# Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ class Store::Provider::File # write file to fs def self.add(data, sha) location = get_location(sha) # write file to file system if !File.exist?(location) Rails.logger.debug { "storge write '#{location}' (600)" } File.binwrite(location, data) end File.chmod(0o600, location) validate_file(sha) rescue # .validate_file will raise an error if contents do not match SHA delete(sha) fail_count ||= 0 fail_count.zero? ? (fail_count += 1) && retry : raise end # read file from fs def self.get(sha) location = get_location(sha) Rails.logger.debug { "read from fs #{location}" } content = File.binread(location) local_sha = Store::File.checksum(content) # check sha raise "File corrupted: path #{location} does not match SHA digest (#{local_sha})" if local_sha != sha content end class << self alias validate_file get end # unlink file from fs def self.delete(sha) location = get_location(sha) if File.exist?(location) Rails.logger.info "storage remove '#{location}'" File.delete(location) end # remove empty ancestor directories storage_fs_path = Rails.root.join('storage/fs') location.parent.ascend do |path| break if !Dir.empty?(path) break if path == storage_fs_path Dir.rmdir(path) end end # generate file location def self.get_location(sha) parts = sha.scan(%r{^(.{4})(.{4})(.{5})(.{5})(.{7})(.{7})(.*)}).first Rails.root.join('storage/fs', *parts).tap { |path| FileUtils.mkdir_p(path.parent) } end end