// Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia' import { computed, ref, watch, type Ref } from 'vue' import type { UserTaskbarTab } from '#desktop/components/UserTaskbarTabs/types.ts' import { useUserCurrentTaskbarTabsStore } from '#desktop/entities/user/current/stores/taskbarTabs.ts' type CommonLinkInstance = { $el?: HTMLElement } export const useUserTaskbarTabLink = ( taskbarTab: Ref, exactActiveCallback?: () => void, ) => { const tabLinkInstance = ref() const { activeTaskbarTabEntityKey } = storeToRefs( useUserCurrentTaskbarTabsStore(), ) const taskbarTabActive = computed( () => activeTaskbarTabEntityKey.value === taskbarTab.value.tabEntityKey, ) watch( [taskbarTabActive, tabLinkInstance], ([isActive, instance]) => { if (!isActive || !instance) return exactActiveCallback?.() // Scroll the tab into view when it becomes active and is not visible within the viewport. /** * @checkVisibility supported by all major browser * @source https://caniuse.com/?search=checkVisibility * In case if not we return true */ setTimeout(() => { // We have to set this to the event loop tick to wait the route has been updated if (instance.$el?.checkVisibility?.() ?? true) { instance.$el?.scrollIntoView?.({ block: 'nearest' }) } }, 0) }, { immediate: true, flush: 'post' }, ) return { tabLinkInstance, taskbarTabActive, } }