# Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_mysql_adapter' ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractMysqlAdapter.class_eval do private alias_method :column_definitions_original, :column_definitions def column_definitions(table_name) result = column_definitions_original(table_name) if mariadb? result.each do |row| next if row[:Type] != 'longtext' next if !mariadb_column_json?(table_name, row[:Field]) row[:Type] = 'json' end end result end # https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/4148 # JSON columns in mariadb are listed as longtext, so we need to check # the constraint checks to find out if the column was created as json. # Based on this detection we will hack the type so rails will handle # values properly as json values. # INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS is only support on > 10.4 mariadb # so we use object manager attributes table now to detect them. def mariadb_column_json?(table_name, field_name) field = quote(field_name) scope = quoted_scope(table_name) # for older versions if database_version < '10.4' && %w[tickets users groups organizations].include?(table_name) class_name = table_name.classify execute_and_free("SELECT 1 FROM object_manager_attributes, object_lookups WHERE object_manager_attributes.object_lookup_id = object_lookups.id AND object_lookups.name = '#{class_name}' AND object_manager_attributes.name = #{field} AND object_manager_attributes.data_type IN ('multiselect', 'multi_tree_select') LIMIT 1") do |r| return r.to_a.present? end end execute_and_free("SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS WHERE TABLE_NAME = #{scope[:name]} AND CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = #{scope[:schema]} AND CONSTRAINT_NAME = #{field} AND CHECK_CLAUSE LIKE '%json_valid%'") do |r| return r.to_a.present? end end end