module CommonActions delegate :app_host, to: Capybara # Performs a login with the given credentials and closes the clues (if present). # The 'remember me' can optionally be checked. # # @example # login( # username: '', # password: 'test', # ) # # @example # login( # username: '', # password: 'test', # remember_me: true, # ) # # return [nil] def login(username:, password:, remember_me: false) visit '/' within('#login') do fill_in 'username', with: username fill_in 'password', with: password # check via label because checkbox is hidden click('.checkbox-replacement') if remember_me # submit click_button end wait(4).until_exists do current_login end end # Checks if the current session is logged in. # # @example # logged_in? # => true # # @return [true, false] def logged_in? current_login.present? rescue Capybara::ElementNotFound false end # Returns the login of the currently logged in user. # # @example # current_login # => '' # # @return [String] the login of the currently logged in user. def current_login find('.user-menu .user a')[:title] end # Returns the User record for the currently logged in user. # # @example # current_user.login # => '' # # @example # current_user do |user| # user.group_names_access_map = group_names_access_map #! # end # # @return [User] the current user record. def current_user ::User.find_by(login: current_login).tap do |user| yield user if block_given? end end # Logs out the currently logged in user. # # @example # logout # def logout visit('logout') end # Overwrites the Capybara::Session#visit method to allow SPA navigation # and visiting of external URLs. # All routes not starting with `/` will be handled as SPA routes. # All routes containing `://` will be handled as an external URL. # # @see Capybara::Session#visit # # @example # visit('logout') # => visited SPA route 'localhost:32435/#logout' # # @example # visit('/test/ui') # => visited regular route 'localhost:32435/test/ui' # # @example # visit('') # => visited external URL '' # def visit(route) if route.include?('://') return without_port do super(route) end elsif !route.start_with?('/') route = "/##{route}" end super(route) end # Overwrites the global Capybara.always_include_port setting (true) # with false. This comes in handy when visiting external pages. # def without_port original = Capybara.current_session.config.always_include_port Capybara.current_session.config.always_include_port = false yield ensure Capybara.current_session.config.always_include_port = original end # This method is equivalent to Capybara::RSpecMatchers#have_current_path # but checks the SPA route instead of the actual path. # # @see Capybara::RSpecMatchers#have_current_path # # @example # expect(page).to have_current_route('login') # => checks for SPA route '/#login' # def have_current_route(route, **options) if route.is_a?(String) route ="/##{route}")) end # wait 1 sec by default because Firefox is slow options.reverse_merge!(wait: 1, url: true) have_current_path(route, **options) end # This is a convenient wrapper method around #have_current_route # which requires no previous `expect(page).to ` call. # # @example # expect_current_route('login') # => checks for SPA route '/#login' # def expect_current_route(route, **options) expect(page).to have_current_route(route, **options) end # Create and migrate an object manager attribute and verify that it exists. Returns the newly attribute. # # Create a select attribute: # @example # attribute = setup_attribute :object_manager_attribute_select # # Create a required text attribute: # @example # attribute = setup_attribute :object_manager_attribute_text, # screens: attributes_for(:required_screen) # # Create a date attribute with custom parameters: # @example # attribute = setup_attribute :object_manager_attribute_date, # data_option: { # 'future' => true, # 'past' => false, # 'diff' => 24, # 'null' => true, # } # # return [attribute] def create_attribute(attribute_name, attribute_parameters = {}) attribute = create(attribute_name, attribute_parameters) ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute page.driver.browser.navigate.refresh attribute end # opens the macro list in the ticket view via click # # @example # open_macro_list # def open_macro_list click '.js-openDropdownMacro' end def open_article_meta retry_on_stale do wrapper = all('div.ticket-article-item').last wrapper.find('.article-content .textBubble').click wait(3).until do wrapper.find('.article-content-meta').in_fixed_position end end end def use_template(template) wait(4).until do field = find('#form-template select[name="id"]') option = field.find(:option, option.select_option click '.sidebar-content .js-apply' # this is a workaround for a race condition where # the template selection get's re-rendered after # a selection was made. The selection is lost and # the apply click has no effect. template.options.any? do |attribute, value| selector = %([name="#{attribute}"]) next if !page.has_css?(selector, wait: 0) find(selector, wait: 0, visible: false).value == value end end end # Checks if modal is ready # # @param timeout [Integer] seconds to wait def modal_ready(timeout: 4) wait(timeout).until_exists { find('', wait: 0) } end # Checks if modal has disappeared # # @param timeout [Integer] seconds to wait def modal_disappear(timeout: 4) wait(timeout).until_disappears { find('.modal', wait: 0) } end # Executes action inside of modal. Makes sure modal has opened and closes # # @param timeout [Integer] seconds to wait # @param wait_for_disappear [Bool] wait for modal to close def in_modal(timeout: 4, disappears: true, &block) modal_ready(timeout: timeout) within('.modal', &block) modal_disappear(timeout: timeout) if disappears end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.include CommonActions, type: :system end