require 'test_helper' class BasicControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest test 'json requests' do @headers = { 'ACCEPT' => 'application/json', 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json' } # 404 get '/not_existing_url', params: {}, headers: @headers assert_response(404) result = JSON.parse(@response.body) assert_equal(result.class, Hash) assert(result['error'], 'No route matches [GET] /not_existing_url') # 401 get '/api/v1/organizations', params: {}, headers: @headers assert_response(401) result = JSON.parse(@response.body) assert_equal(result.class, Hash) assert(result['error'], 'authentication failed') # 422 get '/tests/unprocessable_entity', params: {}, headers: @headers assert_response(422) result = JSON.parse(@response.body) assert_equal(result.class, Hash) assert(result['error'], 'some error message') # 401 get '/tests/not_authorized', params: {}, headers: @headers assert_response(401) result = JSON.parse(@response.body) assert_equal(result.class, Hash) assert(result['error'], 'some error message') # 401 get '/tests/ar_not_found', params: {}, headers: @headers assert_response(404) result = JSON.parse(@response.body) assert_equal(result.class, Hash) assert(result['error'], 'some error message') # 500 get '/tests/standard_error', params: {}, headers: @headers assert_response(500) result = JSON.parse(@response.body) assert_equal(result.class, Hash) assert(result['error'], 'some error message') # 422 get '/tests/argument_error', params: {}, headers: @headers assert_response(422) result = JSON.parse(@response.body) assert_equal(result.class, Hash) assert(result['error'], 'some error message') end test 'html requests' do # 404 get '/not_existing_url', params: {}, headers: @headers assert_response(404) assert_match(/404: Not Found}, @response.body) assert_match(%r{

404: Requested Ressource was not found.

}, @response.body) assert_match(%r{No route matches \[GET\] /not_existing_url}, @response.body) # 401 get '/api/v1/organizations', params: {}, headers: @headers assert_response(401) assert_match(/401: Unauthorized}, @response.body) assert_match(%r{

401: Unauthorized

}, @response.body) assert_match(/authentication failed/, @response.body) # 422 get '/tests/unprocessable_entity', params: {}, headers: @headers assert_response(422) assert_match(/422: Unprocessable Entity}, @response.body) assert_match(%r{

422: The change you wanted was rejected.

}, @response.body) assert_match(/some error message/, @response.body) # 401 get '/tests/not_authorized', params: {}, headers: @headers assert_response(401) assert_match(/401: Unauthorized}, @response.body) assert_match(%r{

401: Unauthorized

}, @response.body) assert_match(/some error message/, @response.body) # 401 get '/tests/ar_not_found', params: {}, headers: @headers assert_response(404) assert_match(/404: Not Found}, @response.body) assert_match(%r{

404: Requested Ressource was not found.

}, @response.body) assert_match(/some error message/, @response.body) # 500 get '/tests/standard_error', params: {}, headers: @headers assert_response(500) assert_match(/500: Something went wrong}, @response.body) assert_match(%r{

500: We're sorry, but something went wrong.

}, @response.body) assert_match(/some error message/, @response.body) # 422 get '/tests/argument_error', params: {}, headers: @headers assert_response(422) assert_match(/422: Unprocessable Entity}, @response.body) assert_match(%r{

422: The change you wanted was rejected.

}, @response.body) assert_match(/some error message/, @response.body) end end