# Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ FactoryBot.define do factory :'ticket/article', aliases: %i[ticket_article] do inbound_email ticket factory: :ticket, strategy: :create # or else build(:ticket_article).save fails from { 'factory-customer-1@example.com' } to { 'factory-customer-1@example.com' } subject { 'factory article' } message_id { 'factory@id_com_1' } body { 'some message 123' } internal { false } sender { Ticket::Article::Sender.find_by(name: sender_name) } type { Ticket::Article::Type.find_by(name: type_name) } updated_by_id { 1 } created_by_id { 1 } trait :inbound_email do transient do type_name { 'email' } sender_name { 'Customer' } end end trait :outbound_email do transient do type_name { 'email' } sender_name { 'Agent' } end from { ticket.group.name } to { "#{ticket.customer.fullname} <#{ticket.customer.email}>" } end trait :inbound_phone do transient do type_name { 'phone' } sender_name { 'Customer' } end end trait :outbound_phone do transient do type_name { 'phone' } sender_name { 'Agent' } end from { nil } to { ticket.customer.fullname } end trait :outbound_note do transient do type_name { 'note' } sender_name { 'Agent' } end from { ticket.group.name } end trait :internal_note do transient do type_name { 'note' } sender_name { 'Agent' } end from { ticket.group.name } internal { true } end trait :inbound_web do transient do type_name { 'web' } sender_name { 'Customer' } end end trait :outbound_web do transient do type_name { 'web' } sender_name { 'Agent' } end end factory :twitter_article do transient do type_name { 'twitter status' } sender_name { 'Agent' } end ticket factory: %i[twitter_ticket] subject { nil } body { Faker::Lorem.sentence } content_type { 'text/plain' } message_id { Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 18) } after(:create) do |article, context| next if context.sender_name == 'Agent' context.ticket.title = article.body context.ticket.save! end trait :inbound do transient do sender_name { 'Customer' } username { Faker::Twitter.screen_name } sender_id { Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 18) } recipient_id { Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 19) } end from { "@#{username}" } to { "@#{ticket.preferences['channel_screen_name']}" } body { "#{to} #{Faker::Lorem.question}" } preferences do { twitter: { mention_ids: [recipient_id], geo: {}, retweeted: false, possibly_sensitive: false, in_reply_to_user_id: recipient_id, place: {}, retweet_count: 0, source: 'Twitter Web App', favorited: false, truncated: false }, links: [ { url: "https://twitter.com/_/status/#{sender_id}", target: '_blank', name: 'on Twitter', }, ], } end end trait :outbound do transient do username { Faker::Twitter.screen_name } sender_id { Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 18) } recipient_id { Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 19) } end from { "@#{ticket.preferences['channel_screen_name']}" } to { "@#{username}" } body { "#{to} #{Faker::Lorem.sentence}" } in_reply_to { Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 19) } preferences do { twitter: { mention_ids: [recipient_id], geo: {}, retweeted: false, possibly_sensitive: false, in_reply_to_user_id: recipient_id, place: {}, retweet_count: 0, source: 'Canva', favorited: false, truncated: false }, links: [ { url: "https://twitter.com/_/status/#{sender_id}", target: '_blank', name: 'on Twitter', }, ], } end end trait :reply do in_reply_to { Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 19) } end end factory :twitter_dm_article do transient do type_name { 'twitter direct-message' } end ticket factory: %i[twitter_ticket] body { Faker::Lorem.sentence } trait :pending_delivery do transient do recipient { association :twitter_authorization } sender_id { Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 10) } end from { ticket.owner.fullname } to { recipient.username } in_reply_to { Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 19) } content_type { 'text/plain' } end trait :delivered do pending_delivery message_id { Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 19) } preferences do { delivery_retry: 1, twitter: { recipient_id: recipient.uid, sender_id: sender_id }, links: [ { url: "https://twitter.com/messages/#{recipient.uid}-#{sender_id}", target: '_blank', name: 'on Twitter' } ], delivery_status_message: nil, delivery_status: 'success', delivery_status_date: Time.current } end end end factory :sms_article do inbound transient do type_name { 'sms' } end ticket factory: %i[sms_ticket] from { Faker::PhoneNumber.cell_phone_in_e164 } to { Faker::PhoneNumber.cell_phone_in_e164 } subject { nil } body { Faker::Lorem.sentence } message_id { Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 19) } content_type { 'text/plain' } after(:create) do |article, context| next if context.sender_name == 'Agent' context.ticket.title = article.body context.ticket.preferences.tap do |p| p['sms'] = { originator: article.from, recipient: article.to, } end context.ticket.save! end trait :inbound do transient do sender_name { 'Customer' } end preferences do { channel_id: ticket.preferences['channel_id'], sms: { reference: message_id, }, } end end trait :outbound do transient do sender_name { 'Agent' } end in_reply_to { Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 19) } preferences do { delivery_retry: 1, delivery_status_message: nil, delivery_status: 'success', delivery_status_date: Time.current, } end end end factory :whatsapp_article do inbound transient do type_name { 'whatsapp message' } channel { Channel.find(ticket.preferences[:channel_id]) } from_phone_number { Faker::PhoneNumber.cell_phone_in_e164 } from_name { Faker::Name.unique.name } timestamp_incoming { Time.zone.now.to_i.to_s } end ticket factory: %i[whatsapp_ticket] to { "#{channel.options[:name]} (#{channel.options[:phone_number]})" } subject { nil } body { Faker::Lorem.sentence } content_type { 'text/plain' } before(:create) do |_article, context| next if context.sender_name == 'Agent' && context.ticket.preferences[:whatsapp].present? context.ticket.preferences.tap do |p| p['whatsapp'] = { from: { phone_number: context.from_phone_number.delete('+'), display_name: context.from_name, }, timestamp_incoming: context.timestamp_incoming, } end context.ticket.title = "New WhatsApp message from #{context.from_name} (#{context.from_phone_number})" context.ticket.save! end trait :inbound do transient do sender_name { 'Customer' } end message_id { "wamid.#{Faker::Number.unique.number}" } from { "#{from_name} (#{from_phone_number})" } created_by_id { ticket.customer_id } # NB: influences the value for the from field! preferences do { whatsapp: { entry_id: channel[:options][:phone_number_id], message_id: message_id, } } end end trait :pending_delivery do transient do sender_name { 'Agent' } end preferences { {} } created_by_id { create(:agent).id } # NB: influences the value for the from field! in_reply_to { "wamid.#{Faker::Number.unique.number}" } end trait :outbound do pending_delivery message_id { "wamid.#{Faker::Number.unique.number}" } preferences do { delivery_retry: 1, whatsapp: { message_id:, }, delivery_status_message: nil, delivery_status: 'success', delivery_status_date: Time.current, } end end trait :with_attachment_media_document do after(:create) do |article, _context| create(:store, object: article.class.name, o_id: article.id, data: Faker::Lorem.unique.sentence, filename: 'test.txt', preferences: { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' }) article.preferences.tap do |prefs| prefs['whatsapp'] = { entry_id: Faker::Number.unique.number.to_s, message_id: "wamid.#{Faker::Number.unique.number}", type: 'document', media_id: Faker::Number.unique.number.to_s } end article.save! end end trait :with_media_error do after(:create) do |article, _context| article.preferences.tap do |prefs| prefs['whatsapp'] = { entry_id: Faker::Number.unique.number.to_s, message_id: "wamid.#{Faker::Number.unique.number}", type: 'document', media_id: Faker::Number.unique.number.to_s, media_error: true, } end article.save! end end end factory :telegram_article do inbound transient do type_name { 'telegram personal-message' } channel { Channel.find(ticket.preferences[:channel_id]) } username { Faker::Internet.username } end ticket factory: %i[telegram_ticket] to { "@#{channel[:options][:bot][:username]}" } subject { nil } body { Faker::Lorem.sentence } message_id { "#{Faker::Number.unique.decimal(l_digits: 1, r_digits: 10)}@telegram" } content_type { 'text/plain' } after(:create) do |article, context| next if context.sender_name == 'Agent' context.ticket.title = article.body context.ticket.preferences.tap do |p| p['telegram'] = { bid: context.channel[:options][:bot][:id], chat_id: (article.preferences[:telegram] && article.preferences[:telegram][:chat_id]) || Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 10), } end context.ticket.save! end trait :inbound do transient do sender_name { 'Customer' } end created_by_id { ticket.customer_id } # NB: influences the value for the from field! preferences do { message: { created_at: Time.current.to_i, message_id: message_id, from: ActionController::Parameters.new( 'id' => Faker::Number.unique.number, 'is_bot' => false, 'first_name' => Faker::Name.unique.first_name, 'last_name' => Faker::Name.unique.last_name, 'username' => username, 'language_code' => 'en', ), }, update_id: Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 8), } end end trait :outbound do transient do sender_name { 'Agent' } end to { "@#{username}" } created_by_id { create(:agent).id } # NB: influences the value for the from field! in_reply_to { "#{Faker::Number.unique.decimal(l_digits: 1, r_digits: 10)}@telegram" } preferences do { delivery_retry: 1, telegram: { date: Time.current.to_i, from_id: Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 10), chat_id: Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 10), message_id: Faker::Number.unique.number, }, delivery_status_message: nil, delivery_status: 'success', delivery_status_date: Time.current, } end end end factory :facebook_article do inbound transient do channel { Channel.find(ticket.preferences[:channel_id]) } post_id { Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 15) } permalink_url { "https://www.facebook.com/#{channel[:options][:pages][0][:id]}/posts/#{post_id}/?comment_id=#{post_id}" } end ticket factory: %i[facebook_ticket] subject { nil } body { Faker::Lorem.sentence } message_id { "#{Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 16)}_#{Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 15)}" } content_type { 'text/plain' } after(:create) do |article, context| next if context.sender_name == 'Agent' context.ticket.title = article.body context.ticket.preferences.tap do |p| p['channel_fb_object_id'] = context.post_id, p['facebook'] = { permalink_url: context.permalink_url, } end context.ticket.save! end trait :inbound do transient do type_name { 'facebook feed post' } sender_name { 'Customer' } end from { ticket.customer.fullname } to { channel[:options][:pages][0][:name] } preferences do { links: [ { url: permalink_url, target: '_blank', name: 'on Facebook', }, ], } end end trait :outbound do transient do type_name { 'facebook feed comment' } sender_name { 'Agent' } end from { channel[:options][:pages][0][:name] } to { ticket.customer.fullname } in_reply_to { "#{Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 16)}_#{Faker::Number.unique.number(digits: 15)}" } preferences do { delivery_retry: 1, delivery_status_message: nil, delivery_status: 'success', delivery_status_date: Time.current, } end end end trait :with_attachment do transient do attachment { File.open('spec/fixtures/files/upload/hello_world.txt') } end after(:create) do |article, context| create(:store, object: article.class.name, o_id: article.id, data: context.attachment.read, filename: File.basename(context.attachment.path), preferences: {}) end end trait :with_prepended_attachment do transient do attachment { File.open('spec/fixtures/files/upload/hello_world.txt') } override_content_type { nil } attachments_count { 1 } end after(:build) do |article, context| filename = File.basename(context.attachment.path) content_type = context.override_content_type || MIME::Types.type_for(filename).first&.content_type attachments = [] context.attachments_count.times do attachments << create(:store, data: context.attachment.read, filename: filename, preferences: { 'Content-Type' => content_type }) end article.attachments = attachments end end end end