// Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { isArray, isObject, uniq } from 'lodash-es' import type { FieldEditorProps } from '#shared/components/Form/fields/FieldEditor/types.ts' import type { FormValues } from '#shared/components/Form/types.ts' import { EnumTicketArticleSenderName } from '#shared/graphql/types.ts' import { useSessionStore } from '#shared/stores/session.ts' import type { ConfigList } from '#shared/types/store.ts' import type { ConfidentTake } from '#shared/types/utils.ts' import { getInitials } from '#shared/utils/formatter.ts' import type { TicketArticleAction, TicketArticleActionPlugin, TicketArticleType, } from './types.ts' const replyToTwitterComment = (( ticket, article, { openReplyForm, getNewArticleBody }, ) => { const articleData: FormValues = { articleType: 'twitter status', inReplyTo: article.messageId, } const body = getNewArticleBody('text/plain') const recipients = article.from ? [article.from.raw] : [] if (article.to) recipients.push(article.to.raw) const recipientsString = uniq( recipients.filter((recipient) => { recipient = recipient.trim().toLowerCase() if (body.toLowerCase().includes(recipient)) return false if (recipient === `@${ticket.preferences?.channel_screen_name}`) return false return true }), ).join(' ') if (body) articleData.body = `${recipientsString} ${body} ` else articleData.body = `${recipientsString} ` openReplyForm(articleData) }) satisfies TicketArticleAction['perform'] const replyToTwitterDm = ((ticket, article, { openReplyForm }) => { const sender = article.sender?.name let to: string | undefined | null if (sender === EnumTicketArticleSenderName.Customer) to = article.from?.raw else if (sender === EnumTicketArticleSenderName.Agent) to = article.to?.raw if (!to) { const autorization = article.author.authorizations?.find( (a) => a.provider === 'twitter', ) to = autorization?.username || autorization?.uid } const articleData: FormValues = { articleType: 'twitter direct-message', body: '', to: to ? [to] : [], inReplyTo: article.messageId, } openReplyForm(articleData) }) satisfies TicketArticleAction['perform'] const getTwitterInitials = (config: ConfigList) => { if (config.ui_ticket_zoom_article_twitter_initials) { const { user } = useSessionStore() if (user) { const { firstname, lastname, email } = user return `/${getInitials(firstname, lastname, email)}` } } return null } const actionPlugin: TicketArticleActionPlugin = { order: 300, addActions(ticket, article) { const type = article.type?.name if (type !== 'twitter status' && type !== 'twitter direct-message') return [] const action: TicketArticleAction = { apps: ['mobile', 'desktop'], label: __('Reply'), name: type, icon: 'reply', view: { agent: ['change'], }, perform(ticket, article, options) { if (type === 'twitter status') return replyToTwitterComment(ticket, article, options) return replyToTwitterDm(ticket, article, options) }, } return [action] }, addTypes(ticket, { config }) { const descriptionType = ticket.createArticleType?.name if ( descriptionType !== 'twitter status' && descriptionType !== 'twitter direct-message' ) return [] const type: TicketArticleType = { apps: ['mobile', 'desktop'], value: descriptionType, label: __('Twitter'), buttonLabel: __('Add message'), icon: 'twitter', view: { agent: ['change'], }, fields: { body: { required: true, }, to: {}, }, internal: false, contentType: 'text/plain', updateForm(values) { if (!isObject(values.article) || isArray(values.article)) return values if (typeof values.article.body === 'string') { const initials = getTwitterInitials(config) values.article.body += initials ? `\n${initials}` : '' } return values }, } let footer: ConfidentTake = {} if (descriptionType === 'twitter status' && type.fields.body) { type.fields.body.validation = 'length:1,280' footer = { maxlength: 280, warningLength: 30, } } else if (type.fields.to && type.fields.body) { type.fields.to.required = true type.fields.body.validation = 'length:1,10000' footer = { maxlength: 10000, warningLength: 500, } } const initials = getTwitterInitials(config) if (initials) footer.text = initials type.editorMeta = { footer, } return [type] }, } export default actionPlugin