// Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { computed, ref } from 'vue' import type { FormRef } from '#shared/components/Form/types.ts' import type { Ref, ShallowRef } from 'vue' export const useTicketArticleReply = ( form: ShallowRef, initialNewTicketArticlePresent: Ref, ) => { const localNewTicketArticlePresent = ref() // TODO: switching tabs when you added a new article is shortly showing the buttons (because taskbar tab don't has the information yet?) const newTicketArticlePresent = computed({ get: () => { if (localNewTicketArticlePresent.value !== undefined) return localNewTicketArticlePresent.value return initialNewTicketArticlePresent.value }, set: (value) => { localNewTicketArticlePresent.value = value }, }) const articleFormGroupNode = computed(() => { if (!newTicketArticlePresent.value) return undefined return form.value?.getNodeByName('article') }) const isArticleFormGroupValid = computed(() => { return !!articleFormGroupNode.value?.context?.state.valid }) const showTicketArticleReplyForm = () => { newTicketArticlePresent.value = true } return { newTicketArticlePresent, articleFormGroupNode, isArticleFormGroupValid, showTicketArticleReplyForm, } }