class CreateBase < ActiveRecord::Migration def up create_table :sessions do |t| t.string :session_id, null: false t.boolean :persistent, null: true t.text :data t.timestamps null: false end add_index :sessions, :session_id add_index :sessions, :updated_at add_index :sessions, :persistent create_table :users do |t| t.references :organization, null: true t.string :login, limit: 100, null: false t.string :firstname, limit: 100, null: true, default: '' t.string :lastname, limit: 100, null: true, default: '' t.string :email, limit: 140, null: true, default: '' t.string :image, limit: 100, null: true t.string :image_source, limit: 200, null: true t.string :web, limit: 100, null: true, default: '' t.string :password, limit: 100, null: true t.string :phone, limit: 100, null: true, default: '' t.string :fax, limit: 100, null: true, default: '' t.string :mobile, limit: 100, null: true, default: '' t.string :department, limit: 200, null: true, default: '' t.string :street, limit: 120, null: true, default: '' t.string :zip, limit: 100, null: true, default: '' t.string :city, limit: 100, null: true, default: '' t.string :country, limit: 100, null: true, default: '' t.string :address, limit: 500, null: true, default: '' t.boolean :vip, default: false t.boolean :verified, null: false, default: false t.boolean :active, null: false, default: true t.string :note, limit: 250, null: true, default: '' t.timestamp :last_login, limit: 3, null: true t.string :source, limit: 200, null: true t.integer :login_failed, null: false, default: 0 t.string :preferences, limit: 8000, null: true t.integer :updated_by_id, null: false t.integer :created_by_id, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :users, [:login], unique: true add_index :users, [:email] #add_index :users, [:email], unique: => true add_index :users, [:organization_id] add_index :users, [:image] add_index :users, [:department] add_index :users, [:phone] add_index :users, [:fax] add_index :users, [:mobile] add_index :users, [:source] add_index :users, [:created_by_id] create_table :signatures do |t| t.string :name, limit: 100, null: false t.text :body, limit: 10.megabytes + 1, null: true t.boolean :active, null: false, default: true t.string :note, limit: 250, null: true t.integer :updated_by_id, null: false t.integer :created_by_id, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :signatures, [:name], unique: true create_table :email_addresses do |t| t.integer :channel_id, null: true t.string :realname, limit: 250, null: false t.string :email, limit: 250, null: false t.boolean :active, null: false, default: true t.string :note, limit: 250, null: true t.string :preferences, limit: 2000, null: true t.integer :updated_by_id, null: false t.integer :created_by_id, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :email_addresses, [:email], unique: true create_table :groups do |t| t.references :signature, null: true t.references :email_address, null: true t.string :name, limit: 160, null: false t.integer :assignment_timeout, null: true t.string :follow_up_possible, limit: 100, null: false, default: 'yes' t.boolean :follow_up_assignment, null: false, default: true t.boolean :active, null: false, default: true t.string :note, limit: 250, null: true t.integer :updated_by_id, null: false t.integer :created_by_id, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :groups, [:name], unique: true create_table :roles do |t| t.string :name, limit: 100, null: false t.text :preferences, limit: 500.kilobytes + 1, null: true t.boolean :default_at_signup, null: true, default: false t.boolean :active, null: false, default: true t.string :note, limit: 250, null: true t.integer :updated_by_id, null: false t.integer :created_by_id, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :roles, [:name], unique: true create_table :permissions do |t| t.string :name, limit: 255, null: false t.string :note, limit: 500, null: true t.string :preferences, limit: 10_000, null: true t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :permissions, [:name], unique: true create_table :permissions_roles, id: false do |t| t.belongs_to :role, index: true t.belongs_to :permission, index: true end create_table :organizations do |t| t.string :name, limit: 100, null: false t.boolean :shared, null: false, default: true t.boolean :active, null: false, default: true t.string :note, limit: 250, null: true, default: '' t.integer :updated_by_id, null: false t.integer :created_by_id, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :organizations, [:name], unique: true create_table :roles_users, id: false do |t| t.integer :user_id t.integer :role_id end add_index :roles_users, [:user_id] add_index :roles_users, [:role_id] create_table :groups_users, id: false do |t| t.integer :user_id t.integer :group_id end add_index :groups_users, [:user_id] add_index :groups_users, [:group_id] create_table :organizations_users, id: false do |t| t.integer :user_id t.integer :organization_id end add_index :organizations_users, [:user_id] add_index :organizations_users, [:organization_id] create_table :authorizations do |t| t.string :provider, limit: 250, null: false t.string :uid, limit: 250, null: false t.string :token, limit: 250, null: true t.string :secret, limit: 250, null: true t.string :username, limit: 250, null: true t.references :user, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :authorizations, [:uid, :provider] add_index :authorizations, [:user_id] add_index :authorizations, [:username] create_table :locales do |t| t.string :locale, limit: 20, null: false t.string :alias, limit: 20, null: true t.string :name, limit: 255, null: false t.boolean :active, null: false, default: true t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :locales, [:locale], unique: true add_index :locales, [:name], unique: true create_table :translations do |t| t.string :locale, limit: 10, null: false t.string :source, limit: 500, null: false t.string :target, limit: 500, null: false t.string :target_initial, limit: 500, null: false t.string :format, limit: 20, null: false, default: 'string' t.integer :updated_by_id, null: false t.integer :created_by_id, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :translations, [:source], length: 255 add_index :translations, [:locale] create_table :object_lookups do |t| t.string :name, limit: 250, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :object_lookups, [:name], unique: true create_table :type_lookups do |t| t.string :name, limit: 250, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :type_lookups, [:name], unique: true create_table :tokens do |t| t.references :user, null: false t.boolean :persistent t.string :name, limit: 100, null: false t.string :action, limit: 40, null: false t.string :label, limit: 255, null: true t.text :preferences, limit: 500.kilobytes + 1, null: true t.timestamp :last_used_at, limit: 3, null: true :expires_at, null: true t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :tokens, :user_id add_index :tokens, [:name, :action], unique: true add_index :tokens, :created_at add_index :tokens, :persistent create_table :packages do |t| t.string :name, limit: 250, null: false t.string :version, limit: 50, null: false t.string :vendor, limit: 150, null: false t.string :state, limit: 50, null: false t.integer :updated_by_id, null: false t.integer :created_by_id, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end create_table :package_migrations do |t| t.string :name, limit: 250, null: false t.string :version, limit: 250, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end create_table :taskbars do |t| t.integer :user_id, null: false t.datetime :last_contact, null: false t.string :client_id, null: false t.string :key, limit: 100, null: false t.string :callback, limit: 100, null: false t.text :state, limit: 20.megabytes + 1, null: true t.string :params, limit: 2000, null: true t.integer :prio, null: false t.boolean :notify, null: false, default: false t.boolean :active, null: false, default: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :taskbars, [:user_id] add_index :taskbars, [:client_id] create_table :tags do |t| t.references :tag_item, null: false t.references :tag_object, null: false t.integer :o_id, null: false t.integer :created_by_id, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :tags, [:o_id] add_index :tags, [:tag_object_id] create_table :tag_objects do |t| t.string :name, limit: 250, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :tag_objects, [:name], unique: true create_table :tag_items do |t| t.string :name, limit: 250, null: false t.string :name_downcase, limit: 250, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :tag_items, [:name_downcase] create_table :recent_views do |t| t.references :recent_view_object, null: false t.integer :o_id, null: false t.integer :created_by_id, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :recent_views, [:o_id] add_index :recent_views, [:created_by_id] add_index :recent_views, [:created_at] add_index :recent_views, [:recent_view_object_id] create_table :activity_streams do |t| t.references :activity_stream_type, null: false t.references :activity_stream_object, null: false t.references :permission, null: true t.references :group, null: true t.integer :o_id, null: false t.integer :created_by_id, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :activity_streams, [:o_id] add_index :activity_streams, [:created_by_id] add_index :activity_streams, [:permission_id] add_index :activity_streams, [:group_id] add_index :activity_streams, [:created_at] add_index :activity_streams, [:activity_stream_object_id] add_index :activity_streams, [:activity_stream_type_id] create_table :histories do |t| t.references :history_type, null: false t.references :history_object, null: false t.references :history_attribute, null: true t.integer :o_id, null: false t.integer :related_o_id, null: true t.integer :related_history_object_id, null: true t.integer :id_to, null: true t.integer :id_from, null: true t.string :value_from, limit: 500, null: true t.string :value_to, limit: 500, null: true t.integer :created_by_id, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :histories, [:o_id] add_index :histories, [:created_by_id] add_index :histories, [:created_at] add_index :histories, [:history_object_id] add_index :histories, [:history_attribute_id] add_index :histories, [:history_type_id] add_index :histories, [:id_to] add_index :histories, [:id_from] add_index :histories, [:value_from], length: 255 add_index :histories, [:value_to], length: 255 create_table :history_types do |t| t.string :name, limit: 250, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :history_types, [:name], unique: true create_table :history_objects do |t| t.string :name, limit: 250, null: false t.string :note, limit: 250, null: true t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :history_objects, [:name], unique: true create_table :history_attributes do |t| t.string :name, limit: 250, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :history_attributes, [:name], unique: true create_table :settings do |t| t.string :title, limit: 200, null: false t.string :name, limit: 200, null: false t.string :area, limit: 100, null: false t.string :description, limit: 2000, null: false t.string :options, limit: 2000, null: true t.text :state_current, limit: 200.kilobytes + 1, null: true t.string :state_initial, limit: 2000, null: true t.boolean :frontend, null: false t.text :preferences, limit: 200.kilobytes + 1, null: true t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :settings, [:name], unique: true add_index :settings, [:area] add_index :settings, [:frontend] create_table :stores do |t| t.references :store_object, null: false t.references :store_file, null: false t.integer :o_id, limit: 8, null: false t.string :preferences, limit: 2500, null: true t.string :size, limit: 50, null: true t.string :filename, limit: 250, null: false t.integer :created_by_id, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :stores, [:store_object_id, :o_id] create_table :store_objects do |t| t.string :name, limit: 250, null: false t.string :note, limit: 250, null: true t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :store_objects, [:name], unique: true create_table :store_files do |t| t.string :sha, limit: 128, null: false t.string :provider, limit: 20, null: true t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :store_files, [:sha], unique: true add_index :store_files, [:provider] create_table :store_provider_dbs do |t| t.string :sha, limit: 128, null: false t.binary :data, limit: 200.megabytes, null: true t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :store_provider_dbs, [:sha], unique: true create_table :avatars do |t| t.integer :o_id, null: false t.integer :object_lookup_id, null: false t.boolean :default, null: false, default: false t.boolean :deletable, null: false, default: true t.boolean :initial, null: false, default: false t.integer :store_full_id, null: true t.integer :store_resize_id, null: true t.string :store_hash, limit: 32, null: true t.string :source, limit: 100, null: false t.string :source_url, limit: 512, null: true t.integer :updated_by_id, null: false t.integer :created_by_id, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :avatars, [:o_id, :object_lookup_id] add_index :avatars, [:store_hash] add_index :avatars, [:source] add_index :avatars, [:default] create_table :online_notifications do |t| t.integer :o_id, null: false t.integer :object_lookup_id, null: false t.integer :type_lookup_id, null: false t.integer :user_id, null: false t.boolean :seen, null: false, default: false t.integer :updated_by_id, null: false t.integer :created_by_id, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :online_notifications, [:user_id] add_index :online_notifications, [:seen] add_index :online_notifications, [:created_at] add_index :online_notifications, [:updated_at] create_table :schedulers do |t| t.string :name, limit: 250, null: false t.string :method, limit: 250, null: false t.integer :period, null: true t.integer :running, null: false, default: false t.timestamp :last_run, limit: 3, null: true t.integer :prio, null: false t.string :pid, limit: 250, null: true t.string :note, limit: 250, null: true t.boolean :active, null: false, default: false t.integer :updated_by_id, null: false t.integer :created_by_id, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :schedulers, [:name], unique: true create_table :calendars do |t| t.string :name, limit: 250, null: true t.string :timezone, limit: 250, null: true t.string :business_hours, limit: 3000, null: true t.boolean :default, null: false, default: false t.string :ical_url, limit: 500, null: true t.text :public_holidays, limit: 500.kilobytes + 1, null: true t.text :last_log, limit: 500.kilobytes + 1, null: true t.timestamp :last_sync, limit: 3, null: true t.integer :updated_by_id, null: false t.integer :created_by_id, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :calendars, [:name], unique: true create_table :user_devices do |t| t.references :user, null: false t.string :name, limit: 250, null: false t.string :os, limit: 150, null: true t.string :browser, limit: 250, null: true t.string :location, limit: 150, null: true t.string :device_details, limit: 2500, null: true t.string :location_details, limit: 2500, null: true t.string :fingerprint, limit: 160, null: true t.string :user_agent, limit: 250, null: true t.string :ip, limit: 160, null: true t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :user_devices, [:user_id] add_index :user_devices, [:os, :browser, :location] add_index :user_devices, [:fingerprint] add_index :user_devices, [:updated_at] add_index :user_devices, [:created_at] create_table :external_credentials do |t| t.string :name t.string :credentials, limit: 2500, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end create_table :object_manager_attributes do |t| t.references :object_lookup, null: false t.string :name, limit: 200, null: false t.string :display, limit: 200, null: false t.string :data_type, limit: 100, null: false t.string :data_option, limit: 8000, null: true t.string :data_option_new, limit: 8000, null: true t.boolean :editable, null: false, default: true t.boolean :active, null: false, default: true t.string :screens, limit: 2000, null: true t.boolean :to_create, null: false, default: false t.boolean :to_migrate, null: false, default: false t.boolean :to_delete, null: false, default: false t.boolean :to_config, null: false, default: false t.integer :position, null: false t.integer :created_by_id, null: false t.integer :updated_by_id, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :object_manager_attributes, [:object_lookup_id, :name], unique: true add_index :object_manager_attributes, [:object_lookup_id] create_table :delayed_jobs, force: true do |t| t.integer :priority, default: 0 # Allows some jobs to jump to the front of the queue t.integer :attempts, default: 0 # Provides for retries, but still fail eventually. t.text :handler # YAML-encoded string of the object that will do work t.text :last_error # reason for last failure (See Note below) t.datetime :run_at # When to run. Could be for immediately, or sometime in the future. t.datetime :locked_at # Set when a client is working on this object t.datetime :failed_at # Set when all retries have failed (actually, by default, the record is deleted instead) t.string :locked_by # Who is working on this object (if locked) t.string :queue # The name of the queue this job is in t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :delayed_jobs, [:priority, :run_at], name: 'delayed_jobs_priority' create_table :external_syncs do |t| t.string :source, limit: 100, null: false t.string :source_id, limit: 200, null: false t.string :object, limit: 100, null: false t.integer :o_id, null: false t.text :last_payload, limit: 500.kilobytes + 1, null: true t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :external_syncs, [:source, :source_id], unique: true add_index :external_syncs, [:source, :source_id, :object, :o_id], name: 'index_external_syncs_on_source_and_source_id_and_object_o_id' add_index :external_syncs, [:object, :o_id] create_table :cti_logs do |t| t.string :direction, limit: 20, null: false t.string :state, limit: 20, null: false t.string :from, limit: 100, null: false t.string :from_comment, limit: 250, null: true t.string :to, limit: 100, null: false t.string :to_comment, limit: 250, null: true t.string :call_id, limit: 250, null: false t.string :comment, limit: 500, null: true t.timestamp :start, limit: 3, null: true t.timestamp :end, limit: 3, null: true t.boolean :done, null: false, default: true t.text :preferences, limit: 500.kilobytes + 1, null: true t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :cti_logs, [:call_id], unique: true add_index :cti_logs, [:direction] add_index :cti_logs, [:from] create_table :cti_caller_ids do |t| t.string :caller_id, limit: 100, null: false t.string :comment, limit: 500, null: true t.string :level, limit: 100, null: false t.string :object, limit: 100, null: false t.integer :o_id, null: false t.integer :user_id, null: true t.text :preferences, limit: 500.kilobytes + 1, null: true t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :cti_caller_ids, [:caller_id] add_index :cti_caller_ids, [:caller_id, :level] add_index :cti_caller_ids, [:caller_id, :user_id] add_index :cti_caller_ids, [:object, :o_id] create_table :stats_stores do |t| t.references :stats_store_object, null: false t.integer :o_id, null: false t.string :key, limit: 250, null: true t.integer :related_o_id, null: true t.integer :related_stats_store_object_id, null: true t.string :data, limit: 2500, null: true t.integer :created_by_id, null: false t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :stats_stores, [:o_id] add_index :stats_stores, [:key] add_index :stats_stores, [:stats_store_object_id] add_index :stats_stores, [:created_by_id] add_index :stats_stores, [:created_at] create_table :http_logs do |t| t.column :direction, :string, limit: 20, null: false t.column :facility, :string, limit: 100, null: false t.column :method, :string, limit: 100, null: false t.column :url, :string, limit: 255, null: false t.column :status, :string, limit: 20, null: true t.column :ip, :string, limit: 50, null: true t.column :request, :string, limit: 10_000, null: false t.column :response, :string, limit: 10_000, null: false t.column :updated_by_id, :integer, null: true t.column :created_by_id, :integer, null: true t.timestamps limit: 3, null: false end add_index :http_logs, [:facility] add_index :http_logs, [:created_by_id] add_index :http_logs, [:created_at] end end