# Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ module Ticket::CanSelector extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ::CanSelector class_methods do =begin get count of tickets and tickets which match on selector @param [Hash] selectors hash with conditions @oparam [Hash] options @option options [String] :access can be 'full', 'read', 'create' or 'ignore' (ignore means a selector over all tickets), defaults to 'full' @option options [Integer] :limit of tickets to return @option options [User] :user is a current user @option options [Integer] :execution_time is a current user @return [Integer, []] @example ticket_count, tickets = Ticket.selectors(params[:condition], limit: limit, current_user: current_user, access: 'full') ticket_count # count of found tickets tickets # tickets =end def selectors(selectors, options = {}) limit = options[:limit] || 10 current_user = options[:current_user] access = options[:access] || 'full' raise 'no selectors given' if !selectors query, bind_params, tables = selector2sql(selectors, options) return [] if !query ActiveRecord::Base.transaction(requires_new: true) do relation = if !current_user || access == 'ignore' Ticket.all else "TicketPolicy::#{access.camelize}Scope".constantize.new(current_user).resolve end tickets = relation .distinct .where(query, *bind_params) .joins(tables) .reorder(options[:order_by]) [tickets.count, tickets.limit(limit)] rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => e Rails.logger.error e raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end end end