# Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Translation do before(:all) do # rubocop:disable RSpec/BeforeAfterAll described_class.where(locale: 'de-de').destroy_all described_class.sync_locale_from_po('de-de') end context 'default string translations' do it 'en with existing word' do expect(described_class.translate('en', 'New')).to eq('New') end it 'en-us with existing word' do expect(described_class.translate('en-us', 'New')).to eq('New') end it 'en with not existing word' do expect(described_class.translate('en', 'Some Not Existing Word')).to eq('Some Not Existing Word') end it 'de-de with existing word' do expect(described_class.translate('de-de', 'New')).to eq('Neu') end it 'de-de with not existing word' do expect(described_class.translate('de-de', 'Some Not Existing Word')).to eq('Some Not Existing Word') end it 'format string with given arguments' do expect(described_class.translate('en', 'a %s string', 'given')).to eq('a given string') end end context 'default string translations with fallback' do before do create(:translation, locale: 'de-de', source: 'dummy message', target: '', target_initial: '') described_class.sync_locale_from_po('de-de') end it 'fallbacks to provided message/string when de-de is empty' do expect(described_class.translate('de-de', 'dummy message')).to eq('dummy message') end end context 'when using find_source' do it 'de-de with existing title case word' do expect(described_class.find_source('de-de', 'New')).to have_attributes(source: 'New', target_initial: 'Neu', target: 'Neu') end it 'de-de with existing lower case word' do expect(described_class.find_source('de-de', 'new')).to have_attributes(source: 'new', target_initial: 'neu', target: 'neu') end it 'de-de with nonexisting existing source' do expect(described_class.find_source('de-de', 'nonexisting-string')).to be_nil end end context 'default timestamp translations' do it 'de-de with array' do expect(described_class.timestamp('de-de', 'Europe/Berlin', ['some value'])).to eq('["some value"]') end it 'not_existing with timestamp as string' do expect(described_class.timestamp('not_existing', 'Europe/Berlin', '2018-10-10T10:00:00Z0')).to eq('2018-10-10 12:00:00 +0200') end it 'not_existing with time object' do expect(described_class.timestamp('not_existing', 'Europe/Berlin', Time.zone.parse('2018-10-10T10:00:00Z0'))).to eq('2018-10-10 12:00:00 +0200') end it 'not_existing with invalid timestamp string' do expect(described_class.timestamp('not_existing', 'Europe/Berlin', 'something')).to eq('something') end it 'en-us with invalid time zone' do expect(described_class.timestamp('en-us', 'Invalid/TimeZone', '2018-10-10T10:00:00Z0')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2018-10-10T10:00:00Z0').to_s) end it 'en-us with timestamp as string (am)' do expect(described_class.timestamp('en-us', 'Europe/Berlin', '2018-10-10T01:00:00Z0')).to eq('10/10/2018 3:00 am (Europe/Berlin)') end it 'en-us with timestamp as string (pm)' do expect(described_class.timestamp('en-us', 'Europe/Berlin', '2018-10-10T10:00:00Z0')).to eq('10/10/2018 12:00 pm (Europe/Berlin)') end it 'en-us with time object (am)' do expect(described_class.timestamp('en-us', 'Europe/Berlin', Time.zone.parse('2018-10-10T01:00:00Z0'))).to eq('10/10/2018 3:00 am (Europe/Berlin)') end it 'en-us with time object (pm)' do expect(described_class.timestamp('en-us', 'Europe/Berlin', Time.zone.parse('2018-10-10T10:00:00Z0'))).to eq('10/10/2018 12:00 pm (Europe/Berlin)') end it 'de-de with timestamp as string' do expect(described_class.timestamp('de-de', 'Europe/Berlin', '2018-10-10T10:00:00Z0')).to eq('10.10.2018 12:00 (Europe/Berlin)') end it 'de-de with time object' do expect(described_class.timestamp('de-de', 'Europe/Berlin', Time.zone.parse('2018-10-10T10:00:00Z0'))).to eq('10.10.2018 12:00 (Europe/Berlin)') end end context 'default date translations' do it 'de-de with array' do expect(described_class.date('de-de', ['some value'])).to eq('["some value"]') end it 'not_existing with date as string' do expect(described_class.date('not_existing', '2018-10-10')).to eq('2018-10-10') end it 'not_existing with date object' do expect(described_class.date('not_existing', Date.parse('2018-10-10'))).to eq('2018-10-10') end it 'not_existing with invalid data as string' do expect(described_class.date('not_existing', 'something')).to eq('something') end it 'en-us with date as string' do expect(described_class.date('en-us', '2018-10-10')).to eq('10/10/2018') end it 'en-us with date object' do expect(described_class.date('en-us', Date.parse('2018-10-10'))).to eq('10/10/2018') end it 'de-de with date as string' do expect(described_class.date('de-de', '2018-10-10')).to eq('10.10.2018') end it 'de-de with date object' do expect(described_class.date('de-de', Date.parse('2018-10-10'))).to eq('10.10.2018') end end context 'custom translation tests' do it 'cycle of change and reload translation' do locale = 'de-de' # check for non existing custom changes list = described_class.lang(locale) list['list'].each do |item| translation = described_class.find_source(locale, item[1]) expect(translation.class).to be(described_class) expect(locale).to eq(translation.locale) expect(translation.target).to eq(translation.target_initial) end # add custom changes translation = described_class.find_source(locale, 'open') expect(translation.class).to be(described_class) expect(translation.target).to eq('offen') expect(translation.target_initial).to eq('offen') translation.target = 'offen2' translation.save! list = described_class.lang(locale) list['list'].each do |item| translation = described_class.find_source(locale, item[1]) expect(translation.class).to be(described_class) expect(locale).to eq(translation.locale) if translation.source == 'open' expect(translation.target).to eq('offen2') expect(translation.target_initial).to eq('offen') else expect(translation.target).to eq(translation.target_initial) end end # check for existing custom changes after new translations are loaded described_class.sync_locale_from_po(locale) list = described_class.lang(locale) list['list'].each do |item| translation = described_class.find_source(locale, item[1]) expect(translation.class).to be(described_class) expect(locale).to eq(translation.locale) if translation.source == 'open' expect(translation.target).to eq('offen2') expect(translation.target_initial).to eq('offen') else expect(translation.target).to eq(translation.target_initial) end end # reset custom translations and check for non existing custom changes described_class.reset(locale) list = described_class.lang(locale) list['list'].each do |item| translation = described_class.find_source(locale, item[1]) expect(translation.class).to be(described_class) expect(locale).to eq(translation.locale) expect(translation.target).to eq(translation.target_initial) end end end describe 'scope -> sources' do it 'returns an source strings' do expect(described_class.sources.count).to be_positive end end describe 'scope -> customized' do context 'when no customized translations exist' do it 'returns an empty array' do expect(described_class.customized).to eq([]) end end context 'when customized translations exist' do before do described_class.find_by(locale: 'de-de', source: 'New').update!(target: 'Neu!') end it 'returns the customized translation' do expect(described_class.customized[0].source).to eq('New') end end context 'when only a new customized translation exists' do before do create(:translation, locale: 'de-de', source: 'A example', target: 'Ein Beispiel') end it 'returns the customized translation' do expect(described_class.customized[0].source).to eq('A example') end end end describe 'scope -> not_customized', :aggregate_failures do let(:translation_item) { described_class.find_by(locale: 'de-de', source: 'New') } context 'when customized items exists' do before do translation_item.update!(target: 'Neu!') create(:translation, locale: 'de-de', source: 'A example', target: 'Ein Beispiel') end it 'list without customized translations' do not_customized = described_class.not_customized.where(locale: 'de-de') expect(not_customized).to be_none { |item| item.source == translation_item.source } expect(not_customized).to be_none { |item| item.source == 'A example' } end end end describe '#reset' do context 'when record is not synced from codebase' do subject(:translation) { create(:translation, locale: 'de-de', source: 'A example', target: 'Ein Beispiel') } it 'no changes for record' do expect { translation.reset }.to not_change { translation.reload } end end context 'when record is synced from codebase' do subject(:translation) { described_class.find_by(locale: 'de-de', source: 'New') } context 'when translation was not customized' do it 'no changes for record' do expect { translation.reset }.to not_change { translation.reload } end end context 'when translation was customized' do before do translation.update!(target: 'Neu!') end it 'resets target to initial' do expect { translation.reset }.to change { translation.reload.target }.to(translation.target_initial) end end end end describe 'source string quality' do it 'strings use the unicode ellipsis sign (…) rather than three dots (...)' do expect(described_class.sources.where("source LIKE '%...%'").pluck(:source)).to eq([]) end end describe '#translate_all' do let(:sources) { ['new', 'New', 'Some Not Existing Word', ['a %s string', 'given']] } it 'translates all sources (en)' do expect(described_class.translate_all('en', *sources)) .to eq({ 'new' => 'new', 'New' => 'New', 'Some Not Existing Word' => 'Some Not Existing Word', 'a %s string' => 'a given string' }) end it 'translates all sources (de-de)' do expect(described_class.translate_all('de-de', *sources)) .to eq({ 'new' => 'neu', 'New' => 'Neu', 'Some Not Existing Word' => 'Some Not Existing Word', 'a %s string' => 'a given string' }) end it 'translates a single string' do expect(described_class.translate_all('en', 'New')).to eq({ 'New' => 'New' }) end it 'translates a single array' do expect(described_class.translate_all('de-de', ['New'])).to eq({ 'New' => 'Neu' }) end it 'returns an empty hash' do expect(described_class.translate_all('en')).to eq({}) end end end