# Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rotp' require 'webauthn' FactoryBot.define do factory :'user/two_factor_preference', aliases: %i[user_two_factor_preference] do transient do user { create(:user, preferences: { two_factor_authentication: { default: method } }) } end user_id { user.id } updated_by_id { user.id } created_by_id { user.id } trait :authenticator_app do add_attribute(:method) { 'authenticator_app' } transient do secret { ROTP::Base32.random_base32 } code { ROTP::TOTP.new(secret).now } end before(:create) do Setting.set('two_factor_authentication_method_authenticator_app', true) end configuration do { secret: secret, code: code, # Store a valid code for usage from the tests. provisioning_uri: ROTP::TOTP.new(secret, issuer: 'Zammad CI').provisioning_uri(user.login), } end end trait :security_keys do add_attribute(:method) { 'security_keys' } transient do # A fake static key is enough for most of the tests. credential do { external_id: Faker::Alphanumeric.alpha(number: 70), public_key: Faker::Alphanumeric.alpha(number: 128), nickname: Faker::Lorem.unique.word, sign_count: '0', created_at: Time.zone.now, } end end before(:create) do Setting.set('two_factor_authentication_method_security_keys', true) end configuration do { credentials: [credential], } end end trait :mocked_security_keys do add_attribute(:method) { 'security_keys' } transient do page { raise NotImplementedError, 'You must provide current page object for mocking credentials' } wrong_key { false } # We can mock a WebAuthn credential only within a running browser session. # The code below is a pretty heavy "hack" to get the credential information from the Selenium virtual # authenticator, by simulating the complete registration process. # First, the create options are generated via Ruby code. # Then, a virtual authenticator instance is set up within the browser session with a mocked U2F key. # Create options are passed to JS, which triggers the registration of the key. # Finally, returned key information is processed back in Ruby, and the mocked credential can be "stored" in # the emulated two factor preferences. credential do WebAuthn.configure do |config| config.origin = "#{Setting.get('http_type')}://#{Capybara.app_host.gsub(%r{^https?://}, '')}:#{Capybara.current_session.server.port}" config.rp_name = Setting.get('organization').presence || Setting.get('product_name').presence || 'Zammad' config.credential_options_timeout = 120_000 end initiate_configuration = WebAuthn::Credential.options_for_create( user: { id: WebAuthn.generate_user_id, display_name: user.login, name: user.login, }, ) options = Selenium::WebDriver::VirtualAuthenticatorOptions.new(protocol: :u2f, transport: :usb, resident_key: false, user_consenting: true, user_verification: true, user_verified: true) page.driver.browser.add_virtual_authenticator(options) public_key_json = JSON.generate({ publicKey: initiate_configuration.as_json.to_h }) public_key_credential = page.execute_script("return webauthnJSON.create(#{public_key_json}).then((publicKeyCredential) => publicKeyCredential);") webauthn_credential = WebAuthn::Credential.from_create(public_key_credential) if wrong_key { external_id: Faker::Alphanumeric.alpha(number: 70), public_key: Faker::Alphanumeric.alpha(number: 128), nickname: Faker::Lorem.unique.word, sign_count: '0', created_at: Time.zone.now, } else { external_id: webauthn_credential.id, public_key: webauthn_credential.public_key, nickname: Faker::Lorem.unique.word, sign_count: webauthn_credential.sign_count.to_s, created_at: Time.zone.now, } end end end before(:create) do Setting.set('two_factor_authentication_method_security_keys', true) end configuration do { credentials: [credential], } end end trait :recovery_codes do add_attribute(:method) { 'recovery_codes' } transient do user { create(:user) } recovery_code { 'example' } end before(:create) do Setting.set('two_factor_authentication_recovery_codes', true) end configuration do { codes: [PasswordHash.crypt(recovery_code)], } end end end end