result = JSON.parse(@response.body) assert_equal(Hash, result.class) assert_equal('123', result['client_id']) assert_equal(, result['user_id']) assert_equal(5, result['params']['ticket_id']) assert_equal(true, result['params']['shown']) taskbar_id = result['id'] params[:user_id] = params[:params] = { ticket_id: 5, shown: false, } put "/api/v1/taskbar/#{taskbar_id}", params: params.to_json, headers: @headers.merge('Authorization' => credentials) assert_response(200) result = JSON.parse(@response.body) assert_equal(Hash, result.class) assert_equal('123', result['client_id']) assert_equal(, result['user_id']) assert_equal(5, result['params']['ticket_id']) assert_equal(false, result['params']['shown']) # try to access with other user credentials = ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic.encode_credentials('', 'customer1pw') params = { active: true, } put "/api/v1/taskbar/#{taskbar_id}", params: params.to_json, headers: @headers.merge('Authorization' => credentials) assert_response(422) result = JSON.parse(@response.body) assert_equal(Hash, result.class) assert_equal('Not allowed to access this task.', result['error']) delete "/api/v1/taskbar/#{taskbar_id}", params: {}, headers: @headers.merge('Authorization' => credentials) assert_response(422) result = JSON.parse(@response.body) assert_equal(Hash, result.class) assert_equal('Not allowed to access this task.', result['error']) # delete with correct user credentials = ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic.encode_credentials('', 'agentpw') delete "/api/v1/taskbar/#{taskbar_id}", params: {}, headers: @headers.merge('Authorization' => credentials) assert_response(200) result = JSON.parse(@response.body) assert_equal(Hash, result.class) assert(result.blank?) end end